You Are My Gravity

Chapter 519

Gu Jingyuan, Qin Se and Xu Mu almost nodded at the same time with serious expression.

Mom's right.

My wife is right!

Qin se thought of one thing and couldn't help asking: "Mom, we've made 10 million this time. Is it a windfall?"

Zhou Ping nodded: "so When you get the money, donate nine million. "

Qin se immediately covered his heart, "Oh Mom, I can't. My heart aches My flesh hurts... "

Zhou Ping couldn't help rolling her eyes at her daughter and pinching her face: "let me pretend to you. What's the pain in your flesh? Even if you leave a million yuan, it's too much more than before. You still have a pain in your flesh..."

Qin se rubbed his face and said, "people don't think that if they turn 10 million yuan all at once, they will donate nine tenths of the money before they reach the hand, and it's not hot enough. Is it painful to lose it a little bit?"

Zhou Ping said to Qin se, "take as much as you should. Don't be greedy for money you shouldn't be greedy for."

After listening to Zhou Ping's words, Gu Jingyuan felt that his mother-in-law was really a great woman. She was sensible and principled, and she was very popular.

No wonder, a person can teach a pair of children so well, although It's kind of silly.

However, at least two children are not crooked.

Gu Jingyuan whispered in Qin SE's ear: "don't worry. I'll give you all my money back."

Qin se finally showed a smile on his face and asked in a low voice: "that Is this windfall? "

"Of course not. It's our husband and wife's property, mine It's yours. "

Qin se thought that was reasonable.

Although their conversation was very quiet, Zhou Ping heard it.

She didn't stop the two children being bored.

Qin Se and Gu Jingyuan after a while, think of a thing to ask: "Mom, since we can only take 1 million, why give him so much?"

Zhou Ping thought of director Huo's face and said with disdain: "that kind of person, if you don't let his flesh ache, he doesn't know how serious the problem is, let alone Will he donate 20 million yuan at a time? "

Qin se nodded as if pounding medicine: "what mother said is reasonable, what mother said is right..."

Anyway, now, she feels that what her mother said is the truth.

Zhou Ping sighed and said, "I hope that after killing him this time, he can act more slowly in the future."

Gu Jingyuan didn't speak. He didn't want to hit his mother-in-law.

That kind of person, I'm afraid it won't converge much.

Perhaps, he will feel that he has lost 20 million, so he has to find a way to make money quickly.

However, Gu Jingyuan felt that he could help his mother-in-law clean up when he had a chance.

When the four returned home, Zhou Ping drove Xu Mu away.

In her words, you don't have your own family. What is it that you always eat and drink?

Xu Mu is wronged and sad.

But, dare not say.

Before leaving, he said to Zhou Ping and Qin se, "in a few days, people from the program group may come to your home to do a simple interview. Later, they will cut the program on the air. You, you Do you want to cooperate? "

As soon as Zhou Ping and Qin se listen, they look at each other. Suddenly, they are a little nervous.

Mom, the interview, it's going to play!


After thinking for a while, Qin se said, "it's OK to interview. When it's playing, remember to play mosaic. Mom, what do you think?"

Zhou Ping: Yes

Xu Mu wondered: "why, you two are so beautiful, don't be afraid."

Qin se shook his head and said, "we are not afraid of meeting people. We are afraid of others knowing that we are Qin Zheng's family Shame , the fastest update of the webnovel!