Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 972

Although it is not as pure as the finished product, even so, it is better than all the good wines in the world. Yang Zhen looks at Wu Xinyi with a smile. Through judgment, he knows that Wu Xinyi, who leads the team, has an absolute right to speak. He thinks that Wu Xinyi\'s right may come from Li Luoyang, but he knows that Wu Xinyi is more threatening to Liangshanpo people than Li Luoyang, After all, people know the secret of Liangshanpo.

"Miss Wu, since the Luoyang brothers decided to start from the water transport supervisor, I can really help you."

Wu Xinyi asked with a smile, "seriously, I don\'t know how senior Yang Zhen plans to help us?" Wu Xinyi didn\'t expect to have an unexpected harvest. If Yang Zhen can really help them, maybe things will be easier.

Liangshanpo people also turned their attention to Yang Zhen. Everyone was waiting for Yang Zhen\'s answer. Yang Zhen held a wine glass and looked ruddy: "Don\'t you forget? Our Yang family is also a businessman. Before, the intoxicating raw materials were transported to Lingnan city by ship, so I know Zhou Ren. If you want to steal the shipping certificate, I can draw you a map so that you won\'t look everywhere."

Wu Xinyi is very happy to hear Yang Zhen say this. As we all know, the water transport supervisor covers a huge area. There are not only docks, but also many rooms for storing goods, as well as bedrooms, warehouses and even guest rooms for reception. It takes a lot of time to accurately find Zhou Ren\'s room. Now, Yang Zhen knows that Zhou Ren\'s room is very spacious It can also provide action route and map, which greatly reduces the difficulty and time of action and avoids the possibility of detours being found by soldiers at water transport points.

Wu Xinyi saluted with a smile and a fist: "I\'m here to thank senior Yang Zhen."

Yang Zhen shook his hand and continued: "not only that, I can also take you into the water transport supervisor in good faith. When the water transport point is opened, many cargo ships will dock in Lingnan city. Do you want to take this opportunity to dive into the river and go to other transport ships in the river?"

Wu Xinyi nodded hard: "that\'s right."

"It happens that the last batch of goods in the Yang restaurant also landed at this time. You can disguise as our Yang workers and go to the cargo ship with me to carry the goods belonging to our Yang family. Then you can find a chance to sneak into the river. In this way, you will be safe."

Liangshanpo people laughed and hurriedly held a glass to thank Yang Zhen for his kindness.

At this time, an exclamation came from behind Yang Zhen. It was Xiaoqing, a servant girl holding a quilt. She didn\'t expect that there would be so many people in the secret room: "old master, I brought the quilt you want."

Xiaoqing walked up to Yang Zhen and looked at the fierce Liangshanpo people. Xiaoqing\'s heart mentioned his voice. After all, Li Kui and monk Hua really don\'t look very pleasant. They always give people a feeling of eating people at any time.

Xiaoqing suddenly sees Lin Chong sitting on the ground not far away. The obvious official seal on Lin Chong\'s face instantly makes her realize who these guys are in front of her.

"Xiaoqing, there\'s nothing. Step back in advance. Remember my rules. Everything in the secret room can\'t be spread out."

Xiaoqing nodded and slowly said, "yes, sir, Xiaoqing didn\'t see anything."

After turning around and leaving, Xiaoqing directly came to Yang Yanwen\'s room. Looking at the frightened Xiaoqing panting, Yang Yanwen, who had just taken off her coat, asked suspiciously, "Xiaoqing? What\'s the matter with you?"

Xiaoqing closed the door and came to Yang Yanwen: "young lady, the master just asked me to take some quilts to the secret room. I thought, does the master want to practice in isolation? But I didn\'t expect what you saw after I went?"

Yang Yanwen smiled. She knew who Xiaoqing saw: "Oh? What did you see that made you so nervous?"

"Miss, I see Lin Chong! Although I don\'t know him, I can recognize the official seal on his face. It\'s the official seal of the imperial court. Only Lin Chong is printed on his face. Everyone around him is vicious. I expect they must be from Liangshanpo!"

Yang Yanwen said quietly, "so what?"

"Miss, have you forgotten? The government and the barracks have been looking for them everywhere these days. They are the key criminals of the imperial court. They are a group of grass bandits who kill people without blinking. The master hid them in the secret room of our house, which is undoubtedly against the imperial court. Don\'t you intend to control them?"

"Xiaoqing, don\'t talk nonsense. There are righteous people in Liangshan park. They never kill indiscriminately. It\'s their purpose to act for heaven. I think these Liangshan righteous people are much kinder than the eagles and dogs of the imperial court. You can pretend you haven\'t seen anything today. Do you know?"

Xiaoqing looked at Yang Yanwen puzzled, then suddenly realized and said, "Oh, miss, you already know."

"I\'m now the owner of the Yang family. Naturally, I know these things. I asked Uncle yang to arrange them to enter the secret room. My father asked you to send quilts. It\'s just that I\'m worried about the cold and humidity of the underground secret room."

Xiaoqing blinked and smiled. She put her mouth to Yang Yanwen\'s ear and whispered, "Miss, I see. You\'re going to trap them in the basement and report to the official later, aren\'t you? Lin Chong\'s head alone is worth 1000 liang of gold. I think they are all from Liangshanpo. The total reward must exceed 10000 Liang. Miss, it\'s really a good trick."

Hearing Xiaoqing\'s words, Yang Yanwen frowned and said, "Xiaoqing, you have followed me for many years. You should know my character. I respect loyal people. It\'s not false, but you mistook me for doing so? Betray them for a reward? When did you become so narrow-minded?"

Xiaoqing asked with a puzzled look on her face, "Miss, don\'t you think so? You don\'t really intend to help them? That\'s a capital crime. You\'re the head of the family. Is it like burying the whole Yang family?"

Yang Yanwen suddenly stood up and stared at Xiaoqing: "Xiaoqing! How dare you talk to me like this? Although I treat you like a sister, I don\'t encourage you to have such an attitude. You\'d better take back what I said just now. In addition, I warn you that only me, my father and uncle Yang know what they are doing here. If others know, don\'t blame my sister for ignoring my feelings for so many years."

Looking at the really angry Yang Yanwen, Xiaoqing quickly smiled: "Miss, can\'t Xiaoqing know that she\'s wrong? Don\'t be angry. Xiaoqing is narrow-minded. Xiaoqing will never make such a mistake again. Xiaoqing doesn\'t know anything and doesn\'t see anything about it. Is Xiaoqing satisfied?"

Yang Yanwen took a deep breath, sat in front of the dressing table and looked at herself in the bronze mirror. Xiaoqing combed Yang Yanwen\'s head as usual: "Xiaoqing, my sister won\'t hurt you. You should believe my sister. You\'ve been in the Yang family for so many years. Has my sister ever let you down?"

"Of course not."