You Are My Gravity

Chapter 494

In the past, Zhen Jinbao really didn't know what shame was. No one taught him.

Now After a fat beating, Zhen Jinbao's brain seems to be suddenly enlightened.

I suddenly understood a lot of problems that I had never thought about before.

In the past, Zhen bao'er didn't look so good, and there was no reason.

Of course, Zhen Jinbao still hates her very much.

Very annoying

Zhen Jinbao closed his eyes: "I want to sleep, don't disturb me..."

He really doesn't want to see his mother at a glance, really, no!


Knowing that Zhen Jinbao had finished the fight, Zhen Baoer felt a little uneasy all the time. She and Gu Zhixin lay in the same bed, hugged him and asked, "you say Is it too much... "

Gu Zhixin: "but!"

"Ah? Isn't that too much? "

Gu Zhixin replied: "but..."

Zhen bao'er bowed his head and asked him, "why?"

Gu Zhixin said seriously: "if you make your wife angry, you should fight."

Zhen bao'er raised Gu Zhixin's chin, "what about you? You also make me angry... "

Gu Zhixin said: "I kiss My wife is not angry... "

Zhen bao'er feels a little dry in her throat because It's so beautiful.

When he tooted his lips, the innocence and evil on his face seemed to melt into one at a time, and the hook's heart was itching. He seemed to become a little bug, drilling into his heart, drilling and drilling, so that she could not help but want to pour out his beauty.

Zhen bao'er bowed his head and bit Gu Zhixin's mouth. He said bitterly, "you think your kiss is so valuable. If you kiss me, I won't be angry. You think it's beautiful. If you're not well now, I won't care with you. You'll see how I'll deal with you if you do this again..."

Gu Zhixin asked naively: "how Clean up? "

Zhen bao'er's face was covered with a fake smile: "Oh Ha ha... "

She put out a finger to poke Gu Zhixin's forehead: "I just don't let you into the room, you can cry by yourself."

Gu Zhixin hugged Zhen bao'er and said, "don't you want to I want to sleep with my wife and have a baby with my wife... "

Zhen bao'er grinned and deliberately said, "you are still a child. How can you be a father? Wait till you are well."

Gu Zhixin holds Zhen bao'er and rubs her on her chest: "well Then I Work hard, get better soon... "

Zhen bao'er was tickled by him and pressed his face: "well, try your best Well, it's very late. Go to sleep. Don't make any noise... "

Gu Zhixin raised his head: "I sleep when my wife kisses me..."

Zhen bao'er pinched his mouth and bowed his head to kiss him on the lip: "OK, sleep."

Gu Zhixin closed his eyes in Zhen Baoer's arms.


A few minutes later, Zhen bao'er closed his eyes and said coldly, "you, paw, where do you feel?"

Gu Zhixin's hand has already got into her clothes.

Gu Zhixin said with a smile: "my wife is soft and fragrant. I want to touch her..."

"Don't even think about it. Sleep, or you'll sleep by yourself."

Gu Zhixin shook his head quickly: "don't you want to..."

After a while, Gu Zhixin finally fell asleep. Zhen bao'er yawned and soon fell asleep.

Near three o'clock in the morning, there was a faint sound outside the window.

Gu Zhixin on the bed suddenly woke up, rubbed his eyes and sat up. , the fastest update of the webnovel!