You Are Brighter Than the Star


Chapter 228 - Retribution

After a simple meal, Auntie suggested that everyone go out to relax.

As a filial son, Zhao Xiyan agreed to it almost instantly.

Compared to his own country, the streets outside the country were the same. It was just that it felt a little emptier with the absence of a house.

We rarely went to the streets together. I didn't expect that we would go to the streets of a foreign country together with Zhao Xiyan and his family when we first arrived in a foreign country.

The people here speak a language that I don't really understand. Grandma was also confused. After working hard, Zhao Xiyan was urged by Auntie and I to go around and talk to others. During this time, they even acted as our translators.

"Xi Yan, hurry up and tell this boss. Let's go buy something else to eat first. We'll come back later to get it."

Auntie urged him anxiously.

Since we could not speak properly and had been out for half an hour, we still hung around at the door and could not be blamed on Auntie for being anxious.

"Mom, let's just pack them up and take them away. I'll carry them." Zhao Xiyan was afraid that he would be recognized if he continued to stay. After all, he had his fans abroad. Thus, he did not dare to take the risk.

If he was blocked by fans and didn't bring an assistant with him today, that would be terrible.

"Lin Xiang, what did you say?"

I didn't expect that Zhao Xiyan would suddenly talk to me. I was stunned for a moment, and didn't know how to reply. My auntie at the side glared at Zhao Xiyan discontentedly, her eyes full of blame.

"How can you speak to my daughter-in-law like that? How can you call me daughter-in-law's name? Can't you have an intimate term for it? "

Looking at my aunt's expression, I felt both amused and helpless. I didn't know what to say, so I could only silently give Zhao Xiyan a helpless look.

In front of auntie, I was instantly weakened to the point of being a scum. It was probably because I had lost my parents. Seeing such an elder, I couldn't help but put myself in the shoes of my daughter.

It also added to his concern.

"Alright, alright, alright. It's my fault. Next time, I'll call my wife." Zhao XIyan glanced at me a little helplessly, and I looked back at him the same way.

I didn't really want anyone else to have the title of 'wife', but now, facing Zhao Xiyan's mother, I couldn't reject her. If I say one more word, that would be another loophole.

In order not to be noticed by my aunt, I could only temporarily nod my head.

Along the way, I would slowly discover that there were a lot of interesting things here, as well as a lot of relatively delicious foods. It's just that I might not be used to the taste of the food here, so I can't help but feel a little uncomfortable.

I guess, I think, I'll get used to the food here after a while, but right now, I'm still not used to it yet.

After leaving that period of gentleness, I had already completely calmed down. Even though I said that I was calm, I rarely relaxed. The opportunity to easily shop was even rarer.

"Xiao Xiang, come, let's go ahead and eat that. Last time, I tried it, it tasted good, you probably liked it too, our tastes are still rather similar."

Looking at aunty's smiling face, I couldn't say a word if I wanted to reject her. Although I wasn't very close to that place, based on my vision, I could roughly tell that it was a taste that I didn't really like. I really didn't know how Auntie could tell that I liked it.

As I got closer, I was even more certain that the food there wasn't my favorite taste, but I still had to eat what I had to eat, and it wasn't that easy to refuse.

After all, aunty has good intentions. If I were to reject it, she would probably be hurt.

"Come on, have a taste while it's still warm." I took the snacks from my aunt's hands. Just as I put it near my mouth, my sight was attracted to a figure standing not too far away.

Why was he here?

I'm not sure if I'm able to see him slowly, but the moment I see him again, I feel waves of heartache and helplessness.

Grabbing a snack, I unconsciously walk a few steps towards his side. I hastily stop my steps. I can't. There isn't any possibility of a relationship between him and me. There's no need for me to make things difficult for myself.

Didn't I already think it through when I left? "What was the past?" Xiao Xiang, what's wrong with you? "

Half of the snacks in auntie's hands had already been wiped out. She followed my gaze.

There was no longer anyone else around.

"Xiao Xiang, what were you looking at just now?"

Faced with my aunt's question, I replied in a perfunctory manner.

Look at what? Look at my ex-husband? Or, look at the person I still love?

As he slowly spoke, the time for him to laugh was long gone. The beautiful future that he had once imagined was now just like a joke; there was nothing else left.

But I think, probably no matter how much time passes, I will never forget, there was once such an outstanding man, sunshine handsome, but also charming and tyrannical, he once gently hugged me, had also carefully prepared dinner for me, also once protected me.

The best feeling, the true acceptance, is probably to stop slandering each other after separating from each other.

There was no mistake in being gentle, and there was no mistake in me. The mistake was that we fell in love at a time when we shouldn't have met, and that we fell in love when our statuses weren't the same.

What else could I do but miss?

I will bless him from afar. I hope that he can find someone he likes and likes, and also get accepted by his family. As long as that person is not Zhang Mancha, I will probably bless him.

"Auntie, let's go to the front." I quickly stuffed the snack in my hand into my mouth. I didn't even have the time to savor its taste before swallowing it whole.

My throat felt a little uncomfortable. My throat couldn't hold such a large amount of food. It was as if I wasn't suited to be together with gentleness in the first place. Our tough way of being together resulted in a fall that was as painful as my throat.

Reality has proven that. Now, am I not in pain?

I can't choose my birth, but I can choose the person I love, and I can choose my future.

These were the words that were often said when you were young, but when you grew up, you would understand just how ridiculous these words were. This was a cage, and how could the you in this cage have the ability to choose your own lover and future? You'll be restricted everywhere.

You cannot use your fists and kicks, you can only injure yourself time and time again, pulling out the extra space you have on yourself, which means you have to hurt yourself time and time again. Only by doing this can you get what you want, but after getting it, you will realize that you are no longer you.

You might even think how superfluous this thing is.

Of course, it was not that there was no one who could get what they wanted, but according to the ratio, these people's origins were usually very prestigious. Of course, it was not that there was no one who could get what they wanted, but according to the ratio, these people's origins were generally very prestigious.

The streets were very long, with many forks, but I didn't see them any longer. My mood was heavy, and although there was no displeasure on my face, it was clear that I wasn't happy, and I couldn't be happy either.

The fake smile made the muscles on my face stiffen, and I could hear Zhao Xiyan's conversation with his mother every now and then. It was clearly very warm, but at this moment, I deliberately used a door to separate us, isolating all of the warmth from my world.

I know that I am sorry for the time being, but who can be sorry for my parents? Their grievances, their pain, who was to bear it? The last time I went home, I told them that we would move there together in the future. They would disappear from my world forever before I even started preparing.

This is probably my retribution for not taking good care of them.