Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 992

The chamber of secrets was opened again, and the people of Liangshanpo who were waiting for battle were ready for battle. When they saw that Yang Zhen and Yang Yanwen entered the chamber of secrets, Lin Chong and others were finally relieved. Since Yang Zhen and Yang Yanwen arrived at this time, it can be said that Huang Wen\'s inspection has been safe, and the crisis is relieved.

Lin Chong came to Yang Zhen, saluted with fists and asked in a low voice, "senior Yang Zhen, but the inspection of the yellow text is over?" in case, Lin Chong confirmed again.

Yang Zhen\'s face coagulated and nodded emphatically: "well, they have left."

Looking at the faces of Yang Zhen and Yang Yanwen, Lin Chong frowned: "since the inspection is over, we haven\'t found out that the Yang family is safe. Why are Yang Zhen and Miss Yang still frowning? What happened?" Lin Chong naturally saw that the two people\'s feelings were wrong, but he didn\'t know what happened outside.

People in Liangshanpo also turned their eyes to Yang Zhen. They wanted to know what had happened outside just now, so that Yang Zhen looked dignified and frowned.

Yang Zhenchang sighed and said slowly, "this matter has nothing to do with you. It\'s Yan Wen\'s personal servant girl."

"Xiaoqing girl? What\'s the matter with her?" before, Xiaoqing sent quilts to the people in Liangshanpo. Lin Chong and others naturally remember, and just now several people discussed. Yang Zhen, uncle Yang and Yang Yanwen can be trusted in the Yang family, but Xiaoqing belongs to an exception.

"To tell you the truth, I killed her myself just now."

Hearing Yang Zhen\'s words, Liangshanpo people were surprised one after another. Only Lin Chong calmly asked, "senior Yang Zhen, but you did it because Xiaoqing wanted to betray us?"

"Oh? How did brother Lin Chong know?"

"I don\'t have any ability to foresee the future. I just speculate with human nature. Since she is a servant girl, she doesn\'t belong to the Yang family. Luoyang brothers have warned us before that no one in the Yang family can trust except senior Yang Zhen, Miss Yan Wen and uncle Yang. So when senior Yang Zhen just said that you personally wanted Xiaoqing\'s life, I guessed it 。”

Yang Zhen smiled: "hahaha, you have learned a lot from Li Luoyang."

"I\'m flattered. I just want to go deeper in everything. Naturally, I think things thoroughly. However, I really didn\'t expect that senior Yang Zhen should be so righteous. In order to get rid of the servant girls who have worked for the Yang family for many years, we must remember this kindness."

The corners of Yang Zhen\'s mouth rose slightly, and he said straightforwardly and slowly: "You and I are both smart people. You know I\'m doing this not only for you, but also for myself and the Yang family. If she divulges your whereabouts, the Yang family will certainly become the family targeted by the imperial court. At that time, the Yang family will never have room to turn around. Therefore, it\'s too far fetched to say that it\'s all for you except for her to avoid future trouble."

"Master Yang Zhen is really happy, but it is precisely because of our arrival that master Yang Zhen and the Yang family are facing this crisis. If we don\'t come, it won\'t happen at all. Miss Xiaoqing certainly won\'t do this. You don\'t have to worry about the future of the Yang family. In the final analysis, master Yang Zhen was forced by us."

After listening to Lin Chong\'s words, Yang Zhen was somewhat comforted. At least the attitude of Liangshanpo people was good: "hahaha, we don\'t have to flatter here. Since I Yang Zhen promised Li Luoyang cooperation, I certainly won\'t have two hearts. Li Luoyang arranged you to our Yang family. That\'s our trust. How can I live up to him."

Yang Yanwen bent her knees and saluted slowly and said, "brother Lin Chong, Huang Wen has led the team to leave at this time. I believe he will not search the Yang family again. Your safety should be guaranteed during this time. You can rest assured to live here. When the time is ripe, you can make arrangements for childe Li."

"Oh? Miss Yan Wen is so sure that they won\'t check at Yang\'s house again?"

Yang Yanwen nodded without hesitation: "Well, Huang Wen didn\'t have any reason to doubt the Yang family. This search was just a chance encounter with me on the way back and planned to give me a bully. I\'m used to the difficulties made by Huang Wen and Huang Wu brothers. This time he gave Huang Wen some benefits. He was happy and didn\'t find anything in the Yang family, so they won\'t waste time searching the Yang family."

Lin Chong looked at Yang Yanwen with a puzzled look on his face: "there is something that can move Huang Wen, Miss Yanwen? That guy is a different kind. He has different hobbies. I\'m very curious about what makes Huang Wen so happy to accept it and lead the team away so soon."

After listening to Yang Yanwen\'s words, Lin Chong realized that Huang Wen\'s search was completed so quickly. Leading the team to leave was closely related to the things given to him by Yang Yanwen, and received unexpected benefits. Huang Wen led the team to leave this time, but the love of Huang Wen and Huang Wu brothers was so different. This is a well-known thing. Lin Chong naturally wondered what could make Huang Wenru This is moving.

"It\'s a secret that this thing is also my favorite object. It has been carried around and spent a lot of money on it. Before passing through Luoyang, I was lucky enough to buy a bottle of perfume, and today I gave it to Huang Wen for perfume, so he ended his search so quickly."

Hearing Yang Yanwen\'s words, not only Lin Chong, but also others laughed. Only Shi Xiu and Hua Rong looked puzzled at their brothers and laughed wildly.

Yang Yanwen looked at Lin Chong in a puzzled way: "brother Lin Chong? Why are you laughing?"

"Yan Wen girl, but you can\'t bear that perfume?"

High officials and noble lords, Yang Yanwen said with a low head, said, "well, naturally, it is rare. How many dignitaries and dreams are always dreamed of by the queen, and the perfume is more attractive to the queen. Compared to the future, it is more difficult to find gold. Giving Huang Wen is also helpless. He almost found the switch of the chamber. In order to attract his attention, I can only produce perfume."

"Yan Wen girl, this perfume is really rare, but it\'s not the only thing in the world. I\'m neglecting it. Huang Wen\'s hobby is out of the ordinary. He loves girls\' home, but perfume really attracts him."

Yang Yanwen nodded, with a slight dismay on his face: "well, but a bottle of perfume in exchange for everyone\'s safety, I think it\'s worth it."

Lin Chong laughs and says, "Yan Wen girl, you don\'t need to have a little bit of discontent, because if you want the perfume, someone can give you a box of boxes."

Yang Yanwen looked at Lin Chong with terrified eyes: "one, a box, a box? Unless it\'s the perfume maker. I heard that the perfume is Luoyang city Sima Ying Ming, will he send me?"

"Yan Wen girl, you only know one of the two, how can Sima Yingming create perfume? Only perfume makers want to make use of the relationship between Sima Ying Ming and the court, and send perfume to the palace to make money."