You Are My Gravity

Chapter 558

"Yes, yes, don't worry. We respect your opinion and Mrs. Qin's. If you don't want to, we will deal with it later."

After listening to Xu mu, director Zheng disdained it.

Think, Qin Zheng this family is too end shelf.

For their son, it's also a good publicity.

Unless there's something wrong.

After coming, director Zheng takes back all his previous ideas.

However, it's really hard to meet people. This family It's too deep. Qin Zheng is a rich second generation.

Generally, rich people don't want to show off their wealth. Director Zheng thinks that he can understand.

Qin Sai was relieved: "that's good, that's good..."


Zhou Ping's cheeks are crimson, and her lips are slightly red and swollen, with an attractive moist luster.

She glared at the man she had kicked to the ground.

Xu Mu lay on the ground and slowly got up. He was very aggrieved and said, "I called you. I said if you don't wake up, I'll kiss you. You acquiesced..."

Zhou Ping gritted her teeth, "Xu mu You, get out of here

Of course, Xu Mu won't go away. He just stole incense.

Just now he ran upstairs to call Zhou Ping and knocked on the door, but there was no sound.

So Xu Mu came in with great courage.

Then I saw Zhou Ping lying on the bed, sleeping.

He leaned on the edge of the bed for a while, took out his mobile phone and took a picture with Zhou Ping, who closed his eyes.

Then, he said to Zhou Ping: if you don't wake up, I'll kiss you!

His voice was so small that Zhou Ping didn't hear him.

Then Xu Mu went up.

So, there was the back. After Zhou Ping woke up, she kicked him down.

Xu Mu said with a smile: "the people of the program group are downstairs. Don't be angry. They won't look good on the camera for a while. Do you want to change clothes?"

Zhou Ping gritted her teeth, "you go out for me."

Xu Mu is still cheeky: "let me help you choose a dress."

Zhou Ping said angrily, "no need. Get out."

"Come on, I think I'm still very useful..."

And then

Xu Mu was kicked out of the room by Zhou Ping.

With a bang, the door closed, Xu Mu stood outside and sighed, then he sent a microblog with cheap hands -

I went upstairs to wake up Mrs. mu.

At first, I was kind-hearted and couldn't bear to disturb her, but she was too foul. How could she look so good when she was asleep?

So I said: if you don't wake up again, I'll kiss you.

Mrs. Mu's eyes were still closed. Obviously, she wanted me to kiss her.

So I kiss

And then

I was kicked out of bed!

Now He was thrown out of the room and shut out.

You say, can I blame it?


In the bedroom, Zhou Ping gritted her teeth angrily.

This Xu Mu is really more and more presumptuous, in her home to follow up their own home, but also dare to steal her.

Not clean up

Zhou Ping took a deep breath, changed a suit of clothes, combed her hair and quickly drew a light makeup.

As soon as I opened the door, I saw Xu Mu standing outside with his mobile phone. His two fingers were moving quickly on the keyboard of the mobile phone. I didn't know what he was editing.

Zhou Ping went up to him and he didn't find it.

She took a look at Xu Mu's mobile phone, and then A slap in the face.

Because the unfinished sentence on Xu Mu's mobile phone is like this: your sister-in-law mu can't extricate herself from loving me. I have no choice but to let me kiss you #


I'm going to attend the annual meeting of reading articles tomorrow, and I can't go home until the 30th of the end of the month. It's estimated that there will be less updates during this period, because I have to be abroad for a few days and try to be more and more everyday When you come back, you can resume normal update , the fastest update of the webnovel!