You Are My Gravity

Chapter 461

Zhen bao'er looks at Gu Zhixin. Mingming is still wronged and panicked, but when she sees that she is injured, she cares about her for the first time.

Suddenly, it seems that everything is worth it.

My family is in trouble, but She won't face them forever.

At last, there is a man who only loves her.

Zhen bao'er lowered his head: "OK Then you blow for me... "

Gu Zhixin was very serious about blowing to Zhen bao'er,

although he knew it didn't work, Zhen bao'er was still very serious about cooperating.

It's probably the psychological effect. Gu Zhixin blows for a while, but Zhen Baoer feels that it doesn't hurt so much!

Song Yizhi feels that the air is full of sour smell for a moment. He can't stay any longer. Hum As a single dog with taste and pursuit, he will never envy them.

Song Yizhi stood up: "I'll go out first and find a nurse to deal with the wound for you."

As a result, Gu Zhixin and Zhen Baoer are affectionate there, and no one cares about him at all.

What's important is that Zhen bao'er pecked Gu Zhixin's mouth gently in front of him and said: "good, it doesn't hurt anymore..."

Song Yizhi protects his heart, I wipe Hit hard.

After a while, the nurse came and gave Zhen bao'er ice bags and ointment.

After treating the wound, Zhen bao'er calls Qin se.

As soon as I opened my mouth, I said to her directly, "I won't say anything about the relationship between us. My mother and my brother are here. Now they live in the house I rented. You tell Aunt Ping that if my mother calls her to meet her or wants to live with you, don't promise her, let alone give her a dime..."

"Ah?" Qin se was stunned.

Zhen bao'er had no choice but to sneer and said, "my mother is jealous. You are so rich now, do you know?"

"Ah?" Qin se was surprised again.

"And my brother, I'm going to clean him up. I can't let him go on like this. In a word, you don't want to help them. That's the best way to help me."

On hearing this, Qin se said: "well, well, I'll give you my full support, and If there's anything I can do for you, just say that your brother should have been well disciplined. "

She knows about Zhen bao'er's family, but it's not her own business, and it's hard to comment on it.

However, Qin se has always felt unfair for Zhen bao'er.

If you want her to say that, it's long time ago to do so. Zhen Jinbao writes three words all over her body - not clean up.

Just a few more meals.

Hang up the phone, Qin se sighed: "there is no contrast, there is no harm."

She turned to Zhou Ping and said, "Mom, I suddenly feel that our Qin Zheng is like There's no more waste wood. "

Zhou Ping was about to speak when her mobile phone rang. It was a strange number.

After two seconds of hesitation, Zhou Ping answered.

As soon as I got through, I heard a pathetic voice at that end: "Mom..."

Zhou Ping picked her eyebrows and said, "who's your mother? Don't yell. Don't think I don't know you're a fraud phone..."

Qin Zheng wronged: "Mom, I'm not a fraud, I'm Qin Zheng, your baby son Today, the program team let me call home, not my cell phone. "

Zhou Ping laughed and said, "Oh Qin Zheng, that's not right. You are my son, but It's not a baby. "


there's another thing I forget to say every day, because it's the first week on the shelves, so I also organized a simple activity. The top 8 readers of this week's fan list will each give a beautiful gift, which will be closed in the early morning tomorrow evening , the fastest update of the webnovel!