You Are Brighter Than the Star


Chapter 27 - Filled with Dependence!

After that day, most of the time was spent with me in the hospital.

In the first few days, I just passed the numbing hard, leg pain is heart-wrenching, even with pain pump is no use, pain I sleep all night long sleepless, people are also very irritable.

Slow down to distract me from my pain, he talked to me about his normal work, about his assistant's embarrassment, or something interesting about the show.

However, I didn't even have the heart to listen to him. I forcefully suppressed my agitated mood, but I still couldn't help but lose my temper with him.

"Can you be quiet for a moment?" I suddenly felt wronged. If it wasn't for Qin Qin Qin, I wouldn't have suffered such an injury. I wouldn't have been lying here bearing such pain.

My gentle expression paused for a moment as though it was slightly unhappy. Suddenly, I felt fear in my heart. I was used to being gentle. How could I forget that he was actually a lion, or the kind with a strong attack power?

But he just stared at me as if he were staring at a flower, sighed, and said, "I'll call the doctor to see you."

He then slowly walked out.

Looking at his back as he walked out, I knew that I was in the wrong. I shouldn't have gotten angry at him, but how innocent was he? It was just the result of a quarrel between an ex-girlfriend and a current one.

When the doctor hurried over to find out my condition, he only smiled and said to him, "Sir, your wife's recovery is already quite good. A fracture must always be painful. It will be greatly improved after two days!"

Being called his wife by the doctor, I lowered my head in embarrassment, but I listened attentively and didn't refute him. This expression of his made my heart beat faster!

Although I often made a ruckus and lost my temper in the past few days, he never got angry, only laughed it off as if it had never happened, and continued to smile at me like a spring breeze.

Later, my legs gradually improved, and I no longer suffered from the pain, only then did I suddenly realize how harsh I was towards him at that time.

At this moment, I suddenly felt that this was the best thing for me!

He would come to the hospital right after he was done with the company. Sometimes, he would even bring some urgent documents to the hospital and look them up on the coffee table next to the sofa. He just didn't want to leave me alone in the hospital.

With our relationship, he could just as easily have ignored it, or spent a little money to hire me a nurse or a nurse.

But he didn't. He spent all his free time with me, taking care of me.

He would sit tenderly by my bed, take my hand, and ask me how I was feeling today. Is there an appetite, is there anything you'd like to eat?

He would reach my back and massage my sore back when I was lying down.

He would even let me recline on the bed with a basin of warm water and wash my hair so gently that it didn't hurt.

I've never seen or heard of a man who is so considerate and meticulous with a woman.

I can't believe that it was a gentle action! But it was all true!

I have to say, the fort that I had spent so much effort to build for myself has gradually collapsed.

It was so gentle that it once again entered my heart!

In the afternoon, he left in a hurry due to an issue with the company.

I didn't come back until the evening. I waited until about ten, thinking he wouldn't come back, and then I fell asleep.

Late at night, when I was half asleep, I saw a person quietly opening the door and entering the room.

Startled, I took a closer look and saw that it was a gentle one.

I don't know what I was thinking. I didn't say anything but kept my eyes closed and pretended to be asleep.

Maybe I wanted to know what he would say or do when he saw I was asleep.

I squinted and peeped. He walked over and gently touched my face, then kissed my forehead. After that, he covered me with a blanket and lay down on the bed beside me.

It wasn't long before I heard his regular breathing. I think he was too tired!

Then I lost sleep!

I repeatedly wanted to tell myself that my relationship with Gentle was only that of a lover and a potential customer. I also repeatedly wanted to tell myself that there was an enormous gap between him and me.

He is a giant alligator in the business world, and I am just an 18-line minor actor.

But no matter how cruel and ruthless I thought of reality, I could not convince my own heart.

The anxiety in my heart made me a little irritable, making it even harder for me to sleep.

After an unknown amount of time had passed while I was tossing and turning, I suddenly sat up from my sleep. I was so shocked that I nearly forgot to breathe and quickly closed my eyes.

I heard him in his slippers and narrowed my eyes. I saw him approach my bed, pull up the quilt I had kicked up to my waist, tuck in the corner, and then go back to sleep on his bed.

My tears just silently fall down, this is the feeling of being cared for!

In the morning, before I woke up, I left slowly to busy myself with his affairs.

At noon, I was about to call the nurse to help me go to the cafeteria to make dinner when I saw a slight walking in with a thermal lunch box.

I was very happy for a moment. "What delicious food did you bring me?"

"Wonton Soup Fried Rice, taste it!"

Hearing the words Wonton of Chicken Soup, I felt like my mouth was filled with saliva.

"Hearing you say that, I'm really hungry."

"If you're hungry, then hurry up and eat!"

With that, he poured the soup into a bowl along with the chaos in the thermal insulation box. Give it to me.

"Oh, it smells so good!"

I was about to ask him where he'd bought it when I saw blisters on his fingers.

He then nervously asked: "What happened to your hand? How could there be such a huge bubble? "

He slowly pulled his hand back and unnaturally said, "It's fine, I just burnt it a little."

"What's burning? Is it serious?" I wanted to take his hand and look.

"I already said that it's fine!" The gentle expression on his face was unnatural, he then stood up and walked out.

The gentle and awkward feeling made me surprised for a moment, and then my eyes filled with tears. He didn't buy the soup, it definitely wasn't, he cooked it with his own hands, and he was even injured because of it!

I couldn't even match the harsh, unselfish, and unruly President Bo with the figure of a man living in a hot pot at home. No matter how many words I spoke, I couldn't find the words to describe him. He was a proud son of heaven, and he even shook hands with many celebrities' lifeline, but he …

And I actually thought he bought it somewhere.

I choked on my words to the point that I couldn't even control my tears to flow out, and the tears in my heart started to flood over.

I can only lower my head to eat wonton to hide my excitement and ecstasy.