Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 994

Huang Wen\'s departure from the Yang family also indicates a new round of silence. Li Luoyang and Wu Xinyi stay in the blacksmith\'s house. Even if soldiers check here, they can easily cope with it. After all, the identities of Li Luoyang and Wu Xinyi have never been exposed to the government soldiers. In addition, their appearance is obviously different from that of Liangshanpo, which naturally does not arouse anyone\'s doubt.

In the overflow flower building, the returning entourage brought back good news. Huang Wen\'s search of the Fengyue building did not find any clues about Liangshanpo. The Fengyue building was not seriously damaged, but the damaged Fengyue building needed some time to repair. Huang Ying and aunt Hong were also relieved.

In the Yang family\'s secret room, after Huang Wen left, as Yang Yanwen expected, no soldiers or people from the six doors came to the Yang family to search. For a time, the whole Lingnan city seemed to become calm. But the more so, Huang Wen and Huang Wu were more worried. At this time, Chen Sheng, the person in charge of the six doors in Lingnan City, who had not appeared, was even more worried.

In the backyard of the six doors, Chen Sheng is sitting at the stone table with an iron face. Huang Wen and Huang Wu are kneeling on the ground in front of him: "it\'s been three days! You two losers haven\'t found anything." Chen Sheng agrees that Huang Wen and Huang Wu take over the power of Li Guo and Zhang Qiong because he wants to draw a mark on his achievements. Fortunately, he takes the lead in the competition with Mo Yuntian, However, he didn\'t expect to search with so many people. Up to now, he hasn\'t even seen the shadow of Liangshanpo people.

Huang Wen lowered his head and said slowly, "Lord Chen Sheng, the people in Liangshan are very cunning. They hide in a corner of Lingnan city. In addition, our personnel are chaotic. There are mistakes inevitably when the military camp, the government, our people and the three forces are mixed together. We have tried our best to search carefully, but there is no clue."

Chen Sheng clenched his teeth and said fiercely, "so I should blame those Liangshanpo people for being too cunning? Not my people for being stupid?"

"No, we are stupid, but Lord Chen Sheng, please don\'t worry. The four gates of Lingnan city have been strictly guarded. No one has been in and out these days, and the gang of Liangshan thieves can\'t escape! As long as we are given enough time, we can certainly find their whereabouts!"

"Time? Hum! I\'ll give you time, who will give me time!" Chen Sheng threw a letter in front of Huang Wen and Huang Wu: "it was sent by the imperial court this morning. Give me a good look. Don\'t talk about time now. I\'m afraid I\'ll have to take my life in!"

Huang Wen and Huang Wu quickly picked up the letter. Huang Wen looked at it solemnly: "The south of the five ridges is in chaos and the door has been closed for many days. Hua Rong and the Liangshan thieves are trapped in the south city of the Yuling mountains. Li Guo, the military camp ordered to help, is seized of power by the six gates and has no choice but to watch. The imperial court hereby decides to allow the six gates to fully take over the Hua Rong incident. However, the people will be hard and hungry after closing the gate for a long time. The imperial court ordered the six gates of the south city of the five ridges to arrest the Liangshan thieves within three days. After three days, no matter whether they succeed or fail, we will do our best The city gate must be opened to restore peace to the people. Here, the six gates count as a mission failure... "

Huang Wen swallowed his saliva and continued: "because Zhang Qiong is missing, Li Guo has no right. The imperial court will pursue the responsibility of the six doors. Chen Sheng loses the right to enter the headquarters, deprives the person in charge of the six doors in Lingnan city and demotes him to a common man."

Chen Sheng\'s face was full of iron and blue: "see, see? This is what you did. What did I say at the beginning? Let you stop running through the muddy water and let Li face it. Originally, the imperial court didn\'t give us six doors to arrange the task of flower glory. You not only didn\'t listen, but also bewitched me. Now it\'s good. Stealing chickens can\'t eat rice!"

Huang Wen said helplessly: "Lord Chen Sheng, we did this for you, for the sake of the six gates. It is an indisputable fact that the six gates have been incompatible with the military camp for a long time. The imperial court also knows a little about it. Therefore, when the military camp intervenes in this matter, we will not arrange any tasks for us, for fear that there will be a dispute between us in charge, and you agree that we won Li Guo\'s advice."

Chen Shengyi grabbed Huang Wen\'s collar and lifted him up: "are you laughing at me now? Have you listened to your bewitchment?"

"I don\'t dare. I mean, Lord Chen Sheng, you also know what the benefits are if this thing is done. It can complete your dream of entering the headquarters. This achievement may have an official position directly in the headquarters. It can also target the people in the barracks and carve more with one arrow."

"That\'s why I let you do it. What about you? Three days ago, you gave me such an answer? Nothing! Now, it\'s clear that the imperial court documents have said that Li Guo was usurped by us. He has become a bystander. Even if the people of Liangshanpo ran away, it has nothing to do with him. He became a spectator. He was originally intended to target the people in the military camp and let them go He\'s embarrassed, and now! "

Huang Wen lowered his head and dared not answer. Huang Wu always knelt on the ground and said nothing.

With Huang Wen still on the ground, Chen Sheng said with a murderous look: "from now on, I will personally lead a team to search. I tell you, if I can\'t catch the thieves in Liangshan in three days, I will kill you two to vent my anger! If I lose my position, you can\'t think of a better time!"

Huang Wen hurriedly said, "don\'t worry, Lord Chen Sheng, three days is enough."

"Bullshit! How many times have you searched Lingnan City, causing people to complain? If not, the imperial court would be so anxious to order us to open the city gate? The city gate was closed, which would have prevented people\'s lives. Every time you break into a family, people\'s chickens and dogs are restless and almost demolish their home. How could the imperial court allow this to happen? It\'s a crisis now At this juncture, Manichaeism is eager for the people to be dissatisfied with the imperial court so as to win over the people. The imperial court is consolidating the people\'s hearts everywhere. How about you push the people to Manichaeism! Can the imperial court let us go? "

Huang Wen knelt on the ground and bowed his head, but his eyes stared at Chen Sheng\'s feet in front of him: "Lord Chen Sheng, it\'s our bad work that makes it difficult for the imperial court to ride a tiger. Now Lord Chen Sheng will be able to turn bad luck into good luck by himself. I\'ll inform everyone to gather and listen to your arrangement."

"Now you know you\'re in a hurry? I tell you, the gate will open three days later, and the imperial envoy will wait outside the gate. If the imperial edict comes down, we will all die!"

Huang Wen looked up at Chen Sheng in surprise: "the imperial envoy is outside the door?"

"Wait in the manor ten miles away! This flying pigeon biography comes from that manor. It\'s burning. I advise you to be prepared!"

Huang Wen looked down at Huang Wu around him and said nothing from the beginning, but it didn\'t attract Huang Wen\'s attention, because every time Chen Sheng lectured, Huang Wu was scolded. Who made his brain smarter than Huang Wu.

Chen shengduan picked up the wine pot on the stone table, drank it in one gulp, pointed to Huang Wen and said fiercely, "now tell me what\'s going on in Lingnan city!"
