You Are My Gravity

Chapter 481

If it wasn't for the rush to find someone now, Zhen bao'er would have hit it.

When she left, she told the nurse many times to take good care of him, Gu Zhixin, take good care of him

As a result, the nurse didn't care at all.

Gu Zhixin's legs and feet are not convenient, and his brain is not working well now. The most terrible thing is, what should we do if someone wants to harm him?

The more Zhen bao'er thought about it, the more scared she was. There was no blood on her face.

The nurse whispered, "this I'm not to blame I was just watching it. Who Who knows he can still run in a wheelchair... "

On hearing this, Zhen bao'er suddenly turned his head and pointed to the nurse and said, "you'd better pray for me that he will be found soon. Otherwise, if I don't deal with you, his brother Gu Jingyuan will kill you too..."

The nurse gave a shiver.

She just called her boyfriend, not to mention She is not a nanny. How can I blame her for such a thing?

But, she this time where dares to speak disorderly, Gu Jingyuan is, she knows.

She had some regrets in her heart. She knew she shouldn't have called just now.

"Yes, I'm sorry Sorry I don't know. He Still in a wheelchair, should It won't go too far. Let's hurry to find out... "

Zhen bao'er grits her teeth. She will go back to the nurse to settle the accounts.

Zhen bao'er and the nurse quickly look around, but there is no gu Zhixin's shadow.

This time Zhen bao'er was afraid, and she was in a cold sweat. The sun was shining, and her hands and feet were cold enough to freeze.

At this time, fortunately, she had a little brain, so she called Qin Se and told her about the current situation.

She deeply remembered a word Qin se said, something to find Gu Jingyuan.

When Qin se heard that Gu Zhixin couldn't find him, he was startled.

"Don't panic. Jing Yuan has arranged a lot of people in the hospital. No matter he ran or someone wanted to catch him, he would not leave the hospital. Now he is on the phone. Let people look after the doors of the hospital, and don't go in and out for the time being. The security of the hospital should have started up to help you find people. Don't worry, I'll go out We're going to go right now... "

Hang up the phone, Zhen bao'er's mood is still not relaxed, but more uneasy.

When Gu Zhixin was lying in the emergency room, she was in the same mood as now when she stood outside.

At the thought, if Gu Zhixin can't be found, and if he can't be seen in the future, Zhen bao'er is scared out of her mind.

She seems to be tireless, running in the hospital, has been calling Gu Zhixin's name.

There are so many people coming and going in the hospital, but every figure is not Gu Zhixin.

Zhen bao'er is more and more afraid.

She thought of the insects hidden in the puppet. She was afraid of those who were critical to Gu Zhixin and started again.

Those people are so terrible. If Gu Zhixin is caught by them, then She did not dare to think,

she put her hands to her mouth and cried out: "Gu Zhixin Gu Zhixin If you don't come out again, I'll be angry... "

Everyone who heard it stopped and turned to look at Zhen bao'er.

With tears on her face and uneasiness and expectation in her eyes, she hopes Gu Zhixin can hear her voice in the next second.

But, no!

"Gu Zhixin Do you hear me? If you don't come out again, I will ignore you later... "

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