Wudang: Legends Of Qi Earth

167 Blood Of Ancient Earth Ritual I : Fairy Spirit Devonte Bonded

Alex found himself in his spirit hall, odds were he had passed out during the process of healing Devonte, but that was understandable. Devonte had not just nicked an artery when he stabbed his daggers into Alex's leg, he had completely severed it. A normal human would have been dead by then, but cultivators had tougher bodies, as Alex was there was even a possibility of him surviving for quite a while even if he has been completely drained of blood. But in the end Alex was till just human, plus the fight had pushed him to edge of his cultivator abilities, and while some part of him might actually be dissatisfied with the way the fight had turned out, he could actually zero out one thing. His cultivator abilities were definitely not weak, a few more training sessions and his skills would be refined.

(You have Bonded with a new spirit!)

SPIRIT NAME: Devonte Xer'Tania Oberon Nirketik

• SPIRIT RACE: Fairy (Royal)(Dormant Form)

• SPIRIT RANK: Commander(Stage 9)

• SPIRIT SCHOOL: (Manifestation)(Mind Sight)

• SPIRIT SKILLS: (Nature Embrace: Level 8)(Nature Spirit Blades: Level 3)(Perception: Level 8)(Nature Control: Level 4) (Leaf Shift: Level 3)(Illusion Magic: Level 8)(Shift: Level 1)

He was surprised if he had to be really honest, but at the very least it seems like a welcomed one, Devonte was unlike anything Alex had ever seen,. Ur considering he's not had the chance to go out much, that much could be understandable. Alex knew sometimes spirits from the spirit world would cross over into earth to cause a little bit not mischief, but Devonte did not seem like a spirit that would do such, in fact he could easily pass for human so it's a bit hard to be extremely sure of how or why he was here.

"I think just like me, he was born here; on Earth."Ébié said to him as Alex was about to leave the mantle. It sort of made sense, fairies were supposed to be tiny little things, but here was a full-grown teenager that can easily pass of as human, in fact there was nothing on his body that made him seem less then human. There was a story behind his existence, Alex wanted to find that out.

He woke up resting under in a tightly sealed tent. Everyone we had taken extra precautions when coming here, even Devonte had been covered head to toe, get Alex had no such protections and was clad in only his boxers. Of course his current state of undress wasn't completely or entirely his fault, but it is what it is. Anyway this was just a standard procedure for his safety and the safety of everyone else, he was being Quarantined for any catalyst that might be hanging on him, or if he's already been poisoned and didn't know it.

"You really should take some time to rest, or at the very least consolidate your new cultivation base. So I would advice you not to get up from that bed."

"I have things to do Elder Wuxi,. Tower to run and a nest of arachnids to destroy, I can consider getting some rest once I'm done with all of it. Besides I'm fine, and there's no hidden injuries or poison in my body." Alex said to him in an attempt to convince him.

"I know you're fine, but I'm not the one who needs convincing. Either way you can go take care of what you have planned. I'll watch over the mining and extraction of the sky steel, most of it is still buried underground. If my advice counts for anything, I would suggest we escort 60% of it back to the Wudang sect or rather back to the Zhang clan. But we've made too loud a noise, and it wouldn't be that easy to move the ores without attracting unwanted attention. We might have to ask the patriarch himself to come retrieve it." Zhang Wuxi said as he took a swig out of the wine you're he was always carrying around.

"That's a wise course of action, I'll reach out to my grandfather immediately, if rather as soon as we're out of the forest. The ores themselves would need to be boxed and arranged for his arrival, we can do that ourselves we just have to make sure no one else finds out or interrupts us. With this in play we'll probably going to be seeing a lot of challenges in the coming days, so it's best to keep most of our operations secret and close to our chest. Thank you so much for your advice elder Wuxi, please excuse me." Alex was already dressed in brand new clothes, he didn't know who did that, but he'd rather not dwell on it.

He moved outside to gaze that the tent had been pitched right at the edge of the crater, dozens of flying round robots or something of the sort were floating all over the place, using lasers to cut off parts of the sky steel before having them placed on massive truck like hover crafts that were flying above the tree lines. This was still a forest filled with poison, and Alex was sure it must have cost a pretty penny for each and every single one of them to but antidotes that made them immune.

"Master! I apologize for my insolent actions earlier, I'm willing to accept any sort of punishment to make up for what I did." Alex didn't even turn his head as he spoke out loud to a kneeling Devonte.

"What are you doing? That fight was not your fault, besides! It was a great fight, one that I wouldn't be forgetting any time soon, so let's do that again sometime. Now get up, you, me and Khan have some things to care off before we have to head back to the academy."

Alex wasn't too worried about his relationship with Devonte, just like he was with Khan, they were now inexplicably connected. And it was like the bond between a father and a child, he understood Devonte, he could not just see, but he could also feel his sincerity, and also a whole bunch of other things. Anya and Xiao Mei seemed to be really busy giving directions to the men driving the hover raft, Louis was writing in a note pad right next to a group of tied up men, with the guy wearing red sitting at the forefront looking like a kid who's hand had just been found in a cookie jar. But considering there was a bandage soaked with blood around his stump of a right hand, Alex guessed he got punished for trying to steal.

Devonte was silently following Alex as they slowly made their way to the tree lines, and in one smooth motion disappeared into the forest. There really wasn't anything left for Alex to do here, plus he still had one last mission to complete before he has to refund to the Academy. It would not be too hard for them to find him if they wanted to, but he came to this forest to temper himself and get some ingredient for a blood ritual, and he was still missing some of those materials, leaving only one other stop, and that was the Arachnids nest.

"Master are we not going to tell your friends about your departure?" Devonte asked with a little too much difficulty, the fairy had never been in a position where he was able to communicate with the people he served, he was nothing more than a beast of burden to them.

"Why should he tell them! Listen new guy, they're just going to make things complicated and rain all-over our parade with their overprotective attitude. It's best if we quietly just sneak away into the forest." A disembodied voice answered Devonte, and a second later, there was Khan walking right besides Devonte with Alex ahead.

Devonte wasn't to startled, the bond of a master to his spirit was something all his spirit share. Rather than say he makes a single connection every time a spirit is bonded, it would be better to think of the bond as a seed. It sprouts roots, then stalks, boughs, leaves, branches, fruits etc. They might seem different, unique in their effects, disposition and size, but all connected to the same seed. He was rather comfortable with Khan walking besides him, his loneliness at this point was pretty much none existent.

"Hey Master where are we going now?" Khan asked a silent Alex who had left both spirits to talk like a father would to his children, whilst reading a map and trying to plot a course.

"Our final target should be the Arachnids nest, they're hybrid magical and cultivation creatures, one of the few that exists in the world right now, and extremely valuable. They're not always as strong with their abilities peaking at the mortal gate, and few barely going last that to the earth gate. What makes them really fearsome are their numbers and disposition to eat every single thing in their way, even if we can't completely destroy the nest, we have to significantly reduce their numbers, so we can kill as many as we can and bring them back to the academy for confirmation. It's just that I can't make heads or tails of this damn map!"

Alex complained as he threw the map against a tree that seemed to have developed and open mouth with sharp fangs. A gust of wind from Khan, and the free was sliced in half, along with pieces of Alex's map. The young man couldn't help but since as he turned to Khan with a board, he still needed that nap. But then again he threw it away first, Khan looked back at him and sat on his haunches and shrugging his shoulders as if to say, 'this aunty my fault'. And Alex knew he would be right.

"If it's a nest of Arachnids, I can lead you to it, there's nothing and no one I can't find in a forest." Devonte said to Alex to placate his new Master.

"Okay then Fairy boy! Which direction do we take?" Khan asked.

"You both just have to follow me.....I assume you both can keep up right?" Devonte asked, but Khan and Alex looked at each other with raised eyebrows and a weird smile before Khan spoke to Devonte.

"Is that a joke or a challenge! Either way whatever it is...…. Let's run fairy boy!"