You Are My Gravity

Chapter 472

Zhen Jinbao is still young now. If he can feel humiliated, angry and rebellious, it will at least show that he is somewhat saved.

What I fear most is the kind of people who are used to eating and laziness and numb to resistance.

Zhen Jinbao wanted to struggle, but he couldn't because he didn't have any strength.

I'm so hungry. I'm so hungry that I want to bite everything I see.

Being looked down upon by her own sister and trampled on by her feet, Zhen Jinbao felt an unspeakable anger in her heart. She felt that if she had strength, she would be killed.

Seeing that his son was trampled on his face by his daughter, Tian Jinzhi cried out: "what are you doing? Let him go, Zhen bao'er, get out of my way. You don't care about us, but don't abuse your brother..."

She stands up and wants to rush over, and is stopped by two people who follow Zhen bao'er.

Zhen bao'er ran over Zhen Jinbao's face and said, "Zhen Jinbao, I tell you that it's just the beginning now. If you don't stand up, you will be trampled on all your life. Today, I just stepped on your face. In the future, if you change into someone else, you will be killed and your hand will be cut off Do you think your parents will protect you for the rest of your life? You don't want to see it. You can't even eat when you leave your hometown. How many days can you live when your mother dies in the future? "

When Zhen bao'er finished, he let go of Zhen Jinbao: "for the sake of my words, are you willing to use your own labor to get paid, or are you willing to just lie down and starve to death? You choose."

Zhen bao'er turns around and leaves. Tian Jinzhi rushes over to save his son and wails: "my poor Jinbao, what have I done to raise such a debt collecting daughter..."

"Jin Bao, are you ok? How are you, Jin Bao..."

Zhen Jinbao pushes Tian Jinzhi away.

"Don't cry Are you bored? "

Tian Jinzhi choked: "Jinbao It's no use for mom... "

What can we do now? I have to send out leaflets.

Do you want to starve to death?

They looked at the two big boxes and the poisonous sun outside. They only felt that the sky was coming down.

Tian Jinzhi wiped his tears and said, "you have a good rest at home. Mom will send out leaflets..."

Going to the street to hand out leaflets, Zhen Jinbao feels so humiliated.

However, one person's hair is only 200 yuan, but two people's hair can be 400 yuan.

Zhen Jinbao thinks about chicken legs and pig's feet, grits his teeth, and he will go regardless.

He was scolded by Zhen bao'er, there is a mouthful of anger in his heart, he can't just starve to death, he also wants to find Zhen bao'er revenge.

So he went out with Tian Jinzhi.

They went out with a thick stack of leaflets in their arms. As soon as they went out, they were exposed to high temperature, which made them feel dark and almost fainted.

Zhen bao'er sitting in the car outside the community, saw her mother and brother holding leaflets, walking three times, shaking out of the community.

Zhen bao'er felt a little relaxed, and finally came out.

Zhen Jinbao is willing to go out with a flyer, which is a little progress.

Next, put some heavy medicine on him to let him know that life is not easy, and if he doesn't work hard, he can only wait to die.

Tian Jinzhi, however, delayed and said to Zhen Jinbao, "Jinbao, it's too hot outside. You can't carry it. Go back first..."

Zhen Jinbao said bitterly, "if I don't come back, I'll take revenge on her sooner or later." , the fastest update of the webnovel!