You Are My Gravity

Chapter 475

It's clean, fresh and refreshing. It's very comfortable to see it in summer

If you don't look carefully, you will feel that he is not particularly outstanding, but as long as you look carefully, you can't help but sigh, wow good-looking!

Especially that pair of eyes, very bright God.

Very gentle, no offensive, like the mountains in the morning, you look at the misty scenery, feel relaxed and happy, but hazy.

Zhen bao'er took over the express box and said, "thank you."

Zhen bao'er leans to go, but the man suddenly stops her: "excuse me, you Is that Beauty blogger... "

Zhen bao'er pauses: "do you know me, sir?"

The other side showed a slightly shy smile and nodded: "I There are concerns... "

Zhen bao'er smiles: "thank you."

She waved and left.

Although, this man is pretty, but No matter how good it looks, it's not as important as her little fool.

Zhen bao'er quickly steps upstairs with the express. The man stands in the corridor and looks at her back. When she disappears, he turns and leaves.


As soon as she entered the door, Zhen bao'er found that Gu Zhixin still kept the same posture as she left. Her eyes were always looking at the door. When she saw her, her eyes were bright.

When Zhen bao'er saw him like that, he felt very soft and cute, and his heart was about to melt.

She quickly walked to the bedside and held Gu Zhixin in her arms.

Gu Zhixin hugged her waist: "wife, you have been gone for a long time..."

"How long has it been? I came back as soon as I got the express."

Gu Zhixin is sitting while Zhen Baoer is standing. His face is just close to her chest: "it's been a long time anyway..."

Zhen bao'er's face is red. Gu Zhixin's action, if he is well, she must have a slap on his head.

But now, forget it, bear it.

Zhen bao'er couldn't help reaching out and gently pushing his head. He didn't dare to use too much force. After all, his head was injured.

"Well, don't rub around..."

However, Gu Zhixin refused to leave. Instead, he said, "rub again..."

Zhen bao'er's face burned even more severely. She stretched out her hand and gently twisted Gu Zhixin's face: "don't rub it Do it quickly. Later, your sister-in-law said that she would come to give you a meal... "

Qin se called early in the morning and came over at noon today.

She and Gu Jingyuan come back almost every other day, and Zhou Ping sometimes follows.

I'm afraid that something that I was afraid of last time will reappear.

However, perhaps it is Gu Jingyuan's good protection for Gu Zhixin now. That kind of thing never appears again, and strange things never appear.

But Gu Zhixin refused to give up, and he put his arms around Zhen bao'er's waist and said, "my wife is fragrant To hug, to rub... "

Zhen bao'er is afraid that someone will come in at this time. She quickly covers Zhen Gu Zhixin's mouth and looks fierce.

"Gu Zhixin, tell me the truth, are you ok?"

Gu Zhixin, who had his mouth covered, looked up at her and blinked.

Zhen bao'er let go of his mouth: "you say!"

Gu Zhixin nodded: "mm-hmm, ok..."

Zhen bao'er was overjoyed: "really?"

Gu Zhixin pouted: "wife I'm ok. Kiss me now... " , the fastest update of the webnovel!