You Are My Gravity

Chapter 550

Zhou Ping's fingers gently touched the table and said, "although you are not closely related, but The palace of wealth and silk is excellent, with a straight nose, a prosperous fortune and a prosperous career Heyday... "

Xiang Qiuchi's hand holding the water cup tightened again, and his eyelashes trembled.

Because Zhou Ping is right again.

Now, a business is a sky high price.

In the field of killers, he said the second, no one dares to be the first.

So His career is also at a time when It's flourishing.

Xiang Qiuchi suddenly feels that Zhou Ping really sees him through, so when he meets him in the hospital, he will have that feeling. No matter how well he disguises, all the disguises and masks are useless in front of Zhou Ping. She can still see through them at a glance.

However, Zhou Ping immediately added: "it's just that as far as you are concerned, even if you have a good fortune and a prosperous career, I don't know whether it's good or bad. Do you think it's good?"

Because Zhou Ping naturally also saw that Xiang Qiuchi's fortune was covered with evil spirit, which was the wealth of killing!

Xiang Qiuchi is surprised. Zhou Ping's words, to his ears, feel that the other party already knows everything.

Xiang Qiuchi is never nervous in front of people, but at this moment, he is a little flustered.

But he calmed down very quickly, took a sip from his glass, and then looked up. His face was calm. He looked at Zhou Ping and said, "of course Well, does anyone like their poor fortune? Although I don't attach much importance to money, in a materialistic society, it's always good to have some money on my side. "

Zhou Ping nodded with a smile: "yes, it's good, it's good..."

It's just that the money is all for human life.

Zhou Ping knows that this scene is really inappropriate now, and she will expose it to Qiuchi thoroughly.

After all, this young man is really a dangerous and sharp dagger.

Zhou Ping probably knows his career, so she knows better. If she exposes him all of a sudden and lets him have no scruples, it will inevitably hurt who.

Today here, she is the elder, the rest are the younger, in her opinion, are children.

She still has a responsibility to protect them.

After Xiang Qiuchi calmed down, he felt that fortune telling was not so believable.

But now, he is really curious about what Zhou Ping will say next.

He wants to know whether Zhou Ping dares to say what he does.

So he asked Qiuchi with a smile: "Auntie, I don't know Any more? "

However, Gu Jingyuan has been acutely aware that at the moment, Xiang Qiuchi's smile has changed some flavor.

No longer as before, gentle and modest, has begun to some publicity, thick more presumptuous!

Zhou Ping didn't seem to feel the change of Tao Xiang Qiuchi. She said, "naturally But it's hard to avoid that. "

Shaking his head to Qiuchi: "it doesn't matter. I'm not a careful person. Just say what Auntie has."

Zhou Ping shook his head. He was young after all.

"You have good facial features and clear eyes. If you were not in trouble when you were young, you would have a bright future and a bright life, but..."

To autumn pool smile Ask: "just what?"

Qin se gently pulled Gu Jingyuan's hand under the table.

She had already faintly felt that the situation on the dining table seemed to be tumbling and unstable. 、 , the fastest update of the webnovel!