You Are Brighter Than the Star


Chapter 98 - Misunderstandings

It was often like this. When you thought of something, something would happen. Sometimes was a good thing and everyone would be happy to do it. But sometimes, they would rather let time flow backwards and return to something that they didn't want to encounter at the beginning.

'Kacha! 'I heard the sound of the door opening and instantly recovered my strength. With a bounce, I walked towards the entrance.

"Slow down, you're finally back. Why didn't you reply? I've been waiting for you for so long, and I haven't even eaten a single mouthful of the rice that I painstakingly cooked." I half complained, if it were in the past, I would be gently taken into my arms, kissed my forehead and said to me that I had worked hard.

But today, I clearly felt that something wasn't right.

He looked at me with a gentle and calm expression. The coldness in his eyes that didn't need to be hidden made my heart skip a beat.

"What's the matter with you?" I don't understand. Is it because the company is in a bad mood?

"If it's a matter of the company, take it easy. I've worked hard to cook. Is your attitude towards your wife correct?"

And I waited so long.

"Lin Xiang, let's talk." She had already walked around me to the sofa in the living room.

Talk? What do you want to talk about?

My steps were a little mechanical. Looking at the table in the distance, I started to drool without any backbone.

Delicious, sorry, I'm going to let you down. Even if I'm really hungry and really want to eat you guys, my husband is still the most important right now.

You are still far from my husband.

Although I didn't have a very good expression on my face, I didn't think too much about it. I sat opposite to her with an optimistic expression on my face.

"Hubby, drink some hot water. Do you feel tired after working all day? Do you need me to pinch your shoulder?" I got up and helped him pour a glass of water.

"Lin Xiang, sit down. Don't you have anything you want to tell me?" She stared at me slowly, her eyes cold, as if she were looking at a stranger.

What is there to say and what is there to say?

Is it Valentine's Day?

Did I forget and speak slowly that I was happy to give him a present for the holidays?

No, no. Valentine's Day is not today. Could it be another holiday? I went through all the festivals in my head, but I still couldn't find a suitable one, and I couldn't find a reason to moderate my anger.

"Hubby, I don't really understand. Can you explain it a little?"

"Lin Xiang, you have truly disappointed me. Take a good look at what all these are!" As she spoke, she took out a stack of things from her bag and threw it in front of me.

I saw what it was, and my face went pale.

How could there be such a thing?

"Lin Xiang? Don't you know? Where did all this come from? I've given you everything I can, but what about you? What did you do? "Sure enough, I overestimated you. Since dogs can't change to eat sh * t, I shouldn't believe that you would change. Is this what you gave me?" His gentle words were like a sharp knife.

The dim yellow lights in the room, at this moment, were like tools of gentleness, mocking me together and talking about how awful I was.

"Hubby, it's not like that. Just listen to my explanation." I'm trying to prove that I'm not really falling into depravity, that I really have a hard time.

"Listening to your explanation? The evidence is already here, Lin Xiang, how can I listen to your explanation? You are willing to lower yourself to such a low level, yet you want to fish for money and become like this. You can sell anything you want, can't you? If you really want money, you can spend a few nights with me and use all of your skills to please me. I have enough money to give you, but what about you? Do you think I can't satisfy you alone? So you took pictures of all this shit? What did I do to you? "

The gentleness of the rebuke didn't give a damn what his words had done to me.

At first I felt sad listening to him, but gradually, I became indifferent.

In the eyes of this man, I am such a woman. I can do anything for money.

He never really believed in me. No matter what happened, he would never look for the real reason. Instead, he would always criticize me.

I suddenly remembered something the heroine of a play I had seen before had said.

The people who truly love you, when they discover the truth about you, they will try their best to find the truth and think of how to protect you. Those who don't care about you and only want to play with you, will always criticize you when you make a mistake.

He didn't love me at all, so that's why he kept blaming me.

"Yes, I am being cheap. I understand, I don't need you to repeat it again and again. What kind of advertisement do I choose to make? It's my freedom. What about your wife? Compared to your goddess, there's a huge difference. Do you regret marrying me? "

For the past few days, due to the sudden change in direction, I almost got lost again. This time's incident happened in the perfect time. I can once again put distance between me and the gentleness of the situation and protect myself well.

A look of disgust appeared on his face as he frowned. The disgust in his eyes was so clear that he did not take my words to heart.

"Slow down, if you don't say anything, then I'll take it as a tacit agreement. Don't worry, I'll end this marriage as soon as possible." I smiled with a pale smile. I didn't want to stay here any longer.

Looking at this gentle face, my heart is even more dull pain.

The story of the Cinderella meeting with her beloved prince only existed in fairy tales, while the ugly duckling turning into a swan also existed in fairy tales.

I thought that I would be that lucky to become the Cinderella that everyone wanted to be, but I didn't know that I was the Cinderella.

All of this is the joke of this demon. Does the devil have human feelings?

Demon would only harm Cinderella time and time again until he was covered in wounds, but for Cinderella, he foolishly fell into his trap.

"Stop!" Where are you going? " Seeing that I was about to leave, she suddenly stood up, grabbed me and pushed me onto the sofa.

I slammed my waist into the corner of the sofa. The last time, my wound had not healed from the slight pain and I clenched my teeth.

Even if I'm in pain, I can't reveal my true thoughts. I won't allow myself to appear weak like that.

"Where to? Don't you know very well? "You know, it's impossible between the two of us. You have your moonlight in your heart, and I'm just a woman who would do anything for her own benefit. I only have money in my eyes, nothing else will enter my eyes." I completely disguised myself as a gold digger.

I know how to adjust my mood to its best, and I know how to show an expression that is more likely to anger someone. This kind of expression, in the professional acting field, is like a pantomime, using reality to anger someone better.

He looked at me slowly, and the anger on his face intensified.

"Lin Xiang, I don't care if you are being greedy for money or something else, listen carefully, now that you are my wife, don't do such a shameful thing anymore, I don't care what your private affairs are, I have always only cared about my face. I don't want to care about how you used to be, and I can't either, but if something like that happens again in the future, I will let you know what it means to wish you were dead."

If not for his brother stopping him, this damned woman Lin Xiang would not be able to stay in the showbiz anymore. The current entertainment circle still valued an actor's reputation very much, and he had spent so much effort to get Lin Xiang a role, to the point that it was almost destroyed by this damned woman.

Yet, this woman still acted as though she didn't know what was good for her and didn't know that she had done anything foolish.

He was so angry that he didn't know what was going on with himself. When he saw all these things, a silent fury filled his entire chest. At that time, he had an idea: he must teach this woman a lesson.

He had originally thought that if Lin Xiang admitted her wrongs and was sincere, then she wouldn't have minded it anymore. In the end, it seemed like he had overestimated Lin Xiang.