You Are My Gravity

Chapter 455

Zhen bao'er didn't pay any attention to her at all. She climbed up to the fifth floor and opened the door. There was no one living inside for a long time. There was no ventilation. The smell in the room was strange.

There are some small ups and downs in the air.

Zhen bao'er goes in and opens the window.

Tian Jinzhi rushed in with his son and yelled, "Zhen bao'er, dead girl, don't you hear me? I asked you why you brought us here. Last time you said you lived in Qin SE's house. Her house is so good. Why did you bring us to live in such a broken place? What's your peace of mind? "

Tian Jinzhi came here to live in Qin SE's villa.

As a result, Zhen bao'er didn't drive Qinse car to pick her up. She scolded her and her son at the railway station, but she didn't take her to the big house. Instead, she brought them to this shabby old house.

Zhen Jinbao takes Tian Jinzhi and yells, "Mom, I don't live here. I want to live in a big house. I want to live in a big house..."

There was no expression on Zhen bao'er's face.

Take out a basin of water and two rags from the bathroom and throw them on the floor.

Then, I don't care. I pick up my bag and go.

Tian Jinzhi grabbed Zhen bao'er's arm: "dead girl, you stop for me. Didn't you hear what I said clearly? Can your brother live in such a shabby place? "

Zhen bao'er sneered and threw her hand away: "I can't live. Your daughter has been living for a long time."

"It seems that you didn't use your brain to remember what I said at the railway station. OK, I'll say it again."

Zhen bao'er sweeps Zhen Jinbao. Damn, it's like slapping her.

She said coldly: "yes, Qin se has money. He lives in a big villa and drives a luxury car, but it has nothing to do with you. His family name is Qin, and it has nothing to do with you. Your daughter has no money. If you think you can live, you can't live. I really think I'm willing to take care of you where you want to go with your waste baby."

Tian Jinzhi gasped for breath. Then she patted her thigh and yelled: "you're a heartless girl. I'm tired to provide you for college. You're delicious now, but I don't care about your mother and brother I knew earlier that I might as well strangle you when you were just born, or raise a dog when I raise you... "

Zhen bao'er gritted her teeth and her eyes were a little sour.

Before, she always felt that there were no parents who didn't love their children, but the more she grew up, the more she found Ha ha

"Just shout here. I'll be relieved when the security guards throw them out."

Zhen bao'er turned around and was about to leave, but he didn't take two steps. Suddenly, he was pushed hard behind him. Zhen bao'er's head hit the wall with a thump.

Zhen bao'er felt a little dark at that time

She heard Zhen Jinbao's voice: "dead girl, I'll kill you..."

As soon as Tian Jinzhi saw it, he knew that his daughter was hit hard. He was scared and didn't shout.

But She still didn't think that her son was wrong, who let her daughter fight against their mother everywhere!

Teach her a lesson, or she will know the importance.

Zhen bao'er's forehead immediately puffed up. She covered her forehead and turned slowly.

Zhen Jinbao stood there, raised his chin and looked at him like a local tyrant, "dead girl Let you know what I'm good at

Zhen bao'er's eyes are cold and frightening. She walks slowly.

Then, facing the face that she had hated for many years, she smoked hard.

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