Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 967

"Why? Do you think Li Luoyang won\'t come?"

Yang Yanwen took a deep breath and said slowly: "Daddy, childe Li is a smart man. It is said that childe Li led the rescue of Hua Rong in Lingnan City, but the government, the military camp and even the six doors didn\'t know about childe Li\'s existence. That\'s his intelligence. He secretly assisted the people in Liangshanpo to rescue Hua Rong. He seemed to stay out of it. Even if he appeared in front of Huang Wen and Huang Wu in a fair manner, there were six fans People at the gate will only regard it as an ordinary people. "

Yang Yanwen took a sip of tea and continued: "at this time, the people of Liangshanpo are in our house. If there is any accident, Liangshanpo\'s heart will be mastered by the people of six doors. He will not have anything. After all, he is not in our Yang family."

Yang Zhen frowned and whispered, "you mean Li Luoyang is testing us? If the whereabouts of Liangshanpo are exposed, it must be because of our Yang family. At that time, the imperial court and liumen will punish us, which has nothing to do with Li Luoyang. This move is too vicious."

"Maybe he\'s not so mean. Childe Li said before that this is his first time to Lingnan city. There are no people he knows. The reason why he transferred the hiding place of Liangshanpo people must be because liumen suddenly intervened in this event."

Yang Yanwen got up and frowned, as if thinking about something: "Before, it was the barracks soldiers who were responsible for the search of Liangshanpo, that is, Li Guo. Perhaps Li Guo\'s ability did not make Li Luoyang feel pressure, so it has been hidden at one point. At this time, Li Guo\'s power was given to the six gates of Lingnan city. Huang Wen and Huang Wu were familiar with the Lingnan environment. In addition, Zhang Qiong\'s government soldiers and the power of the barracks soldiers cooperate with their own follow-up From now on, the number of searches has doubled. "

Yang Zhen nodded his head and said slowly: "Yes, both the government soldiers led by Zhang Qiong and the barracks soldiers led by Li Guo seem to be looking for the people of Liangshanpo, but in fact, they are not. Zhang Qiong is cooperating with Zhang Yue to find the jade pendant of our Yang family. Although the combined number of government soldiers and barracks soldiers is huge, their goals are different, so that the people of Liangshanpo can avoid him smoothly After Zhang Qiong disappeared, Li Guo searched alone with the soldiers in the barracks. Obviously, he was unable to do it. "

"Well, now the three forces are under the control of liumen. They can completely put pressure on childe Li. Once they are found, the whole plan will be over. He doesn\'t want the people of liumen to find out that he has a connection with Liangshanpo, because it is related to his future plan."

"You mean his plan to save his mother?"

"Well, childe Li once said that it was his lifelong wish to rescue his mother from the Lin family. However, the relationship between the Lin family and the imperial court is bound to make childe Li stand on the opposite side of the imperial court, but not at this time. Because he is fledgling and his power is not the opponent of the Lin family at all, he must maintain his relationship with the imperial court before he forms his absolute power He can\'t be a thorn in the eye of the imperial court or a wanted criminal. That\'s why he always keeps a certain distance from Liangshanpo, so I don\'t think he will appear in our Yang family with the people of Liangshanpo this time, unless... "

"Unless what?"

"Unless he has a reason to come, I haven\'t thought of any reason to risk him so far."

"By the way, Lao Yang said just now that the bearer held the jade pendant handed down by our Yang family ancestors, so Lao Yang released it. Who is this person? Why did Li Luoyang give him the jade pendant?"

Yang Yanwen looked dignified and whispered, "first of all, I\'m sure this person is not from Liangshanpo. She should be around Li Luoyang and someone Li Luoyang trusts very much. Otherwise, he won\'t give her the jade pendant. Secondly, she is a woman."


"Well, I\'ve made sure."

"The woman around Li Luoyang? Is it..."

"I\'ve just asked. She said she had nothing to do with Li Luoyang, but her family ordered her to protect Li Luoyang\'s life. I just kept thinking, whose family has such ability? Let a female generation with high martial arts protect Li Luoyang."

Yang Zhen frowned and asked in a low voice, "how do you know she knows martial arts and is not low?"

"Just now in front of our door, uncle Yang got up and killed her because of a misunderstanding. Before uncle Yang took action, she saw through uncle Yang\'s tricks. You know, uncle Yang has been hiding his martial arts for so many years. He is also an intelligence officer in our family. All his actions are very experienced, but she didn\'t expect to be seen through instantly. Dad, you say, unless his martial arts are above uncle Yang, you can\'t do it Who can see through it so easily. "

Yang Zhen nodded his head and touched his beard: "young woman, excellent skills, Luoyang... My father knows, in Baiyun Mountain not far from Luoyang City!"

Yang Yanwen looked a little surprised: "Dad, do you mean the Wu family in Baiyun Mountain who have retired from the mountain forest?"

"Yes, Li Luoyang comes from Luoyang City, the nearest city to Baiyun Mountain. The woman said that the family asked her to protect Li Luoyang, which shows that she began to get to know Li Luoyang very early. The biggest possibility is the Wu family in Baiyun Mountain."

Yang Yanwen thought with her head down and said slowly after a moment: "The Wu family in Baiyun Mountain has been in seclusion for a long time. They seldom ask about the outside world. Why do they send a women\'s village to protect childe Li? Why is childe Li worth their protection? You know, Baiyun Mountain is watched by six doors all the time. They are willing to take the risk of being discovered and arrange one person to stay with Childe Li for a long time. It\'s abnormal."

"Well, it\'s beyond my expectation that the Wu family, who has been in seclusion for a long time, should do so. Anyway, first find out whether she is really from the Wu family in Baiyun Mountain. If so, there must be some plans for Baiyun Mountain to protect Li Luoyang."

Yang Zhen\'s face was dignified: "no matter what their plans are, I believe they are all for the good of Childe Li. Otherwise, with the girl\'s martial arts, she can easily take the life of Childe Li Luoyang. Childe Li has been safe for so long, and she can often accompany around, which is enough to show childe Li\'s trust in her. Few people can get childe Li\'s trust."

"Li Luoyang is a person who does great things. Naturally, he can\'t trust anyone. He may make a mistake and ruin the overall situation, so he will be careful in choosing people. It\'s only good for us to make friends with him, not bad. Once such a person really becomes our friend, he is a completely trusted trust."

Yang Yanwen smiled and nodded: "my daughter understands what my father said. I will try my best to make friends with Childe Li."

Looking at the ruddy on Yang Yanwen\'s face, Yang Zhen smiled and said, "hahaha, even if it\'s not for the Yang family, it\'s also for yourself."