You Are My Gravity

Chapter 479

Zhen bao'er will never say a word of encouragement to Zhen Jinbao now. It is undoubtedly very difficult for a person who has been lying for a long time to stand up and walk.

At this time, you must let him know the pain, let him fear the pain.

He can really learn to walk.

Zhen Jinbao trembled angrily: "you Zhen bao'er, you wait. One day I will return all these words you said to you. One day I will step on you and let you taste what it's like to be trampled on. "

Hearing this, Zhen bao'er felt very happy.

Zhen Jinbao can say such words, which shows that he has really grown up in recent days.

In the past, Zhen Jinbao was just like a mentally handicapped person. Now, at least, he is not so severe.

Zhen bao'er sneered: "Oh, the tone is not small, OK, don't say I don't give you a chance to revenge, you can prove to me that you are a human or a pig."

Then she hung up.

Zhen Jinbao's gnashing of teeth.

Zhen Jinbao said bitterly, "wait for me Wait for me Sooner or later, I will take revenge. I will take revenge... "

Tian Jinzhi stood up and came unsteadily: "Jinbao Now that we have the money, let's go and buy some food. "

Zhen Jinbao looked at the hand, 280 yuan, five thin notes, light almost no weight.

This is what he got in exchange for a day's sweat and self-esteem. This money is different from the money he used to get.

This money It was the first time in his life that he got money by his own hands.

Two people with the last breath, out of the community.

Tian Jinzhi knew that he would be able to eat soon, and his dim eyes lit up: "Jinbao, mom knows that she has been wronged in the past two days, so hurry to buy something you want to eat. There is a roast chicken seller at the door, you can buy one Also, there are those who sell stewed meat. If you like, you can buy two Jin. Don't hurt yourself... "

This if put before, Zhen Jinbao affirmation all need not Tian Jinzhi to say, hurriedly bought.

But now, he quickly walked to the store where the roast chicken was sold and asked the boss to take one. When he paid, he asked how much it was. The boss said 79.

Zhen Jinbao, who had already handed the money, suddenly hesitated.

A roast chicken 79, he had only 280 yuan in his hand, and he spent nearly one third of the money at once.

In the next few days, if there is no money, will he still be hungry?

It's hard to be hungry.

Zhen Jinbao doesn't want to try it again.

Bought a steamed bread is outside, regardless of the image, big mouthful eating Tian Jinzhi a look up to see his son empty handed out.

"Jinbao, what's the matter? Why didn't you buy roast chicken?"

Zhen Jinbao squeezed the money in his hand: "no more..."

He realized one thing. It's good to have enough to eat. What kind of meat do you want.

Tian Jinzhi was more anxious than her son: "how can we not buy it? Aren't we rich now? Well behaved, you go quickly. Mom knows that you want to eat meat. Go and buy it. Go back and eat more. You are growing up now. How can you stop eating meat and walk? Let's go and buy one... "

Suddenly, Zhen Jinbao was very impatient. He threw away Tian Jinzhi's hand: "what do you want to buy? How much is it in total? If you buy meat today, will you not eat the day after tomorrow? Will you stop yelling? "

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