You Are Brighter Than the Star


Chapter 256 - Hospital

I haven't had a drink either, so why do I feel sick all over?

His body also felt extremely weak.

Also, this place didn't look like a private room, nor did it look like a hotel.

"You're awake? "Great, I'll call the director to check." A nurse, seeing me wake up, hurriedly handed me a glass of water and ran out of the room.

In an instant, I knew where I was.

I was in the hospital.

But how did I get to the hospital? I'm not really sick. Why would I be in the hospital?

He had a series of questions in his mind.

Waiting for me to find out.

The doctor arrived soon after, wearing a white coat, as I remembered him, with a cold knife that cut my belly open little by little and took out my child, and for a moment my blood seemed to be solid, no longer flowing.

I had fear towards doctors, and I even had to talk about the birth of a little demon. At that time, the doctor checked that everything was healthy, but there were some illnesses that couldn't be detected. When the little devil was about to be born, he actually split his limbs in front of my palace and couldn't come out.

I had no choice but to give birth to a child by caesarean section. However, after my abdomen was cut open, the doctor told me that I was actually pregnant with a dragon and phoenix pregnancy. However, as a girl, due to the lack of Yin and Yang, my body wasn't fully developed yet.

The boys, on the other hand, were healthy.

That girl, I stubbornly wanted her to stay in my womb for a few more days, I wanted her to live.

Only in the end, that child still didn't survive. As for me, the second time I entered the hospital, I injured my core. After that, my body became unhealthy.

I think this is probably my daughter's retribution.

If I hadn't suffered so much every day after I became pregnant, I would have checked on the hospital on time. Maybe then, my child would have been found and made up, and she wouldn't have died in my womb.

Yes, the girl I gave birth to was a stillborn child.

The heavens are always unfair. I have never been fair to myself. Perhaps it is because I had extravagant hopes for something that does not belong to me, so the old genius will punish me like that.

After all, being gentle was a child of heaven, and as for me? Nothing.

Suppressing my emotions, I looked towards the doctor who came in, and Lin Jia who was following behind him.

So it was Lin Jia who sent me to the hospital, and the things I dreamt of, was I still hoping to soften it, and not put it down?

"Lin Xiang, you are so stupid."

I whispered to myself.

"Lin Xiang, the doctor is here. Whenever you feel uncomfortable, tell the doctor."

At this moment, he does not seem to be my manager, but my elders, friends and relatives.

"No, other than being a little hungry, there's no other symptoms." I nodded slightly towards the doctor. "Thank you, Doctor. If it wasn't for you, I'm afraid I would have suffered."

In the past, I was always in so much pain, but every time, I had to hide it from the little devil. I didn't want him to know that it was a misunderstanding, so I always hid in my room at night and endured the devastating pain by myself.

This time, apart from my slightly sore body, my other symptoms were almost negligible.

This is what I should do. As a doctor, what I need to do is to ease the pain of the patient, but I can only do it to alleviate the pain, I can't completely cure it. This is the medicine I prescribed.

The doctor's eyes were sincere.

I didn't argue, and ended up with the prescription, "I still need to thank you, thank you."

If it weren't for the fact that I am completely out of strength, I would like to personally go down and bow to the doctor.

"Kid, you're honest. I still have surgery, so I'll be leaving. If there's anything, just ask the nurse to look for me."

The doctor left, but I just stared at the prescription.

In my heart, there was actually a little bit of resistance towards medicinal herbs and such. However, if this kind of medicine could reduce the pain that I would have to endure in the future, then I would of course choose to take the medicine.

I don't want to go on suffering like that.

I'm also afraid that one day my illness will be discovered by others. At that time, how should I explain it?

I have a lot of questions to answer.

Lin Jia would come to find me from time to time, and when I saw Lin Jia, I even joked with him that I had to enter the hospital once every time I acted in a movie. It was probably because I was really fated to be in the hospital, which was why I came to the hospital again and again.

If possible, I hope that I will never enter the hospital again. For me, this is not a surprise, I don't like the air of the hospital, I also don't like the rooms of the hospital, I hate all the rooms in the hospital, but what can I do?

On the day I was released from the hospital, the Little Devil who repeatedly insisted that I couldn't come to the hospital finally disobeyed and secretly followed Lin Jia to the hospital.

Standing at the doorway, he stared straight at me.

"Darling, what are you doing standing outside? If there's anything you want to say, come in first. " When I saw the look in the Little Devil's eyes, I suddenly didn't know what to say.

I didn't want the little devil to come to the hospital because I had a feeling that if the little devil came, I might lose my son if I encountered a mild situation or was hit by a mild situation.

Initially, I had thought that Lin Jia was the one who sent me to the hospital, but after hearing Lin Jia's words, I realized that it was only because I had been thinking in the wrong direction all along, that it wasn't Lin Jia at all, but gently.

I still feel a little guilty about the kind decision to send me to the hospital and what I learned from the doctor.

The only thing I'm sure of is that I don't want to see the little devil any more.

Since Tempest had appeared in this hospital, it was possible for him to appear now, or even at any time. I didn't know if it was because I had become timid or because I had become more sensitive.

I didn't even want to listen to the opinions of others. I just stubbornly wanted to use my own way to settle this matter. But sometimes, I have to say, I view myself too importantly.

Not to mention others, even I myself, I feel funny thinking about how I've been in the hospital these past few days, thinking about how I've been so suspicious of everyone.

Perhaps it was because he felt he was under obligation to help? Why do I need to think so much to add to my play?

"Mummy, are you feeling better?" I saw worry in the eyes of the Little Devil. The Little Devil's eyes are still slightly red, I'm not sure if the Little Devil ever cried because of some reason.

Lin Jia found someone to take care of me in the hospital, while he returned to the hotel everyday to accompany the Little Demon Empress to rest.

"I feel better now. I can leave the hospital today." I gave the little devil a relatively friendly and benevolent smile. I didn't know how to face the little devil now, but I knew that as a mother, I was still too selfish.

He's still just a child, I don't even dare to think about it. In the beginning, I didn't want him to come to the hospital, but what was he thinking in his heart, would he think that it was Mummy who didn't want him?

Did he think I was being mean to him?

But I clearly want to protect him?

For a moment, I couldn't say a single word. I had clearly thought about whether or not the little devil would meet me, so how could I explain it to him in the end?

But in the end, after seeing my own biological son, I actually lost my voice at this crucial moment, unable to say a single word.

The little devil is still waiting for my explanation?

I anxiously opened my mouth to explain the situation to the little devil, but my throat seemed to have been restricted by someone. I couldn't utter a single word or sound.

Don't even mention explaining it to the little devil, even calling him 'little devil' or 'son' would be impossible for me.

How can I be such a failed mother?

My son needs my explanation. He needs to know that it's not because his mother doesn't like him, but because he's in a difficult situation, so she put him aside.