You Are Brighter Than the Star


Chapter 231 - Skills

I hid myself, purposely not thinking about the past, not caring about the present.

However, how long can I hide here? I still have to eat. Zhao Xiyan, I still want to meet him. Auntie, I also want to face him.

"Xiao Xiang, you're finally out, Xi Yan said that your body isn't well, so if you don't come out, I'm not allowed to disturb you. Now that I've finally seen you after so much trouble, you better hurry up and eat some food to recuperate your body, your health is most important."

Looking at the concern in Zhao Xiyan's mother's eyes, I was very touched. However, I didn't know what I could do.

Right now, the only thing I can do seems to be to have a good meal. This is probably the best I can do.

After finishing a table of food, I wanted to leave, but I was stopped by Zhao Xiyan. As for my aunt, she thought she wanted to leave some space for the both of us, so she had already returned to her room.

Only Zhao Xiyan and I were left. I saw the sternness in Zhao Xiyan's eyes.

"Lin Xiang, I can't allow you to face the current situation alone. Let me help you, it's the equivalent of you helping me with the rewards."

Zhao Xiyan's tone was sincere, and there was no contradiction between his words. There was no way for me to refuse.

"Compensation?" Zhao Xiyan, this matter is ultimately my personal matter. If you were to participate, have you ever thought about Auntie? What would she think? If aunty were to find out, how would you explain it? "

My only excuse, is to use auntie to stop Zhao Xiyan's words, seems like this is the only way.

Zhao Xiyan wasn't an ordinary person. Ordinary excuses couldn't stop him at all, and the only person he cared about was his mother. It would be perfect for him to bring his aunt out at this time.

"Lin Xiang, one yard, one yard. This can't be confused at all. Or, are you afraid of facing a slow?"

I suddenly lost my voice.

Yes, what had I been afraid of all this time? Wasn't it because he was afraid of being gentle?

What I was afraid of was the relationship between us, which eventually became a joke. What I was afraid of was that at the end of the day, when I made everything clear, what awaited us was a more difficult gulf, and it was even more impossible for us to be together.

But is that all I can do? Was there really no other way?

"Lin Xiang, this matter, you should do it according to my method, there will be a way to resolve it eventually. If you go alone, it will only make the situation worse.

"Why?" I looked at Zhao Xiyan. Even if I helped Zhao Xiyan, there was no need for him to take such a risk for me. The most serious result would be that he would be dragged down the altar by me.

What I did to Zhao Xiyan wasn't enough for him to repay me in such a manner. Moreover, Zhao Xiyan helped me provide a place to stay.

By doing so, he would only make me owe him more things.

I can see many similarities in your appearance. Every time I look at you, it is as if I am looking at the me of that time. That is why I am acting like this.

Zhao Xiyan's words stunned me for a moment. The current me, is like the former Zhao Xiyan?

What had Zhao Xiyan experienced? Was it also because of love?

Or was it because he had once been attacked by the netizens?

"Alright, I agree." I didn't ask what had happened to Zhao XIyan and agreed.

Zhao Xiyan didn't say anything more.

Everything on the internet continued to ferment while I, on the other hand, ignored everything until Zhao Xiyan came looking for me again.

"Everything has been prepared. I just need to wait step by step for everything to come according to my plan."

I nodded my head slightly. It was just an existence between auntie and myself, so I didn't say much. There was something that only we knew, so there was no need to say it explicitly.

Although I don't know how Zhao Xiyan did it or what he went through, I do know that he will take care of this matter.

From start to finish, I had almost never participated in it. Gradually, the news about the public opinion seemed to have left me and everything seemed to have faded away.

It was as if such a thing had never happened before.

Gradually, everything faded away. Time passed day by day, and the days gradually calmed down.

The only thing that changed was that my weight and the child inside my stomach gradually grew. Occasionally, the child would kick my stomach. Originally, I was in a bad mood, but due to the child, I also felt a lot more relaxed.

"Baby, you have to be born healthy. Mom will watch you grow up. Your health is the most important thing. You have to grow up. Mom is waiting for you to be born."

Sitting in the swivel chair, I touched my stomach, and the corners of my mouth curled.

Indeed, the nurturing of life is so great. Every day, I can bear witness to the growth of this little life. Perhaps not too long later, he will be born.

At that time, I would be the real me. I would no longer be alone. At that time, I would truly have a family. I would no longer be alone.

After leaving this place, my mood had become a lot more relaxed.

"Lin Xiang, good news." I didn't notice Zhao Xiyan's arrival until he spoke.

"What do you mean?"

Good news? What good news? In this period of time, besides bad news, there was also bad news. Good news, I'm afraid it was just a joke?

In my heart, I naturally do not believe it.

Where would there be any good news? With great difficulty, my life became a bit more stable. I only hope that I am no longer gently hanging on the internet. This is already very fortunate. Everything else is not that important.

"Do you remember the play you shot before?"

A movie? The movie that was filmed with the Director Zhang? I don't remember it very well.

What happened to that play?

I looked puzzled.

Zhao Xiyan sighed helplessly, "Your movie is really famous, and this year, there's a very high chance that you will get the title of the best female lead. In the next few days, the results will be out, and you've already qualified.

"Oh." I indifferently replied, neither happy nor sad.

To me, the showbiz has been growing a lot longer with this period of time. Right now, the most important thing for me is to watch my baby being born. Nothing is more important than this, everything else is secondary.

Zhao Xiyan probably saw through my indifference as well, and said a bit jokingly.

"That's true, we, Lin Xiang, do not even change our expressions when faced with the title of 'Shadow Queen'. How can we be so excited when we are the best female lead?"

I rolled my eyes. "It's not that I'm unhappy, you know. It's just that I don't want to enter that circle for a short period of time. At the very least, I won't do so until my child has grown up."

Going in would mean that I would have to face many different kinds of stepping on the ground. There would be all sorts of disputes between people, so there was no need to cause trouble. Such peaceful days weren't many for me.

After the birth of the baby, I still have to fight for my baby's milk powder money, can't stop at all.

Cherish this peaceful day, I will miss it in the future.

"Yeah, I know, but there seems to be some movement over there. What do you want to do?"

Zhao Xiyan sat down beside me and carefully looked at the staircase with a guilty look on his face.

"It's not what I want to do, it's what I can do. Between him and I, it's never my choice, but rather my choice. However, it's not important now. When the child is born and the aunt's body recovers, I'll leave with the baby."

I can't stay with Zhao Xiyan all my life. Zhao Xiyan also has his life, and several times before, due to me, there was a misunderstanding between Zhao Xiyan and his boyfriend. If I continue to stay, the conflict between them will worsen.

Before I leave, I will go through the divorce formalities with Zhao Xiyan.

It's ridiculous to say that at my age, I wasn't really that old, but I've already been through two marriages, one failed, one faked.