You Are Brighter Than the Star


Chapter 70 - Best boyfriend!

The waiter warmly welcomed them and said, "thinning, you've come!"

He nodded slowly, then sat down on the sofa and said to me, "See for yourself."

I was like a cheerful little bird that used to pick out the clothes I liked.

We were like a man and a woman in a normal relationship. I tried to show him clothes, and he nodded or shook his head.

Although he still had a cold expression on his face, there wasn't a single trace of impatience. This made my originally slightly uneasy heart relax.

When we got home in the evening, the car was full of small and large bags, and we were carrying a lot of things.

When I got out of the car at home, I had to take things down with me, but slowly I said, "Just leave them in the car, I'll take them home. "We're going to move tomorrow anyway, so there's no need to go through all the trouble of carrying around."

Tomorrow? Are they moving tomorrow? So fast?

When he saw that I didn't say anything, he said angrily, "You're not going back on your word, are you? Lin Xiang, let me tell you, it's useless for you to go back on your words.

Then he didn't get out of the car, he just let me go upstairs, he watched me go into the unit, and then he drove away.

I came out of the cell door and watched the gentle car drive away, feeling very complicated.

I can't tell if this complexity is good or bad, but it seems to me that something is different.

There was something else that made me feel out of control.

The next day, while I was still asleep, I was awakened by a rapid knock on the door. I put on a robe and went to open the door.

He looked at me and said, "Lin Xiang, you're actually still sleeping?"

I yawned. "You're too early!"

Then I turned and went back into the bedroom, ignoring him.

Just lie in bed and keep sleeping.

But my poor drowsiness was all gone with the slowness of my arrival.

Even though I was still sleepy and dizzy, I couldn't fall asleep no matter what.

Annoyed, I got up, put on my clothes, and went out of the bedroom. I saw Kusanagi sitting on the sofa, watching a finance program.

"Why are you here so early?"

"Come and help you move house!"

I don't know how to respond to that.

I said to him, "I don't need your help. I can take care of it myself."

"That's great. You just have to clean up yourself. Hurry up, after you're done, I'll call some people to move it. Also, don't disturb me. I'll tell you about it after I finish watching the news."

Then he slowly stopped talking and stared straight at the financial news on the television screen.

Annoyed, I went back to the bedroom, opened the closet, and put everything in it on the bed. Still a little angry, I took all the shoes out of the other closet and threw them on the floor.

However, no matter how many small movements I made, the sofa didn't move at all. I didn't have the slightest intention of turning around to take a look.

I lay on the bed, too lazy to pack up. I felt dizzy and dizzy, because I had been staring at the diamond ring on my finger the night before. I didn't go back to sleep until the early hours of the morning.

But I swear, the reason I'm in a daze is only because of its value, not because it's a gentle gift.

I sat up straight on the bed for a while. I knew that no matter how long I dragged it out, it was impossible to change my mind. I helplessly got up, pulled out the packing case, and started to clean up the things in the room.

But I didn't pack everything in, because I was thinking that maybe one day, when I'm less happy, I'll be called away.

In that case, I'll have to come back and live. It was impossible for me to run back and forth across the capital with my suitcase.

At least I was alone in my room, and I didn't have to come back naked.

When I was done packing up, the news of Slow Down was over!

He got up and went to the bedroom. Looking at the two boxes on the floor, he said, "Is that all?"

I nodded.

"You don't have anything else with you?"

"Hmm, there's nothing much to bring. I'll just leave it here."

It slowed down but still said with a cold smile: "Lin Xiang, you can't be thinking that you will have the chance to come back and live here again, right? I tell you, that's impossible! You must clearly recognize what kind of identity you have, that you are already a Mrs. Bo. It was best not to do something like running away from home. Don't try to challenge my patience and my temper, okay? "

I felt like a wolf who could see the light ahead of him. He knew when and how his opponent would be.

He could be very shrewd and sensitive about the flaws of his opponents, for example, if he knew where my meridians were, if he knew what he would say, then I would obediently do it, and if he knew how to do it, then he would make me obediently submit.

I ignored him and turned away, continuing to pack my things, when the phone rang.

As soon as I saw that it was my mother's, I picked it up and said, "Hello mama, are you home?"

Mother said: "That's right Xiangxiang, Mother is home! What are you doing? "

"I'm packing. Well, I'm going to move in there today."

However, my mother happily said, "That's more like it. Husband and wife are going to be together. What does it count as living separately? I've only been at your place for less than half a month, and your dad can't be at home by himself, he seems to have lost a lot of weight. "

I smiled at my mother and said, "Alright, mom, stop spouting dog food. I know what you guys love."

"What is dog food? There was no dog food! Besides, we don't have any dogs at home, so where did the dog food come from? " my mother said, baffled.

I was really excited by my mother's black humor. I couldn't help but fall on the bed while holding my stomach and laughing out loud.

My mother said, "How about slowly? Is it with you? Is he helping you pack? Are they moving out today? "

I nodded. "He's here, helping me pack."

I said this through gritted teeth, because I was standing right next to him, leaning against the door frame like a gatekeeper, with no intention of helping him.

Xiangxiang, after this woman gets married, she has to restrain her temper and marry into her husband's wife. When things happen, she has to discuss it with your husband before resolving it, and before doing anything, she will think about it again, do it again, Mother believes that you can definitely resolve all these relationships well. "

My mother had started, so I quietly listened, slowly and quietly listened, as if he could hear what my mother said. I quickly promised, "Don't worry, mom, I know!"

"Xiangxiang, let me tell you, I will show your father the photo when I return. Your father is extremely happy! He kept saying that when his body was fully recovered, he would go and see you! When you have children, we can still help you take care of them! "

I could really tell from my mother's cheerful tone that she was in a good mood, and when she gently reached out her hand to me, I raised my eyebrows. Why, does he still have to talk to my mother?

Slowly and impatiently, I glared at her. Reluctantly, I said, "Mom, wait a moment."

Then he handed the phone to him.

He slowly took the phone and changed the cold expression on his face. In an instant, his smile became like a flower as he said, "Mom, you're safe!"

I almost spurted it out. His mother's cry made goosebumps rise all over my body!

"Mom, how is Dad's health? Otherwise, he would have come to the capital to recover. The medical standards in the capital are a little better, so Xiangxiang and I will bring you over to my father!" He slowly continued.

I know why my mom likes being gentle, because words that are gentle can be said to the heart of a person. Although it sounds like a New Year celebration, I don't feel like flattering. Instead, I feel very pragmatic.

After hanging up the phone, he gently looked at me and said. "Lin Xiang, how was it?

I was really moved, but when he said that, the emotions in my heart vanished.