You Are My Gravity

Chapter 512

This is what Zhen Baoer called him an hour ago.

Although Zhen Jinbao hated his sister very much, he felt that this was right!

If you don't get his mother home, staying here will really only delay him.

The more she thinks about it, the less she is willing to go on like before.

He really can't stand the way people look at him as idiots.

People are like this. They have been blinded for a long time. When someone takes off the cloth on their eyes, there will only be two situations.

Or He felt that the light came too suddenly and hurt his eyes. He couldn't stand it and didn't want to accept it. So he closed his eyes and went back to the darkness to deceive himself.

or After experiencing the stinging of eyes, they are no longer willing to go back to the dark and muddle through the day.

Obviously, Zhen Jinbao can be saved, at least he belongs to the latter.


At the moment, Xu Mu has taken Zhou Ping, Qin Se and Gu Jingyuan, who had to follow him, went to his friend's house.

Xu Mu's friend is very famous. He is the famous Chinese American director Huo Heng in the world.

He has won numerous awards, though it can not be said that he can circle the earth once.

And, basically, it's all heavyweight awards.

From his hands out of the film, whether domestic or international blockbuster, whether it is word of mouth or box office are very powerful.

This director is not only in the domestic influence, no one can compare, in the international arena that is also very important.

Qin se was shocked to see him roar, because such a director, she felt that she had been living in the film and television news, living in all kinds of reports, did not expect to see this day with her own eyes.

Qin se always thought that the director Huo was from abroad. Unexpectedly, he lived in China.

Xu Mu has a good relationship with Huo Heng. When he went abroad for development, it was he who made the film directed by Huo Heng, so this road was smoother than others.

Later, he gradually became a famous actor in the world.

Huo Heng is nearly 60 years old. He is not tall and thin. His face is very serious. When he heard Xu Mu introduce Zhou Ping to him, he first looked Zhou Ping up and down with his scanning eyes.

Later, a face of critical and disdain, in front of Zhou Ping's face, then said: "this is the master you find for me? Don't come here again. You're being tricked. "

In a word, Qin SE's good impression of Huo Heng was half lost.

No matter how powerful a director is, she will never watch his films again.

Qin se is not polite to sneer, in front of her mother, playing cards with wool!

When Xu Mu heard Huo Heng's words, he felt a thump in his heart. How dare he question our sister Zhou's business ability?

As he was about to explain, Huo Heng said to Qin se, "what's your attitude?"

Qin se raised his chin and said, "I'll take whatever attitude you have If you don't live long enough, you'll play some big cards. Let's go and let him die. "

Qin se didn't guess. She was influenced by her family when she was a child. Although she didn't learn it, she couldn't read it.

But Obviously, when Huo Heng came near, she felt very uncomfortable.

It's like Close to the body, that kind of feeling almost!

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