You Are My Gravity

Chapter 491

Zhen Jinbao has many bruises on his body, which is very painful. His eyes are staring at the notes in his hand.

Crying: "please Please let me go. All I have is the money. If you take the money away, tomorrow I can't even eat steamed bread Please... "

At this moment, Zhen Jinbao suddenly remembered what Zhen Baoer said!

She said that she just stepped on his face today. If she were someone else in the future, it would not be like this. They would kill him and cut off his hands And Take his money.

Before, he never knew that the outside world was so terrible!

No matter how Zhen Jinbao begged for mercy, it was useless. The kick of an adult man was much heavier than that of Zhen Baoer. Because he lied and didn't take out the money in time, Zhen Jinbao was beaten a lot.

Big bareheaded forced on Zhen Jinbao's stomach, he only felt that his stomach seemed to be crushed.

He heard big bald head say: "if you are hungry or not, can you eat steamed bread? It's none of our business. If you run out in the middle of the night, isn't it a stupid fork to be robbed?"

"As a result, he is still a poor man, with only dozens of yuan?"

"Boy, you should still be in high school at your age. We took the money. You should be teaching tuition. Brothers, this is to teach you a lesson, so that you can know that the world is dangerous. Such trash as you, who can't do anything, is the pig slaughtered in other people's eyes. If your parents don't teach you, we'll teach you..."

"I think the boy is very poor. Let's leave two yuan for him."

Then, two steel bars fell to the ground and rolled several times before they stopped.

When Zhen Jinbao heard this, he could not help shivering. His parents had never said this to him. never.

The hooligans left and their voices came.

"Don't you think this boy is a fool? His parents haven't taught him. Don't run out to the Internet in the middle of the night?"

"You see, I'm sure I'll be spoiled at home. Maybe I've been spoiled for a long time and I don't know anything."

Zhen Jinbao was lying on the hot ground, holding his head and curling up his fat body.

He was very angry at the moment. If his mother didn't encourage him to go to the Internet cafe, he would not meet these people, would not be beaten, and would not be robbed of the remaining money.

It's all his mother's fault, it's all her fault

Zhen Jinbao had just been taught a lesson by them. He was in pain in many places. He had a rest for a while before he got up.

Dragging painful legs, limping fast to the community.

As soon as I arrived at the gate of the community, I saw one thing. A mother took her son's ear and taught her: "let you go out and play games on the Internet, so that you don't learn well, so that you don't study hard. If you continue to play games, you will be useless. Do you know?"

The child seemed to be only 14 or 15 years old. He covered his ears and walked along, saying: "my classmates' parents don't care what they want. They don't care what they want "Smelly boy, I really want to kill you. No matter what it's done to him, you can see what will happen to him in a few years. It's a waste. Good people are maimed. You think it's a pet. It's done to him at all."

Zhen Jinbao shivered a little. He felt as if his whole body was freezing

He covers his ears, he doesn't want to hear, these words, don't want to hear , the fastest update of the webnovel!