Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 974

At this time, the door of the Fengyue building was surrounded by soldiers. Li Guo sat on his horse with a smile on his face. The barracks soldiers had gathered here and acted in accordance with Huang Wen\'s assistance requirements. However, the soldiers could clearly see that Li Guo didn\'t care. It was not so absent-minded as not taking the action of surrounding the Fengyue building seriously at all.

Li Guo only cooperates. He knows better than anyone whether to charge and attack the key criminals in Liangshanpo. Even if those useless government soldiers rush into the Fengyue building and search indiscriminately, they will not develop into a frontal battle. Li Guo knows that the Liangshanpo people must not be in the Fengyue building at this time. All this is just Li Luoyang\'s arrangement.

Huang Wu vowed to sit on his horse and whispered to Huang Wen: "it seems that Li Guo doesn\'t intend to lead the team to charge." Huang Wu always dislikes Li Guo. As long as he is a member of the military camp, he doesn\'t pay attention to him, especially the soldiers in Zhou Xiangong\'s military camp who can press his head. They don\'t dare to confront Li Guo openly and don\'t want to give in to the orders of the military camp, Huang Wu has just formed such a habit now.

Huang Wen\'s mouth rose slightly. He was more calm than impulsive Huang Wu. He smiled and said to Huang Wu: "Brother, since Li Guo can become the team leader of Zhou Xiangong\'s barracks, he naturally has his own set. Besides, you have also seen his previous soldiers\' deployment. He has done well in both trap and patrol. It is enough to see that he is a smart man. Since he is a smart man, he will not let his own people rush to the front."

Huang Wen looked at the government soldiers behind him and continued in a low voice: "The martial arts of the Liangshan bandits we face this time are not low. Any one is a great master. It\'s not easy to fight them at the same time. If there is a slight mistake, we will be buried here. Everything will act according to the circumstances. Remember, let the cannon fodder rush in the front anyway. As for Li Guo, he won\'t miss this opportunity to make contributions."

Huang Wu frowned and said slowly, "do you mean he might give us some means?"

"Now the situation is very clear. After entering the Fengyue building to find the people of Liangshanpo and discovering their whereabouts, the cannon fodder naturally bears the brunt. After their first round of attack, the next order is very important. Is it Li Guoxian who led the team to fight the people of Liangshanpo or us? If it is us, we must consider another question, that is, will Li Guoxian take advantage of it Do you want to attack us at this time? If he takes this opportunity to kill us for his own credit, all our credit will naturally fall into his hands, but if he doesn\'t do it, we will die here. "

"So we\'re not going in, nor are we going back?" Huang Wu seems a little grumpy. He doesn\'t like Huang Wen. Compared with Huang Wen, Huang Wu\'s character is somewhat similar to Li Kui. He prefers direct confrontation in the face of things. In his opinion, instead of considering so much, it\'s better to use force to suppress pressure directly. Any calculation is nothing in the face of absolute force.

Just for so many years, there has been no mistake in following Huang Wen\'s arrangement. In addition, he is his own brother, so Huang Wu has always followed Huang Wen\'s arrangement, and this time is no exception.

Huang Wen smiled, then took the reins to change the horse\'s head and came to Li Guo: "Captain Li Guo, I don\'t know if you can enter the Fengyue building in the second batch as we discussed before?" Huang Wen naturally wanted to determine the order of fighting Liangshanpo with Li Guo. He was worried that Li Guo would take the opportunity to attack the people of six doors at this time.

The government soldiers entered the Fengyue building to search for the thieves in Liangshan park. After finding them, the two sides will naturally start fighting. At this time, Huang Wen and Huang Wu only have six followers around them. Although these people can master martial arts, the number of soldiers in the barracks around Li Guo is too small. Without the cannon fodder of the government soldiers, Huang Wen and Huang Wu seem weak.

The corners of Li Guo\'s mouth rose slightly. He naturally understood Huang Wen\'s meaning. He knew that Huang Wen wanted to determine the order of his participation in the battle so as not to make trouble secretly. At this time, Li Guo only wanted to buy more time for Li Luoyang. Anyway, there would be no battle here. Li Gen didn\'t expect to attack the people of the six doors, so he naturally didn\'t pay attention to the order of entering the Fengyue building.

Li Guo jumped directly off his horse and shouted at the crowd of soldiers in the barracks: "Brothers, listen to me. Now the general responsibility of Lingnan city is in the hands of Huang Wen and Huang Wu of liumen. You must act according to their orders. Since the token is in hand and the military order is like a mountain, you can\'t neglect it. If there is a war in Fengyue building later, you rush in immediately and assist the government soldiers to target the important criminals of the imperial court. Remember, this is my order!"

With that, Li Guo said slowly to Huang Wen, "I\'ll give you the power of war now. I\'ll watch the play on the side without hindering you. Can you rest assured?"

In the face of Li Guo\'s practice, Huang Wen was somewhat unexpected. He handed over his military power directly in front of so many people and let the barracks soldiers completely obey his orders. This is the best result Huang Wen imagined. In this way, when he ordered the barracks soldiers to rush, those soldiers must obey his orders, which is like being able to grasp the situation of the war at will.

"Captain Li Guo did this, which naturally won my heart. I didn\'t expect that Captain Li Guo was willing to hand over the military power to our six doors for the time being in order to get rid of the important criminals of the imperial court. I can\'t match his magnanimity." Huang Wen flattered Li Guo and showed his quality in front of the barracks soldiers and others, but in any case, the orchid finger was really dazzling.

"It\'s all for the sake of the imperial court. As long as the six doors can get rid of the people in liangshanbo, it will naturally avoid my punishment. Li Guo is now on the same boat. The people in liangshanbo have run away. As the chief person in charge, you six doors will naturally be punished. As the person who assists you, although I won\'t be severely punished, I can\'t escape the blame. For our own sake, I will be punished naturally I will cooperate with you. "

Huang Wenming and Bai Li Guo mean that Li Guo is telling him that now he has given them all the military power. In this way, if they don\'t catch the people of Liangshanpo, the person in charge of the six doors is naturally responsible. Huang Wen doesn\'t worry about this problem at all, because he firmly believes that the Liangshanpo people who robbed the prison and rescued Hua Rong are hiding in the surrounded Fengyue building at this time.

"Captain Li Guo, don\'t worry, I won\'t let you be punished. We\'ll take the credit for the six doors." Huang Wu interrupted at this time, saying that the military power has been obtained, and the self-confidence of the two brothers Huang Wen and Huang Wu has exploded.

Li Guo turned and came to the wine stall. He ordered a bowl of wine. He really sat on the wooden stool like a spectator, staring at the crowd outside the Fengyue building, and the corners of his mouth rose slightly.