You Are Brighter Than the Star


Chapter 80 - Silent laughter

Every time night came, the room would sink into darkness, and everything would become terrifyingly quiet.

It was dark all around, and I often wondered if there was some kind of creature in the darkness. They looked at people's daily lives without making a sound, and they saw me and everything that was mild.

Silent laughter in the dark, laughing at me.

"Sleep." Slowly, she reached out her hand and led me to him. She breathed on my face.

"Yes." I softly replied as the hand by my side couldn't help but clench tightly. He had already asked that question last time. The gentle and emotionless words seemed to be by his ears, but he still wanted to try again.

"Have you ever liked me? This is the first time we have realized that, right now, you wouldn't even have a second to spare just because I'm Lin Xiang? Without the title of double for Zhang Mancha, do you have that moment because of me? Even a second of love is fine, isn't it? "

In the dark night, my voice was trembling. The hand by my side couldn't help but clench tightly as my breathing gradually became heavier and heavier. Am I calling myself despicable?

I thought this way, but I was still looking forward to it, even if it was just for a second.

I waited for a gentle answer.

I think, just a minute had passed, maybe he hadn't thought of how to reply, at least right now he didn't say anything wrong, and said that I wouldn't cooperate with Zhang Mancha, isn't that right?

Perhaps some people would say that I am a slut, but in front of love, who can righteously say that they have never slacked before?

I love this man, I know.

Even though I couldn't see his face clearly in the dark, I still had a rough idea where it was. I stared at it with my eyes wide open.

Due to his nervousness, his breathing hastened.

Five minutes passed, but he said nothing. Half an hour passed. An hour passed.

I don't need a gentle answer.

At this moment, I suddenly gave up on being gentle.

It isn't hard to give up someone. Although we are now husband and wife, we can get married and get a divorce, right?

Didn't I see a divorce on the day I received the certificate? The couple might have started out together because of love, because love comes to the point of divorce, not to mention that there wasn't much love between us.

I think my feeling for a mild period of time will be cured.

When I woke up in the morning, my body was no longer by my side. Touching that cold spot of ice, I laughed at myself and curled up into a ball while hugging my body.

No matter how well I thought, I still couldn't do it.

I still want to continue to love this is not my own gentleness, to be gentle for me to wash my hands and make soup, to be gentle occasionally romantic and gentle.

I was like a drug addict with a drug addiction. It was a drug that could not be quit easily.

No, I can't go on like this. The best way to forget a relationship is to get busy.

I didn't tell her about it, but went to the crew.

The director was a little surprised to see me, "Have you recovered?"

"I'm almost done." I answered ambiguously.

"Since that's the case, then go and put on some makeup. It just so happens that today, you can make up for your lack of acting. Young people, you need to take care of your body. For us actors, our bodies are the best at filming."

The director rare to say a lot of things to me, I smiled to express that I know.

Two days ago, I had thought that the director would only take care of me because of my gentleness, but now, it seems that I had thought too much into it. Now, when everyone on the crew looked at me coldly, the director actually treated me well.

Yes, the body is the actor's capital, but my heart is lost, body is good what use?

In the makeup room, makeup artist who were fighting to make up for me previously seemed to have lost their job and all of them were gone. I took out some tools to make up my face, but didn't do it skillfully.

After finally fixing her makeup, Qin Qin walked in from outside. Qin Xin was very surprised to see me.

However, like usual, he still didn't give me a pleasant look, "Why are you so impatient to join the film crew? Are you afraid that your bought pig's feet will be robbed of your job? When the character was gone, he would also be a substitute. If he thought about it carefully, it really would be terrible. "

Qin Qin Qin laughed. That smile was exceptionally dazzling to me. I didn't want to be outdone by Qin Qin, so I stepped on her foot and said, "Even so, I still have the title of gentle wife while you don't have anything."

Even if I'm a substitute, I still have the title of a gentle wife. I don't need Qin Xin to remind me again and again like a saint.

No need.

Qin Qin Qin was agitated by my words. His face changed, but he couldn't maintain her outsider look as he fiercely glared at me, "Hmph! Lin Xiang, you can still be proud now, but for how long will you be proud? "One day, you will end up like me, and even worse than me. At least I didn't lose my heart, but you have already lost yours, and we are the same."

The clattering of her high heels gradually disappeared into the distance. I didn't know if it was my misconception, but I felt that Qin Qin's back view was somewhat hurried and a little awkward.

Taking a deep breath, I look at myself in the mirror. My complexion isn't that bad either.

"It's here. First, look at the script. After a while, match the scenes. This will be your performance." When the director saw me leave with just a casual word, the filming over there was also very important. He couldn't let me delay his progress just because of me.

I found a place to sit to the side and looked at the busy figures on the crew, coming and going, everyone was in a hurry, and at this moment, it seemed that no one was looking at me with much interest. They were all busy with their own things, busy with their own work, so where would they find the time to look at me, the unnecessary person?

I took out my cell phone, looked at the lock screen, and smiled.

The green thorn stung my eyes.

I had just learned that I was pregnant because I was worried that the radiation from my phone would affect my children. I didn't often play on my phone, but I still had to use it because I needed it for my work.

Now that the child is gone, I haven't changed the lock screen.

I breathed in and out in large gulps, trying to get rid of my depression. However, the dense thoughts and thoughts coming from all directions were like a tidal wave that surged towards me. I was unable to control myself.

It felt like I was suffocating, and the things around me were even more unimportant. What I could see was the tinge of green on the screen of my phone.

"Lin Xiang, it's your turn." When the director's voice sounded, I stood up in a daze and stood in front of the camera. I was still in a trance.

He did not know what the director had said, nor did he know what had happened to the crew.

At that moment, I was like a person who had drunk too much alcohol and was standing there stupidly, at a loss of what to do.

"Lin Xiang, what are you doing!" The director's roar seemed to echo in my ears. I looked in the direction of the voice in a daze, but didn't do anything unnecessary.

"Can you still not act? If you can't act, then scram!"

I don't know what I said in the end, except that at the last moment I should have seen a look of shock on the director's face.

Something big seemed to have happened.

This is the last thing I remember.

"You're awake? "Drink water." My head felt a little dizzy and I struggled to open my eyes. Someone suddenly passed me a cup of water. Maybe it was because I hadn't gotten used to the light for too long, but I narrowed my eyes and looked at the owner of the hands.

It turned out to be gentle.

"Why are you here?" I asked.

She didn't seem to understand my question and just looked at me in surprise. It was like she was looking at a fool.

"This is home." After a few minutes, she slowly looked at me, her eyes filled with helplessness.

It should be helplessness.

I think.

"Hmm? "Huh?" I was stunned. At home? Shouldn't I be filming in the crew? Why did he return home so quickly? Ah, yes, I opened my eyes.

Am I asleep?

"You fainted in the film crew. If I didn't catch up, you would have fallen unconscious." Shaking his head slowly, he held the glass of water to my mouth and fed it to me.