You Are Brighter Than the Star


Chapter 75 - Washing your hands for the broth

Zhao Xi said a few words, but I didn't manage to react to his words. What did he mean by that?

On the way home I was still thinking about what had just happened.

Sun Yufei, Zhao Xiyan, how did they get together?

And why was Sun Yufei this abnormal recently? She repeatedly came and went, walking and coming again. She clearly saw me and her favorite idol, yet she didn't come forward to say anything. She didn't even come forward to get her autograph. This definitely isn't her style!

And no matter how much I tried to call her, her phone would never get through. There was no reply, not even on my SMS screen.

As I walked, I realized that I was walking all the way home.

When he got home, he found the light in the living room on. I think he should be back by now.

After what happened that day, I was able to slowly enter a state where we could get along with each other.

It was true respect like ice.

Although we slept in the same bed, ate together, and lived in the same house, we did not communicate at all.

There wasn't even a single exchange of glances.

At first, I would have thought that such a life would be very awkward, unbearable, or hard to accept. However, after a few days, I slowly got used to it.

Humans are really very strange animals. What kind of life is actually something that can be adapted to and accepted, just like how I am now.

I'm always asking myself, Lin Xiang, do you like being gentle? I didn't know how to answer myself. It was my first man, my only man, the only man I had ever had in my life, except for my little brother when I was a child.

About that little brother, is gratitude, is the goal of struggle, but no love, but gentle, is yearning, is love is hurt.

When I wanted to abandon everything, to put my life on the line, it was a gentle slap on my face to let me know what a gap was.

Before, I only knew that this was a famous saying, but I had never personally experienced it. However, when I was slowly getting to know and getting to know each other, I was able to deeply understand all of this when I put all my effort into it.

To be honest, when I first found out about Zhang Mancha, I couldn't accept it.

Although I am not the daughter of a rich family, I have grown up to be exceptionally outstanding. I have striven my best to enrich myself, to make myself useful or capable, whether in terms of learning or in terms of quality.

But after seeing Zhang Mancha, especially after I deeply understood her, I then realized the disparity between us.

She was the apple of the Zhang family's eye, and everyone held her in their hands. She was the real princess, and I was just an actor who played the role of a princess, that was all.

To this day, I still can't figure out why I married her, and why our seemingly hasty and seemingly impulsive marriage lasted a few days.

In this kind of worry, in this kind of insecure situation, I and the thin living is almost sharing the rent.

He's just one of my roommates.

I opened the door and went into the living room. I was sitting on the sofa, reading through some papers.

I said lightly, "I'm back."

He nodded his head as he continued flipping through the documents in his hands. If it wasn't for the fact that I kept looking at him, I wouldn't have noticed his faint reply.

I felt so tired that I didn't say another word to him before I went upstairs.

I didn't even take a bath. I just casually washed my face and fell asleep on the bed.

The next morning, when the alarm woke me up, he was still sleeping beside me, his hand on my waist, as if we were still intimate lovers.

It was a lie to say I didn't feel anything. When I woke up and saw how intimate our actions were, I panicked.

I believe that my mistake was to easily give up all of my feelings to a softer side. Thus, in the end, when I casually tried to call for a stop to it, I felt so injured.

If I could be calm to treat my feelings of gentleness, perhaps I wouldn't be so sad.

I told myself countless times that the result of disregarding my own safety was to repeat the same mistake. I wanted to calmly and coldly treat my own feelings, because only then would I be able to protect myself better.

Woman, if I don't love you, who will love you?

After getting up, I gently pulled his hand, lightened all my movements, carefully took my clothes and ran to the cloakroom. After changing, I left the house and went to the movies.

Because I was always on leave, I had to keep up with the filming schedule.

So during this recent period of time, I have been leaving early and returning late every day, and I was so busy that I had no thoughts at all, nor did I have the time to think about the complicated yet unfathomable relationship between me and Sun Yufei, or between me and Calm down.

I've been waiting for a while to talk to me.

Or waiting for a mitigated sentence.

He must have thought that I was just a woman who liked to talk big. Perhaps, the more serious consequence would be that he would divorce me.

However, the scene they had expected didn't come.

I even saw the food on the table when I got home late at night.

Even though it was cold, it was still deeply ingrained in my heart!

Every day is in a cold and hungry wait for a day, and then come home to have a hot food is a very happy thing!

I looked at the dishes and rice on the table. I simply warmed myself up. By the time I finished eating and went upstairs, I had already gone back to sleep.

I have always thought of this dinner as a coincidence, or perhaps a mild moment of goodwill, but many days after that, when I return late, I will always see food at the dining room table.

Sometimes it is brine noodles, sometimes it is hot soup, and sometimes, the soup is still warm.

Even if I were a stone heart, I would still be warmed by this soft and gentle care, not to mention my weak and soft heart.

I can't bear to see others treat me well. If they treat me badly, I will exclaim that the world is cold and the people cold, but as long as there are people who treat me well, I will feel that I am virtuous and capable.

Even though I am an actor, it is my job to create a character, and it is also my goal to strive for it. But as a person, I believe that good will bring evil and evil.

Eating people's mouth was short, and taking people's hands were soft. After eating so many meals with such a slow and gentle speed, I had already eaten until my mouth turned soft. In any case, I should have done something to ease the cold violence between us. After all, we were a legal couple.

I rushed over to the supermarket in a hurry. I wanted to buy some ingredients so I could cook a good meal for the Mr. Bo when I got home, but I was confused when I stood at the fresh area of the supermarket.

I suddenly realized that I didn't know what I liked to eat. I carefully recalled our past. Although it was only half a year, I already knew my preference. I loved eating fish, I loved eating seafood, I didn't like eating fungi, and I didn't like eating radishes.

But what about gentle ones? What did he like to eat? What did he hate? I thought he was eating this, or I thought he loved eating that. I never asked him, never really looked at him.

I was very sensitive and kept thinking about our relationship, whether he loved me or not, whether he cared about me, whether I was no longer his lover but his beloved woman and so on and so forth.

I couldn't help but feel sad. I once thought that I loved him very much, that I could abandon everything, not his dignity, not even everything, in order to love him. But I thought that I loved him so much, yet I didn't know what his preferences were.

Is it true love, or is it just love that I think I am?