You Are Brighter Than the Star


Chapter 195 - Carelessness

He slowly threw the salad dressing on the table, and his expression suddenly turned cold. "Wife, I'm doing this for your own good. Don't cause trouble without reason!"

Causing trouble for no reason? Slightly speaking, I made trouble for no reason?

I think I must have heard wrongly. How could he say such words so slowly? How could he, how could he say that I was causing trouble for no reason?

I never missed this from the beginning. I just didn't want to stay home and do nothing.

During this period of time, he wouldn't let me cook, and he wouldn't even let me wipe my own hair after I had washed it. He had to take part in almost everything, even if he was very busy.

His parents called him, so he had to answer them first, but only after confirming that they were all right before returning them to me. He also had to read through my QQ account and give it to me after he received the message.

I've been trying really hard not to think about it too much. I felt that I was too slow in thinking about it and that's why I did it. But today, I suddenly felt that what I thought before was wrong.

"I am not your canary! Slow down, I can even do these things by myself. Can you stop controlling me? "I keep having the feeling that during this period of time, you've been weaving a web with your own hands and then loading me into it bit by bit."

I didn't want to argue with him, but everything he had done in the past few days had forced me to argue with him.

The first three months of his recovery had been fine, but that hadn't been the case. But in the last month, he had clearly gotten stronger, and I didn't know what to do.

Sometimes when I take a bath, he follows me.

Normally, I would control my food even more strictly. All of my snacks were almost untouchable to me.

I felt like a slow demon, but I don't know why, but I was at home almost every day. What was he guarding against? Even if I were to go outside, I would be with him. What is he trusting?

I shouted out those words, and the expression on my face became slightly stunned. I probably didn't expect for him to make such a request, I was thinking.

After a while, she slowly spoke with a helpless tone, "No, it's not what you think. Wife, you have to listen to my explanation first."

I only looked at it slowly and didn't say anything.


Everything was already so obvious. What was there to explain when things slowed down?

Wasn't explaining that he controlled me?

If he didn't control me, what had he been doing all this time?

I can't help but think, what is it?

Perhaps because he also guessed my thoughts, he didn't wait for me to speak and started to explain.

"Wife, come with me to a place."

A place? It can't be that you want to lure me away so that you can control me and stop me from going to the crew, right?

I can't help but scheming and argue, but in the end, the trust in the gentleness of the heart, overcome the doubt of the gentleness.

He reached out and took my hand. I thought he was going to take me out the door. I took a few steps and called for him to stop.

"Wait, wait for me to change."

He slowly turned his head, his eyes were filled with confusion.

"What for?"

If I change my clothes, doesn't it mean that I have to go somewhere with him? I can't go out in my current clothes without makeup on my face, can I?

I was about to explain when I realized what was going on and reached out to stroke my fur.

"No need to go out, stay at home."

I was stunned for a moment. So you didn't have to go out. I thought you were going out.

"Alright then, let's continue."

A gentle hand pulled me into his arms, half holding me.

"Wife, no matter what you see later, don't get excited. Promise me, okay?" Initially, I didn't think much about it. However, after being slowed down to such an extent, I suddenly felt a little nervous.

He subconsciously didn't want to look.

"Hubby, what is it? Can't you tell me? " I took hold of her thin arm.

I don't want to go. I'm afraid I have to face something I can't accept.

"Soon, wife, believe me."

Wife, trust me. The five words seemed to directly smash into my heart. I subconsciously nodded my head.

I slowly followed him. I slowly walked away and followed him. The moment I slowly opened the door, I subconsciously closed my eyes. I didn't dare to look because I was afraid that I would be disappointed.

"Wife?" A warm and gentle breath landed on my neck, tickling me. Feeling helpless, I opened my eyes. However, I was startled by what I saw.

The room was filled with children's shoes and clothes, as well as all kinds of toys.

Seeing this, I couldn't help but think of the child in my stomach who had disappeared before I even looked at the world.

My eyes were sore and I wanted to cry. I didn't understand why she had shown me this gently. Was she trying to make me think of that child who was no longer alive being sad? Or something else?

I looked over my shoulder, trying to get him to give me an answer.

"Wife, I've prepared this room for our future son or daughter. Whether it's a man or a woman, I've prepared all of them."

"What are you talking about?" The sadness in my heart was indescribable. I cried as I watched it slowly fade away.

Why do you want to show me these? What do you want to do?

That child, I do not deserve him, I have tried to put it down, why to show me this gently.

"Wife, why are you crying?" She looked at me with slight astonishment.

He reached out and wiped the tears from my face.

"Don't cry, it's my fault. I didn't tell you. Do you remember a month ago, I took you to the hospital to examine you?" I nodded, crying, I remember.

"Wife, we have children, our children." The soft sound was like someone smashing into my eardrums. I didn't know how to react.

Child? What do you mean? What do you mean we have children?

"Husband, child, what child?" My heart rate quickened.

Didn't the previous examination say that I might not have children for the rest of my life?

How could there be children?

I must have heard wrong.

The uncertainty in my heart made me subconsciously deny myself, unwilling to believe the truth.

"We already have a son, and it's already been a month. I've been very careful this whole time because I'm afraid of hurting you and your child, and it's my fault, I shouldn't have let your imagination run wild just because I'm prepared to hide it from you. Wife, I won't let you take the commercial, it's just because your body isn't suitable for your current condition." Gently biting my earlobe, she whispered.

"Don't you think that during this period, no matter how difficult it is for me, I have to endure it?" Slightly speaking, she hugged me tightly, causing my cheeks to instantly turn red.

"You hoodlum, hurry up and let me go." I have a baby. I have a baby again.

He couldn't help but place his hand on my stomach, feeling the life in that place. If it wasn't for the gentle and playful rogue next to me, I think that I would be happier at this moment.

"I only play dirty tricks on my wife. Wife, I've been enduring for the past three months. Today, shouldn't you let me have some meat dishes? Eating too much vegetarian food makes your husband feel a bit uncomfortable. " As he spoke, his hands became restless.

I reached out and knocked my hand away.

"Hubby, don't forget to go to the company today. It's almost time for work. I'll check the things you prepared for the babies first." I tilted my head to the side to avoid looking at him. This fellow, he isn't that serious. If his subordinates saw how big he is, they would probably not believe that he's their CEO, right?

After all, he had a completely different image than he normally would.

Her gentle hand paused for a moment, and she suddenly felt a little disappointed.

"Wife, let's go to the company together today, I want to see you. I'm worried about you staying by yourself at home." He smelled something on my neck, causing me to feel itchy.

"Don't move." I reached out and pushed my face.

"Wife will accompany me to the company." I wanted to laugh, but I wanted to cry. In the end, I could only helplessly agree, "Okay, I'll go, I'll go, okay? But can you stop messing around? "So itchy."

As soon as I said it, it stopped.

There was a touch of triumph in her eyes as she looked at me.