You Are My Gravity

Chapter 2800

Although looking at Mrs. Zhao's situation, it is estimated that she will not be able to live for a long time, Zhou Ping still thinks that if she can live one more day, it will be one more day.

After all, she has her husband besides her children.

Mrs. Zhao and his wife, looking at the children, sobbed.

The little girl comforted her mother: "Mom, don't cry. My brother and I are here all the time! We haven't left you! "

Mrs. Zhao cried: "I knew that our babies are the best..."

The little girl said, "Mom, my brother and I didn't run around. That day, we didn't fall down by ourselves!"

Mr. Zhao was shocked: "it's not you Were you not careful at that time? "

They saw the video at that time. The two children went all the way to the railing and then carried it down. It looked like they were playing by themselves.

The little girl shook her head: "no, it's someone pushing me and my brother. We just went down. Mom and dad used to teach us not to fight at heights, otherwise it will hurt when we fall down. We are very obedient..."

Mrs. Zhao and Mr. Zhao were all shocked: "what? Someone's pushing? "

The little girl nodded: "well..."

Mrs. Zhao grabbed her husband's hand, and they looked at each other. In each other's eyes, there was hatred and fear.

If before meeting Zhou Ping, someone said that they were pushed down, but there was no one behind them, they would not believe it.

But now, Zhou Ping told them that there are too many unknown things in the world!

So they believe what the children say. They always think that the children's accident is because they didn't take good care of it. It's also because there are loopholes in the guardrail in the shopping mall. However, they didn't expect that behind this is a conspiracy. Their children were killed by others!

With great grief, Mr. Zhao asked them, "madam, my children, they were hurt, right?"

Zhou Ping nodded: "yes, what the children said is true, that is, they were harmed!"

Mrs. Zhao suddenly fell down on her knees with a plop and cried, "madam, please Please help us find the murderer of the children. We are willing to trade everything we have for it, madam. Please

Zhou Ping quickly went to help others: "Madam Zhao, if I can do it, I will help you find the killer, but The children have been gone for several years, and all the clues are gone. This kind of harmful means is hard to find. Now, it's more... "

Zhou Ping shook her head, she said: "if you really want to find it, I think we should start from you two. Children can't have enemies, but adults do. The murderer should want to revenge you two!"

The couple looked at each other, and they were very confused: "we..."

Both of them have a good temper. They are childhood sweethearts, and they have always been affectionate.

They really can't think of their own enemies!

Zhou Ping asked: "even if it's not an enemy, then What about interest disputes? "

They think about it and shake their heads

At this time, there must be no clue to this matter. It's too difficult to find out the old things.

Zhou pinglai's goal has been completed. She stood up and said, "think about it carefully. I'm afraid the root of this matter still appears on you. If you want to avenge your children and find the murderer, you must first make clear the people around you."


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