You Are My Gravity

Chapter 477

Qin SE's back was stiff. He turned his head and saw Gu Jingyuan come in in a wheelchair.

They came together, but just now Gu Jingyuan and Gu Zhixin's doctor learned about Gu Zhixin's current situation, so she didn't come. She came first.

With a smile, Qin se quickly stood up and pushed Gu Jingyuan into the room: "what's wrong? You understand the wrong point. I hope to have a son. I hope we can have a son earlier. It's not that you are not as cute as your brother."

Zhen bao'er rolled his eyes. You might as well not say that.

Gu Jingyuan looked at her for a long time and nodded: "it seems that I have been wronged by the traffic accident these days. You can rest assured that when I get well, I will make it up to you in the evening..."

Qin se was stunned for a moment, then his old face turned red, and he quickly pushed Gu Jingyuan's shoulder: "what are you talking about? You don't want to see that your younger brother is still there. How bad you are, it affects the children..."

Gu Jingyuan took a look at Gu Zhixin: "he is not a child."

The next second I heard Gu Zhixin look up with a face full of innocence, "wife, I also compensate you..."

Zhen bao'er: "cough Cough... "

Choking on her own saliva, she covered her neck and coughed.

Qin se was embarrassed to blush, but when she heard Gu Zhixin say that, she immediately laughed.

She pointed to Gu Zhixin and said, "Xiaoxin, you are really the source of my happiness now..."

Qin se himself in that silly music, did not notice the side, Gu Jingyuan's eyes have changed.

Happiness, source?

Well, it seems that he really wronged her by letting her keep the empty bed alone.

Zhen bao'er stopped coughing and glared at Gu Zhixin: "don't talk nonsense, you are still a child, can you be the same as your brother?"

Gu Zhixin's aggrieved shriveled mouth: "wife, don't be angry I will make it up to you... "

Zhen bao'er really wants to cover Gu Zhixin's mouth and not let him talk.

After making trouble, Qin se asked Gu Jingyuan, "what did you say to the doctor just now?"

Gu Jingyuan said: "the doctor said that it's very good to see the recovery of the injury now. If it goes on like this, we will be able to leave the hospital next month, but we should take good care of it after we go home. We have to come to the hospital once a week to have a review."

Qin se nodded: "this is very good. We can take care of it better when we go home."

Zhen bao'er was most happy to hear the news: "wow Finally, I see hope Zhixin, we're going home soon. When we get home, you can eat the food made by grandma every day. "

Qin se said with a smile: "Hey, don't call grandma when you go home, otherwise, your grandma will really pat you with a pan."

Gu Zhixin nodded quickly: "mm-hmm, I won't make my mother-in-law angry..."

"Poof Ha ha ha... " Qin se couldn't help laughing.

Wiping away the tears from his smile, Qin se asked, "by the way, you How are mom and brother? Do you want us to help you? "

Zhen bao'er shook his head: "not for the time being. I've found a job for them and handed out leaflets. If my brother's character is still hard to change, I'll try to send my mother back first. With her, it's hard for my brother to change."

"It's not me. Your mother is..." Qin se shook his head: "fortunately she doesn't hurt you very much, otherwise, you are the same as your brother."

"Thank my mother for not being a pet." To say this, Zhen bao'er is both sad and happy.

Gu Zhixin took Zhen Baoer by the hand and said, "wife, I love you." , the fastest update of the webnovel!