You Are Brighter Than the Star


Chapter 242 - Wake Up

"Where am I?"

Ouyang Fei rubbed her head, her eyes filled with confusion.

"You're awake? Have some water. " I didn't explain anything and poured a glass of water for Ouyang Fei. I originally thought that I was already very unfortunate, but what about Ouyang Fei?

Although she had parents and they were still alive, her life was not even as good as mine.

Her mother did not have any responsibility to be a mother to her, nor did she have any love for Ouyang Fei. Even if it was a stranger, they would probably do better than Ouyang Fei's parents, right?

Ouyang Fei was her daughter, yet she was so cruel to such a lively girl, forcing Ouyang Fei to such an extent.

"Thank you." Ouyang Fei took the cup and drank in small gulps, his entire person becoming extremely silent. I wanted to ask around, but when the words were about to reach my mouth, I felt that it was a little inappropriate.

Right now, Ouyang Fei should be very sad, it's also good if she can remain calm. If I ask, maybe she would be even more sad.

"I'm going home. The little devil is still waiting at home. I can't accompany you any longer. Take care of yourself. If you need anything, you can find me at my place anytime."

He accompanied Ouyang Fei for a while longer. Even if I wanted to stay with Ouyang Fei very much, time wouldn't allow it, so I wasn't at ease in leaving the Little Demon Empress alone at home. He was so small, she could still stay in the daytime, but at night, there were too many uncertain factors.

Nor did I leave the Little Devil at night.

"Hello elder sister, I understand." But as selfish as I am, I didn't say anything and didn't continue pursuing the matter. Between the Little Devil and Ouyang Fei, I chose the Little Devil.

After all, one is a stranger that I met not long ago, while the other is my child.

There was no need to think too much about who was closer.

"Then I'll go first. Take good care of yourself."

I felt that I was very detestable. I had clearly said those words, but I still had to pretend to be a good person. But, how could I be considered a good person? I was simply a complete bad person.

He was self-righteously bullying Ouyang Fei.

After exiting Ouyang Fei's room, I bumped into the doctor who treated Ouyang Fei earlier. Seeing me, the doctor's footsteps quickened as she walked towards me.

"Is Miss awake? "If you're awake, I'll have to trouble you to take care of her. Young miss has great trust in you, if you want to cure her current illness, you need someone like you to communicate with her more."

"Sorry, I can't take care of your family's young miss. I still have things to do at home, so I need to go now." I looked apologetically at the doctor.

"What can be compared to this?"

"Doctor Li!" "Don't say anymore, sister really has something very important to do. Let sister leave."

It was unknown when Ouyang Fei had come out from the room and stood at the door, but her face was still pale and yellow.

"But Miss, you …"

"I know my body very well, you don't need to care!" Ouyang Fei's expression became a bit colder, but she did not turn around to look at me. Elder sister, you can leave. Don't worry about what he says, he's just meddling in other people's business. "

Mind your own business, what I can see is Doctor Li's concern for Ouyang Fei.

With such a doctor, I can feel more at ease with Ouyang Fei.

I nodded towards Ouyang Fei and turned to leave.

Unlike when I was directly tied up, this time I left by myself.

After a while, I made myself stop.

Something doesn't seem right. In the empty corridor, there is only the sound of my footsteps.

The situation around him was completely unfamiliar. It was very different from when he had first arrived.

With my memory, I'm confident.

"Could it be that he went wrong just now?" I looked around and suddenly realized that I seemed to be lost, in front of and behind, almost exactly the same, and I couldn't get out of here, let alone back on the right path.

"Where should I be?"

I remember coming down from Ouyang Fei's bedroom floor, am I coming from the east, west or north?

Stunned, I started to walk in circles.

"This beauty? Are you lost? Do you need help? "

Streams of voices could be heard. I turned my head around to see a young man with his hair combed behind his back walking towards me with a wretched smile.

Why are beauties acting like they're on guard? I really want to help you out of goodwill, so don't do anything. Just pay a little bit of the reward when the time comes and you can leave. The smile on the man's face became even more vulgar. I continuously retreated, and continued to retreat.

"No need."

If I want to get out, there are other ways. This person's face almost says that he is a bad person. If I agree, then I really am brain-dead.

"How can I not? Little beauty, I think you really need it. " The man was already in front of me, baring his yellow teeth, his mouth filled with a disgusting taste.

How long had it been since he brushed his teeth? Also, didn't he have a hard time understanding his own appearance? Despite his age, he was still pretending to be Fresh Meat to strike up a conversation. Even with his appearance, the auntie would ignore him when he went out, yet she still thought that he was very carefree.

If it wasn't for the fact that the other party's body was too big, I was afraid of infuriating him. There wasn't anyone here, and if the other party jumped over the wall and attacked me, it would be disastrous.

The surroundings were so empty that I couldn't hear a single sound of footsteps for a long time, let alone anything else.

"I really don't need it. My friend will be coming to pick me up soon."

I did it on purpose. Judging from his eyes, he isn't any good person, if he were to do anything, I wouldn't be his match at all, so I have to give him a reason not to think about me. Let him leave quickly.

"Friend? Could it be a boyfriend? I said, beauty, in this current society, many men are not good people. On the surface, they look like they are human beings, but in reality, they are all fake.

It's rotten to the core? Could he be talking about himself? However, not only was he rotten on the inside, he was rotten on the outside as well. He was rotten on the inside as well, so how could he have the face to talk about others?

Besides, I am well aware that there is no need for him to tell me whether or not there are any good men in this world.

"That's my business."

I shifted slightly, dodging the pig's hand that was reaching for me.

He was indeed thinking about the news about the drunk man elevator harassing women and dragging girls out for a fierce beating, as well as the drunk man harassing and killing 20-year-old girls and so on, which appeared in the news a few days ago.

His heart felt like it was being tormented in a hot pot.

I don't want to be the main character of this incident. If this person really gets angry and attacks me, what should I do?

"Yelling, this little girl is quite fierce. Didn't big brother only touch you once? Where are you hiding?" The man opposite was not drunk, but I thought he was worse than a drunk.

The human heart is sinister, especially when one looks at it. People who are habitual offenders wear clothes, and they don't come from a small family. If this kind of person is really bad, I will definitely not be able to handle it.

I didn't say anything, but kept dodging the man as he approached me.

But very quickly, I discovered that my dodging was useless. This person no longer had any scruples in attacking me.

"Let go."

I looked at the hands of the pig that were on me and my face turned completely cold. Sometimes, I just can't treat others well. Perhaps, I can break free from the man in front of me once I grasp the opportunity.

I carefully calculated the escape route.

"Let go? This little girl is quite fierce, but big brother won't let go and obediently let big brother kiss her. Otherwise, big brother will make his move. " the man said, his disgusted face close to mine.

This was the moment!

I lifted my leg and kicked the man hard in his weak spot.

The target of the pig hand instantly bends down and looks at me with a pained expression. He grinds his teeth as he speaks.

"You little bitch! Just you wait! I won't let you off so easily! "

However, his curses were getting further and further away from me. I had already begun to put some distance between him and me.