You Are My Gravity

Chapter 499

In the end, Qin SE's legs were shaking when he came out, but Gu Jingyuan was in a good mood.

Think of Qin se just now, feel the face is emitting heat.

She has always thought that Gu Jingyuan is a very vicious sex wolf. Every time she seems to be hungry, she doesn't know how long.


Every time she thought Gu Jingyuan was extremely cruel, he would beat her in the face with his actions and tell her: your husband can be more fierce and last longer

Qin se now feels a headache, men's physical strength is too good, it's really not a good thing!

She now feels like walking on cotton.

Qin se flattered and called: "Mom..."

Zhou Ping severely gouged out two people one eye: "still know to come out?"

Gu Jingyuan is apologetic. He is wearing clean and tidy clothes, and his shirt button is on the top. When you look at him like this, you will only feel that this man is so abstinent. He looks good. He wants to knock him down. He wants to get rid of all the serious books on his face

But in fact, Qin se despised Gu Jingyuan in his heart. Bang, hungry wolf in the color, hum

Gu Jingyuan said to Zhou Ping, "sorry, mom, this Don't blame Shanshan, blame me! "

Qin se rolled her eyes aside. It must be your fault. She didn't want to go down to dinner in the morning and ate her from head to toe.

That's not even last night!

Qin se rubs his aching waist. My mother, it's so sour. I can't do it. After breakfast, I must let Gu Jingyuan rub it for her.

When Qin se thought so, Gu Jingyuan said again.

"I didn't stop Shanshan. With her noisy, she got up late. Later I'm sure not. "

Qin se was stunned. He turned his head and glared at Gu Jingyuan. Hey What's her fuss? What is not holding her back?

Who didn't stop who?

Qin se pointed to him: "Gu Jingyuan, you just said it again."

Gu Jingyuan looked down at her, a face doting: "I forget, can't tell the truth with mother-in-law, next time certainly not."

Then he said to Zhou Ping again, "Mom, it's me If you don't pull Shanshan into mischief, don't blame her... "

Qin se wanted to take a bite at that time. Gu Jingyuan, do you want to point your face? If you explain it like this, it sounds like you want to cover it up?

Qin se pointed to him: "you..."

Zhou Ping felt that she was a mother-in-law. When her daughter and son-in-law told her that this was not good, she frowned and said, "OK, Shanshan, don't do it next time. Xiaogu's injuries are not all right You You'd better control yourself... "

Qinse: "Mom..."

Zhou Ping waved: "OK, OK, go to dinner. It's all ordered. Do you want to have lunch?"

Qin se gritted his teeth and glared at Gu Jingyuan.

She whispered, "you You wait for me, where you like to sleep tonight, no You're not going to come into my room for a week. "

Gu Jingyuan was not in a hurry. He always had a smile on his face.

"Good, it's not good to get angry when you're angry Don't worry, I know you covet your husband's masculinity, I won't despise you, you don't have to feel shy, after all We are all old husbands and wives. I'm your private property. You don't have to be shy! "

Qin se gritted his teeth: "go away!"

Gu Jingyuan leaned on Qin Sai: "good lady, I Roll over here... "

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