You Are Brighter Than the Star


Chapter 132 - The Icy Cold without Human

When I got home, what greeted me was darkness, and the cold without human life. I probably wasn't at home. If I was, how could I turn on the air conditioner?

I turned on the light in my room, took off my jacket, and hung it on a hanger. I casually tossed the leather shoes that were a yard larger to the side. He threw the bag with the clothes on it onto the sofa.

I couldn't help but shiver from the cold. I was regretting that I had taken off my jacket just now. I should have turned on the air conditioner before taking it off.

I sniffed. Every time I got cold, I couldn't help it.

"Achoo!" Could it be that he had caught a cold?

I have a bad feeling about this. My physique is considered weak. As long as I have some minor ailments, it will eventually lead to a serious illness that will not recover for a long period of time.

He had to quickly turn on the air conditioner, then find a bag of indigowoad root and eat it. He had to do some precautionary measures in advance, and to a certain extent, there was still a little effect.

I carried boiling water in my arms. On the table, there was a medical kit that I had found in the corner. There were all kinds of herbs stuffed inside the medicine box. I spent a lot of effort searching for indigowoad root.

While I was looking for indigowoad root, the house warmed up.

Looking at the indigowoad root, sitting in the air-conditioned room, I had a little resistance in my heart.

He shouldn't be so unlucky as to catch a cold, right? So I better not eat this bag of indigowoad root.

He couldn't get rid of this thought no matter how hard he tried.

I loosened my grip on the indigowoad root, then tightened it again.

No, I must eat. If I really catch a cold, the filming of the film crew will be delayed. Now, I can only place my hopes on this piece of work. Besides, it's easier to let your imagination run wild without doing anything at home.

I don't know where I got the courage to do so, but I tore open the sack of indigowoad root and poured the entire sack of indigowoad root into my mouth. A strange taste dissolved in his mouth.

As long as I was stuck in a difficult situation and had a moment of nausea, I would directly vomit the medicine in my mouth.

I hastily covered my mouth with my hand and drank a few mouthfuls of saliva before letting the pill in my mouth wash over.

Even though I ate the medicine, but the taste of the medicine in my mouth is still there, so I can't help but want to retch, a feeling of nausea came over me.

"It's been so many years, why have I not improved at all? Isn't it just a bag of medicine? "Can it stop me?"

After pouring a cup of warm water into my stomach, I find a drink in the fridge and drink it up before suppressing the taste of the indigowoad root.

I had done all that I could to prevent that, and even endured my disgust as I ate a bag of indigowoad root. However, the cold still unfriendly came looking for me, and when I woke up the next morning, the temperature of my forehead kept reminding me, Lin Xiang, you have a cold.

The period has not passed, was found by the cold door, this time there is not a word can describe my current complex mood.

I shook my head. Other than a fever, there were no other symptoms. I should still be able to go to the crew.

It's just that the heat on my forehead makes me feel a little dazed.

After a simple wash, I didn't have the appetite to eat breakfast. I took some bread and milk and hastily left the room.

Yesterday's car hadn't come back yet, so he had to go to the car wash first before going to the crew.

Oh, right, he should have to accompany Zhang Yuyan for dinner tonight.

On the way, I roughly thought about what I had to do today.

Fortunately, the car wash wasn't too far away, and I still trusted the car wash master's skills. Looking at my brand-new clean and bright car, any discomfort was immediately thrown to the back of my mind.

When I first arrived in this city, I was thinking about how one day I would have my own house and car in this city, but I never thought about setting up my own family.

However, I never thought that I would have everything so soon, but I'm not happy at all.

At that time, I thought that if I had these things, I would definitely call my parents to announce the good news. But in the end, everything happened and I didn't even dare to tell them.

Sitting in the driver's seat, I was a little confused. The position of the entertainment circle, what should I do after I get in?

All this time, I've been fighting for that person's words. What about after I finish it? What should I do? What should he do?

With my current condition, I won't have a family or children anymore. What else can I do?

A sense of powerlessness and confusion arose from the depths of my heart.

What am I going to do if I don't get to the end?

Am I willing?

The answer is yes, I can't accept it.

I don't know if this was due to my selfish behavior or something, but there was a voice clamoring at me in my heart. Lin Xiang, you can't be willing, you can't be willing.

"Hey, in front!" Can't you hurry up and drive? Even the green light is going to go. " The shrill sound of a horn and the impatient voice of the driver behind me pulled me out of my reverie.

"Sorry." I said apologetically to the driver as I frantically started the car.

After a flurry of actions and increasingly loud chiding from behind him, they finally drove out.

Faintly, I heard someone shout, "Red light, it's red light! Do you want to die? "

The magnified truck in front of me made my pupils contract. In that instant, my mind went blank as my hands operated mechanically.

In the last moment, I became determined. I was not willing to divorce slowly, not willing to let him divorce me to find Zhang Mancha.

The expected collision didn't happen. My car was parked at the rear of the van, but there was friction between the front and the front.

Voices rose and fell around me, and I, at that moment, became more determined.

Slow down, I didn't die this time. I definitely won't let you go so easily. Who told you to provoke me first. Don't think of shaking me off. I'm your wife.






"Lin Xiang."

"The main responsibility for this traffic accident lies with you, the pilot. As for the specific punishment, we will tell you later." The traffic police handed me the written form. "Sign it."

I did not refute or shirk responsibility.

I was obviously still sick and unconscious, so I drove on the road. If there really was a traffic accident, then let's not talk about whether I can keep my life first, maybe the truck driver would be implicated by me.

"Sorry for the trouble." I looked apologetically at the traffic police.

The traffic police shook his head, "You youngsters really don't care about your bodies. I think you must have caught a cold from coughing a few times since entering this place?"

I nodded.

"Now you young people have a lot of stress in your working life, I understand. However, in this kind of situation, it's best not to drive. In case of an accident, we'll regret it for the rest of our lives. "

The traffic police said to me earnestly, "My daughter was two years younger than you. Five years ago, I kept reminding her not to drive when she was feeling unwell, but she refused to listen. In the end, she left me and her mother behind. I'm already old, so I won't say anything nice.

"Thank you, uncle." The uncle was a good cop for me to warn him about.

In this city, there were very few people who cared so much about themselves.

"No need to thank me. Sit down first, I'm going to take care of some other things."

"Uncle, get back to work."

After the traffic police left, I let go of the palm. There was a deep cut on the palm, and blood was flowing out from it.

Even though I stopped the car safely, I unconsciously touched something with my hand. It was only here that I discovered the wound on my palm.

It was a little deep.

It hurt a little.

Just now, he had been clenching his hands tightly to prevent himself from being discovered. Otherwise, this uncle of his would have said a lot of things.

I shook my head.

Right now, he really didn't want to relax.

It was fortunate that my parents didn't know, otherwise they would say that I wasn't careful and didn't care about my body.

After all, I am still a man who cares about his life.

I still need to live a good life, to prevent myself from going to Zhang Mancha slowly.