You Are Brighter Than the Star


Chapter 119 - Warm little daily life

After Zhang Yuyan got out of the car, I looked at the rearview mirror.

"Calm down, you were unhappy just now. "Why?" I must have been slow to the point of being unhappy, but that had been slow all along.

One must know that I let Zhang Yuyan get on the carriage. Such a mild and gentle unhappiness might be due to me disagreeing with my friend.

"No reason." He gently replied in a perfunctory manner as the steering wheel under his hand rotated again and again. In the mirror, his eyebrows seemed to be covered with a layer of frost.

The man's eyes were as cold as ice. His lips were tightly pursed as an ice-cold aura enveloped his entire body.

Carrying danger and charm, his aura became indescribably powerful.

This man is always like this. He's inexplicably angry, yet he doesn't want to explain it to me. Does he think that I won't cooperate with his discussion, or is what happened yesterday just a dream of mine?

I don't think I did anything to provoke a man today.

Men's anger, to me, is like a declaration of war.

"So slow, do you think I'm stupid or you're stupid? You're obviously very angry, but you said …

There was the screeching of brakes, and when I wasn't expecting it, the car turned 180 degrees and I was almost thrown out of the car. If it wasn't for the fact that I sensed danger, I would have grabbed the handle of the car door tightly.

I was shaken to the point that I felt disgusted. Looking at the expressionless man in front, he was still sitting upright. At this moment, he was like an insurmountable mountain.

When he turned around, there was no trace of concern in his eyes. His eyes suddenly felt sore …

Again, over and over again, to soften the perfect face that no one could find fault with. It's always such a cold gaze, looking at my embarrassment, looking at me at a loss of what to do.

At this moment, the man looked at the girl who was lying on the back seat of the car with her head lowered and her body trembling slightly. A dark glint flashed across his pitch-black eyes.

"Sit up."

"…" My hand that was grabbing onto the armrest was trembling. He didn't say 'Lin Xiang, are you alright?', nor did he say 'Lin Xiang, I'm sorry'. He only sat up in a commanding manner.

I am not your subordinate, your opponent, and even more so, not your enemy. I am the wife of the Marriage certificate that joined you.

Even if I was treated in such a manner, I didn't want to be looked down upon even more. I tenaciously grabbed onto the handrail again and again, and with a little bit of force, I sat up straight.

He suppressed the disgust in his heart.

"Get out."

I was stunned. Slow down to get out of the car? He actually told me to get off?

Was it because I didn't deserve to sit in his car? You think I'm going to get his backseat dirty?

Slow down, you're cruel.

"Alright." I bit my lip. I thought my face would be pale, devoid of any color. I had just recovered and was being humiliated by this man.

Naturally, there was no hint of blood.

I reached out my hand hesitantly, grabbed the door bit by bit, and opened it.

He took a deep breath.

Isn't Lin Xiang just a man? Wasn't it just a car? At most, she could just rent a car and return to the apartment she bought for two million yuan.

"Hurry up." After my hesitation was abated by those words, my heart was stifled. I quickly opened the car door and got off.

The temperature outside and inside of the car were two completely different worlds. I shrank back, looked at the strange street, stood for a moment, and then walked in the direction of the car.

"Lin Xiang, you stop right there!"

There was a hint of anger in her gentle voice. Where was this stupid woman planning to go?

Since he told her to get off, what was she planning to do?

He actually dared to head in the opposite direction.

"Slow down, you told me to get off, and then you told me to stop? What exactly do you want to do? "I've already left the car as per your instructions. It's none of your business where I go."

I tried not to let my voice be heard. I was just so useless. I actually got angry and cried because of this man.

What right did he have to do something to me? If he told me to get off, then get off, if he told me to get on, then get on, what did he take me, Lin Xiang, for?

I don't understand, I don't want to understand, and I don't want to know more.

I can only be disappointed in the gentleness.

He really disappoints me. He disappoints me.


After speaking slowly, I have no more words to say. As expected, you don't want to bother with me anymore, right? Then why did you call me just now, making me misunderstand.

Tears like broken beads, uncontrollable fall, I feel wronged, I'm innocent, gentle, how can you treat me like this.

I continued on my path, each step difficult for me.

I cursed myself for being incompetent as I thought about what to do. I don't have any cash on me, and I was in a rush when I got off the car. I didn't even take my wallet and phone.

If I walk back here, my feet are probably going to be crippled.

"Lin Xiang, you stupid woman." A powerful force drew me into a gentle embrace.

The thin chin pressed against my forehead. Such a clear temperature still made me feel unrealistic.

Was he pulling me?

Why did he say I was stupid?

What does that mean?

I foolishly allowed myself to be carried gently.

"Slow down, what do you mean?"

Stupid woman? How am I stupid?

"Lin Xiang, why are you so stupid? I made you get off the car, not just leave, but get you to sit in the front seat and buckle up.

You actually directly left after getting out of the car.

The words slowly fell on me and I was suddenly hugged up. I subconsciously hugged slowly, as if I heard his laughter again. "Hahahaha!" "Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah!"

I was still a little confused about being gently placed in the passenger seat and buckled up.

Slow to hug me, Slow to let me sit in the co-pilot, Slow to let me go.

"I'm not stupid. You're the one who's angry, and made me sit up, and made me get off the carriage. You're the one who made me leave." I covered my face.

It was all done slowly, by him.

"Lin Xiang, why are you still like a child? I'm angry because you let her ride in a car. What if her sudden voice affects my driving and you get hurt again?

I'm angry because you don't know how to fasten your seat belt when you're sitting in the back. I'm angry because you don't have any sense of security. "

When I heard those words, I was suddenly stunned. I widened my eyes in disbelief.

"Lin Xiang, you're my wife. You just came out of the hospital, I don't want to see you get hurt twice. I let you off the car because I want you to sit in the front."

"But you didn't say."

I still felt wronged, I didn't even open my mouth. I'm not a worm in his stomach, how do I know what he's thinking? What can I do if he's angry with me?

"I'm sorry, it was my fault. I thought you could understand what I meant." She looked at me with a gentle and helpless expression.

I looked at him, feeling wronged. "I'm having a big meal tonight. You made it yourself."

"Alright." Slowly touching my head, I let him touch me.

That's more like it. If I say no slowly, I'll get out of the car now.

Looking at how busy and gentle the kitchen was, I peacefully snuggled up on the sofa and ate my snacks. As compensation, I was able to eat today's snacks slowly. Borrowing the east wind, I bought a little more of them, but looking at the amount, it should be enough for me to eat for two days.

"Wife, go wash your hands and prepare to eat." He came out of the kitchen slowly carrying a dish. He was wearing a pink apron that I had specially selected for him. He didn't feel awkward, but somehow gave him the air of a good man.

"Yes, husband!"

I casually threw away the snacks in my hands and ran to the washroom barefooted. After running a few steps, I was gently lifted by the waist and carried back to the sofa.

"Ai, I told you to wear shoes, but why didn't you listen?" He tapped my head gently.

I giggled foolishly.

Today's gentleness, and my dream of gentleness, gentle, good to me, this is my vision of a married life.

In order to wear slippers, he took me to the washroom to wash my hands. Looking at his slender fingers, I looked around before coming back to my senses. This is my own home.

He washed his hands very seriously and slowly. He didn't even notice my little movements.

However, a voice in my heart told me that this gentleness was intentional. He must have seen it.

The sound grew louder, louder, and I stood on my toes, the foam on my hands peeling off one of the softer parts of my face.

"Hahaha, husband, you've been tricked."

I smiled gleefully as I quickly rushed out of the washroom while I was still in a daze.