You Are My Gravity

Chapter 457

When Zhen bao'er finished, her younger brother got up from the ground: "who wants you to support, you are a waste..."

Zhen bao'er sneers. Yes, at least he can say a word.

She looked at Tian Jinzhi and said, "I heard that your son won't let me raise him. When you die, if he starves to death, I won't give him a bite. He deserves it."

Tian Jinzhi's face was livid: "smelly girl, you have to kill me, don't you? This is your brother. You kiss your brother. After you get married, he is your mother's family. You have to rely on him. "

Zhen bao'er hehe pointed to Zhen Jinbao.

"Just him? Mom, in your conscience, if your son can marry his daughter-in-law in the future, she will be blind. "

This made Tian Jinzhi feel painful. She yelled, "what's wrong with Jinbao in our family? Is that what your sister should say? You are still not a person

Zhen bao'er's forehead hit the bag more and more painful.

She sneered: "well, then you can treat me as if I'm not a person. If I have to choose, I'd rather not have my mother's family. You see, my elder sister, what do people depend on you women? Who is willing to take this oil bottle? Who is willing to take care of this waste? Anyway, don't count on me. "

Zhen Jinbao is waiting for Zhen Baoer, the flesh on her angry face is trembling.

Zhen bao'er's heart, at least a little self-esteem.

"You I'm so angry, I'm so angry... " Tian Jinzhi covers her chest. She is really uncomfortable because of Zhen bao'er's anger.

Zhen bao'er pointed to his younger brother and said, "Zhen Jinbao, I tell you, when you are starving to death, don't blame me. If you want to blame me, blame your parents. You've become a trash. You die You deserve it

Severe medicine, you talk to them, has no effect.

Zhen bao'er doesn't want to look at his brother like this. He's just like a mentally retarded man. He's only 17 years old this year. He still has a long way to go. Can he be mentally retarded all the time?

Her mother can't carry it, but her father can't count on it.

So, there are some things to say and do. Who let her be a member of the family.

She used to think that when she came out to work, she would be out of sight and out of mind if she didn't go home.

But now they can't escape. They come to the door.

No matter for himself or for them, Zhen bao'er will not allow this situation to continue.

It must be changed. It must be changed.

Otherwise, I don't know what will happen in the future.

Zhen bao'er took a long breath and said, "if you don't want to live here, you can go out by yourself. If you have money to live in a hotel and no money to sleep on the road, you can't expect to get any money from me anyway."

Tian Jinzhi screamed: "you cruel smelly girl, do you want us to die here?"

Zhen bao'er said faintly: "in these days, as long as you are diligent and there are no starving people, if you are really starving to death, you can only say that you are lazy. He is such a big man, and other people's children still know how to go to work to earn some money in the summer vacation. How can he not go to the street to send leaflets and wash dishes in restaurants? How can he earn two or three thousand a month, enough for you two It's too much to eat. "

"No, how can Jinbao do these jobs?"

"What can't he do? How special is he? Why can't someone else? "

Zhen bao'er said sarcastically, "if you don't do it, let him starve to death. Anyway He's dead, just in time. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!