Wudang: Legends Of Qi Earth

128 Birthday Banquet VIII : Are You Not Entertained?

[No matter how much you plan, children much like the future would never act or do the thing you expect the to.]


Alex looked around, not exactly sure why everyone looked so shocked; was the idea hat there was someone who would be completely unwilling to marry the ninth princess that much of a bad thing, the world's doesn't revolve around her beauty and talent. Besides this was his own way to strike back at the Emperor, with his grandfather here the emperor couldn't do anything to him without valid reason and everyone here could see that the emperor news deriving pleasure from treating Alex like he was nothing more than a tool for his empire, unfortunately for him this tool had claws and teeth to scratch and bite back.

"My apologies Childe Spirit Wind, I meant no disrespect from the honor showed to me by the emperor, but even I am unwilling to have the hand of the Princess if I don't win it fairly from the hands of the person she has already been promised to. So please be magnanimous like your grandfather Zhang Sanfeng and do me the honor of having this battle." Erasmus said to him with a flourished how.

"Do you always talk too much and with such poise whenever you want a fight, Master! That princess has no value to us, but we have to kick this stuck up pompous hypocrite's ass ten ways to next week. I can see through his lies!" Khan's loud voice was heard as he reappeared besides Alex, murder in his eyes.

"Zhang Xiao Feng are you saying that our daughter is not good enough for you?" The emperor asked with a hint of steel in his voice. Khan was about to answer only for him to recurve a kick from Alex as he spoke instead.

"Not at all your Majesty, ninth princess Victoria is just too good for me, I believe the empire will thrive better if you had a more worthy son in-law." Alex replied as he bowed again.

"Are you saying we're incapable of choosing correctly when we picked you to be our imperial son in law! Our eyes have never once dimmed in our 500 years of life, so we know who is worthy! You will fight with the young son of the Colt family, and you must give it your best, because anything less than that would be considered treason! Prepare your weapons and fight!"

Alex didn't say anything else as he gave a small bow to the emperor, he was not given a way out as the emperor made it so that he had no choice but to fight Erasmus. Alex walked towards Louis and Yun Fao and gave them a nod, Louis left his position, his body nothing more than a flash as he headed back for their residential area. It didn't take long for Erasmus to come back and take his position, two revolvers holstered snugly on his thighs.

Alex took a step back as he grabbed the bundle from the air, unwrapping it in on smooth motion and exposing the form of his new spear. Alex cracked his neck from side to side as he went back to take his place in front of Erasmus, and then just as Erasmus was about to say something to get the right started, Alex vanished from his position, the Shadow of a giant eagle coasting across the floor of the hall.


Two revolvers were crossed over the other as Erasmus intercepted Alex's suddenly strike taking two massive steps backwards that shattered the marble tiles underneath his feet. He twisted the gun and pointed it at Alex's face, arrays on the gun lit up as a spell circle also appeared around it, Alex widened his eyes in shock as he bent down, his spear rapidly spun on his back as a red hot Lance of energy shot over him and towards the crowd of onlookers, thankfully a barrier had sprung up to contain the effects of their fight. The energy smacked against the barrier and exploded with the force of a highly compressed nuclear explosion, if that had hit Alex then not even a scrap of cloth would be left behind.

Erasmus sent a kick towards Alex's face as he pointed his revolvers at him, (bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!) Rapid shots went at Alex as he twisted his body in the ground, evading each bullets with more speed than he ever thought himself possible. He raised his body up just in time to receive a flying back kick from Erasmus, Alex crossed his spear over his chest, but the kick was no ordinary kick as Alex felt as he was kicked in the chest but five people at the same time, as he was pushed backwards, his legs rapidly stomping on the ground to regain his balance, he heard someone whisper.

"That's the shadow kick!"

But Alex didn't have time to worry as two more shots came at him, but Khan was there to intercept as he turned into a spiraling gust of wind around Alex, becoming a shield of sorts that absorbed the flames, spread and dispersed it. But Alex could feel that such a move took a lot out of Khan, it even left behind Injuries as the energy being used against them was not fire, but rather Light and the Yang element, which makes Erasmus a bit just like Louis in the fact that he had a Yang cultivation root, and a light attributed mana element.

Alex shot towards Erasmus, evading two more shots before he got close, however the moment he did so, Erasmus stomped his feet on the ground, releasing a bright sphere of energy that slammed into Alex, burning the shirt on his body to a crisp and throwing him backwards, and just in time too as Erasmus rapidly reloaded both his guns that were now short of bullets. Alex landed on his back, breaking up a few of the marble tiles as he dug a furrow in the ground. All eyes were on home when he got up, his upper body was hard and slowly smoking, but there was absolutely no damaged done to him, like the heat or the flames were completely incapable of harming him, leaving everyone with the obvious answer, Alex was immune to any element with a heat or fiery effect, which means Yang, fire and Light element cultivators and mages would have a hard if not impossible time defeating Alex.

However the thing with Erasmus was that his guns were not ordinary, they were the results of a perfect marriage between Blacksmithing, Inscriptions and Alchemy. Their penetrating power and speed could not be compared to anything else, so basically all he had to do was make sure a bullet got into Alex's body, and then he would be completely done for. Alex took a deep breath and shot towards Erasmus, the sound of his guns being fired filled the hall, but Alex had already reach for the sky, running up into the air on an invisible Platform that was for all intents and purposes, Khan in his wind form.

Alex counted as Erasmus fired, and when the last shot was fired, just before he could still his feet on the ground and create that Sphere to push Alex back; he threw his spear. Alex twisted his body in the air as the spear flew through, but Erasmus was no common cultivator as he moved his head to the side just in time for the spear to leave a shallow cut on his neck. He went on to stomp his feet, throwing Alex back with the shockwave from this crowd control skill, Alex slammed his back against a pillar and slowly slid to the ground where his body was caught be Khan. Erasmus quickly reloaded and pointed both guns at a defenseless looking Alex who was sitting with his back against the pillar and his hair over his face. Khan stood right besides him, growling in rage at Erasmus.

"You've lost your weapon, and you're in a corner. There's no other move you can make that would save you from me. Forfeit this match, you fight well, but it's obvious you lack experience and real talent. With you at the Helm I'm afraid that Zhang clan would fall for good in your generation, all you've done was charge head first, with properly planning and articulating your next moves, it is such a reckless and childish manner of fighting I'm left in awe how you were able to survive the border of demons during the invasion of Macau, you should...…

Alex suddenly raised his right hand up and closed into a fist, immediately Erasmus closed his mouth. Where Alex was sitting, his hair turned blood red, and grew so long that it was spread Allover the area around him like a pool of blood. On the pillar behind him, the shadow of a massive dragon cold be seen slowly curling around it, leaving behind a pressure that even the emperor himself felt, and a very thick stench of blood.


No one heard that roar with their ears, rather it and from the very depths of their mind. Alex raised his head up, exposing a ferocious dragon mask that made Erasmus's heart beat faster, but he was paralyzed and completely unable to move. Alex leaned back on the pillar and raised on knee up to rest his right hand on top, he was in a very relaxed state, so much so that some people thought he would just start sleeping.

"Erasmus...…you talk...…just way too...…much." Alex's voice had changed, it was as if the voice of a sultry female was superimposed over his own, and it was quite haunting, but what came next was even more so.

From the cut around Erasmus's neck, his blood began to bubble out, rushing into the air as the formed hundreds of tiny blood strings, strings that every one could were thousands of blood dragons. Alex moved his hand around like he was controlling an orchestra, moving the dragons around a paralyzed and pale looking Erasmus, and then Alex froze them. And in that second, just before he closed his fist, everyone within the hall could feel a suppression on their blood, a fear. One that not their mind, body, organs or bones could feel, but their blood. And then the dragons fell from the sky.

Erasmus's screams were not heard, how could it be heard when he was left paralyzed by Alex's control over his blood. And so everyone and the victim included could do nothing but watch as Erasmus was practically devoured by his own blood, and in all of that horror and torture he could not open his mouth to scream or even move his energy.

(Blood Dragon Spirit Art: Blood Stitching)

It was 5 minutes of pure agony, until Alex felt it was enough and the blood dragons drilled their way back into Erasmus's body, returning back control and with it pain. Erasmus's scream was haunting, but that was to be expected, both his hands had become strips of meat hanging on bone, his right eye was gone, and so too was one half of his face. Alex stood over his bloodied body and raised both his hands In the air as the blood Dragon mask faded away and he returned to his original form, then he asked in a deep voice.