You Are My Gravity

Chapter 212

Song Yi's mouth is cheap, and he added: "if I Really... "


The cup on Song Yizhi's desk for making tea was crushed by Gu Zhixin, and the glass debris fell all over the table.

Song Yizhi

Gu Zhixin smile, showing a white tooth, white, very frightening, "try it!"

The cheap smile on Song Yizhi's face turned into a sincere smile, just as he usually treats patients with sincerity!

He slowly put down his mobile phone, turned off the video and silently deleted Zhen bao'er's commonly used live app.

Then he raised his hand, patted Gu Zhixin on the shoulder, and said with a serious smile, "Oh, look at you young people, really I'm so angry. I'm just joking with you? I'm the pillar of our department. Many patients come here all the way to see me. They are so busy every day that the operation is scheduled for next month. Where can I go after the anchor? If I had that time, I would have succeeded in getting rid of the order. Isn't it... "

Gu Zhixin looked at Song Yizhi faintly: "Oh You're kidding

Song Yizhi nodded: "of course, you see how sincere I smile!"

Gu Zhixin let out a cry!

Song Yizhi touched his nose: "but my water cup..."

Gu Zhixin glanced at him: "what's the problem?"

Song Yizhi's neck was cold and he waved his hand.

"No problem, no problem. It's all small things. If you have something to do, you can Go ahead and be careful of these glass fragments. Don't get them. I'll clean them up! "

Gu Zhixin stood up straight, "well, since you don't talk about compensation, I'll go first."

Song Yizhi's mouth twitched. After Gu Zhixin left, he was distressed, "I really owe you two in my last life!"


On the other side of Gu garden, after Gu Jingyuan left, the faces of Gu Meiyun and old lady Gu changed instantly.

Mrs. Gu was even more angry and smashed all the vases on the table.

Gu Meiyun cried: "Mom, this Gu Jingyuan is too much. He doesn't pay attention to you more and more, and the one he wants to marry. What is that? If we really enter the door of Gu family, we can't be laughed to death in Kyoto!"

Old lady Gu's angry face had more wrinkles. She really regretted that when Gu Jingyuan just came back to Gu's home, she was too negligent. As a result, he became more and more powerful.

Now, she is ignored.

Gu Meiyun choked: "Mom, can we just do this? Just let him ride on our heads? Chen Xuan in our family is now forced by him to show up in Kyoto. Chen Xuan was raised by you. When did he suffer such grievances? "

Old lady Gu's eyes were cold: "of course I can't swallow it..."

"But will Gu Jingyuan not recognize his family?"

The old lady said coldly, "since you can't start from him, start from that woman!"


Late at night, Gu Zhixin and his younger brother had been waiting for an hour in a black car on the opposite side of Tianxia Club Road.

At 3 o'clock in the morning, Ji chenxuan came out with two girls in his arms.

The two people who had been staring at in the front row immediately said, "new brother, let's go?"

Gu Zhixin disliked and said, "can I use my brain for anything? How many times have I told you that a society ruled by law needs civilization."

"New song, let's How do you clean it up? "

Gu Zhixin glanced at Ji chenxuan and gave a chilling smile: "he loves to take people to catch traitors. Today, let him taste what it's like to be caught!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!