You Are My Gravity

Chapter 537

It seems that with the rooster's crow, a lot of coldness has been dispelled.

Qin se even felt that the temperature seemed to echo a little.

This kind of feeling, not only Qin se has, Huo family can feel clearly.

The chilling chill on my body seemed to disperse a lot, and even the heavy feeling on my body lightened a lot.

Such a magical thing made them firmly believe that Zhou Ping was a real master.

However, because Zhou Ping had told her before, she didn't say stop. No one in the family was allowed to stop or speak.

So no one dared to stop.

Zhou Ping put down the peach sword and said, "stop."

"Master, you are very powerful. I just felt like It's like being alive. "

Zhou Ping gave him a light glance.

"It's not over yet. Shut up."

Director Huo was so scared that he held his mouth tightly.

Zhou Ping said, "put the tablet on the table."

The Huo family, father and son, immediately followed suit and put the tablet on the incense table.

Zhou Ping picked up a sharp dagger and said, "stretch out your hand, left hand."

Director Huo was startled. What is this to do?

Zhou Ping raised her eyelids and gave him a cool look. Director Huo quickly extended his left hand.

Zhou Ping cut a hole in his middle finger.

After the director's painful convulsions.

Zhou Ping said: "blood drops on the tablet."

Director Huo didn't dare to say more. He quickly followed what Zhou Ping said and put the blood on the tablet.

The same is true of other people. Zhou Ping's cut on their fingers is really not shallow.

After everyone had finished, Zhou Ping said, "kneel down!"

Director Huo quickly knelt down with his family.

Zhou Ping said, "kowtow three heads and send your ancestors away. Please let them go all the way."

Director Huo quickly kowtowed and said: "please father, grandfather, great grandfather Good journey

He thought in his heart, please go quickly, and don't come back.

Zhou Ping: "Shangxiang."

Director Huo took the whole family with him and put three sticks of incense on the tablet of their ancestors.

After that, they thought it was over.

But not yet.

Zhou Ping grabs the rooster and cuts the rooster's throat with a dagger.

Scared the Huo family to shiver one after another.

The chicken blood is left on the incense table. Zhou Ping puts the chicken down, picks up a brush, and after the chicken blood is stained with it, she draws an exorcism painting on each of their faces.

The Huo men are OK, but the women can't stand it.

Hu Ying, in particular, is disgusted and refuses to push Zhou Ping away.

The smell of chicken blood went straight to her nose, which made her particularly uncomfortable.

After drawing, Zhou Ping said faintly, "no washing or rubbing within 7 days."

Well, she did it on purpose. It doesn't take seven days. In fact Three days is enough.

Hu Ying a face shocked: "what 7 days?"

can't make facial mask for seven days. He can't skin care, even his face can't be washed. This is terrible for Hu Ying.

Huo Tianen asked, "what if you are not careful?"

He's not afraid of not washing his face for seven days, but he's afraid what if he accidentally rubs off some of them?

Zhou Ping put down her brush and said: "no if, you are extremely weak. Without the protection of this talisman, you are just like a new baby fighting with a boxing master in front of any evil. You can experience the end of the fight by yourself. Of course, if you are curious, you can try it at will." , the fastest update of the webnovel!