Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 963

At this time, Huang Wu rushed out of the village with all the soldiers searching in the southwest area of Lingnan city. Huang Wen, who was organizing the encirclement, frowned and looked at Huang Wu who came to him in doubt: "Huang Wu? What are you doing? Why did you bring all the searched soldiers out!"

Huang Wu smiled and said, "I have found the whereabouts of the people in Liangshanpo!"

"Seriously?" Huang Wen was ecstatic.

"Seriously!" Huang Wu told Huang Wen what had happened. Huang Wen listened carefully. He wanted to hear whether Huang Wu was on the road and was calculated by the people in Liangshanpo. After all, in his opinion, Huang Wu really didn\'t have his own brain to work, but Huang Wen didn\'t find any flaws, including Huang Wu\'s deliberate temptation to Li Luoyang, There\'s nothing wrong.

Looking at the contemplative Huang Wen, Huang Wu said anxiously, "Huang Wen, what are you waiting for? Let\'s go and surround the Fengyue building now, so that those Liangshan thieves have no way back!"

Huang Wen smiled calmly and said: "Wait, don\'t worry. Now that we know his whereabouts, it\'s much easier to do the next thing. First of all, they don\'t know that we have learned their location. They still think that Fengyue building is very safe. As long as we don\'t move, they won\'t scare the snake. Naturally, they won\'t leave Fengyue building. What we have to do now is to organize forces."

Huang Wen looked at the government soldiers behind Huang Wu, and then whispered, "although these cannon fodder can consume the physical strength of some Liangshan thieves, it is not strong enough to confront them. Those barracks soldiers should be used by us, but they haven\'t come yet. It seems that these guys don\'t cooperate with us."

Before leaving the government to lead the team here, Huang Wu asked his entourage to take Li Guo\'s token to mobilize the barracks soldiers to the southwest area of Lingnan city to organize the encirclement circle, but so far, the barracks soldiers have not appeared. Now that they are going to encircle and suppress the people of Liangshanpo in Fengyue building, Huang Wen naturally hopes to wait for the main forces against Liangshanpo to come and take action, so as to avoid it Those who avoid their own six doors have the least casualties.

"Yes, those guys are the main force against the thieves in Liangshan park. Why haven\'t they come yet?"

"Hum, they are soldiers in the barracks. They always disagree with us. Even if we have Li Guo\'s token, they will find an excuse to disobey the order. I met a team on the road before. They forcibly said that Li Guo had a separate task and didn\'t listen to the command of the token. Now it seems that if we want the soldiers in the barracks to cooperate, we have to let Li Guo go."

"Do you want Li Guo to lead the team?"

"Nonsense! You know the strength of those people in Liangshanpo. Just one Lin Chong is enough for us to drink a pot. In addition, Li Kui, Wu Song, Hua monk and Hua Rong rescued by them, to deal with so many powerful opponents, we must be fully prepared. The attack is divided into three layers. The first layer is to let these cannon fodder consume their physical strength, and the second is the soldiers in the military camp , as far as their ability is concerned, they will certainly cause a lot of trouble to the Liangshan thieves. Maybe they can kill one or two directly. Finally, it is our six doors. "

Huang Wu smiled treacherously: "Snipes and mussels compete, and the fisherman gains."

"Yes, while trying to ensure our personal safety, we should use other people\'s resources to achieve the purpose we want. This is the best result."

"Yes! I\'ll send someone to find Li Guo."

Huang Wen shook his head reluctantly: "send someone? Do you think Li Guo will listen to the words of a six door attendant? Before we got the responsibility from him, he hated us deeply. Now we want him to cooperate. Unless we go in person, remember, please! Otherwise, there will be no chance."

"Damn it, it\'s really troublesome to invite him? I think it\'s better to kill some barracks soldiers and let them see what happens if they don\'t cooperate with us."

"Go and try. I promise you will have a miserable result. Don\'t forget the explanation of the imperial court. Now that the imperial court is turbulent, the emperor doesn\'t want to see the contradiction between the six doors and the barracks break out at this time. If you want to do that challenge, you will naturally fall on your head."

Huang Wu said with a smelly face, "if you want to go, I won\'t invite that Li Guo."

"I\'m not going to let you go either. With your eloquence and brain, I\'m afraid you can\'t move. Just stay here and wait. Remember, don\'t take people to the Fengyue building to scare the snake. Now I\'ll go back to the government to find Li Guo and ask him to bring the barracks soldiers here."

At this time, the two brothers Huang Wen and Huang Wu didn\'t know they had been in the plan. Huang Wen was returning to the government quickly, and Li Guo just jumped into the backyard from the roof, took off his night clothes and hid in the mound in the backyard. When he was about to knock on the door of his bedroom, Huang Wen\'s voice came from behind him: "Captain Li Guo."

Li Guo turned and looked. When he found Huang Wen, his hands were full of sweat. He was worried that Huang Wen saw him jumping off the roof in his night clothes: "Huang Wen?"

Huang Wen licked his face and smiled. From his expression, Li Guo knew that his behavior had not been exposed, and the stone in his heart fell to the ground: "Captain Li Guo, please come here." Huang Wen made an invitation gesture and motioned Li Guo to discuss in the government lobby.

Li Guo doesn\'t know what medicine Huang Wen sells in the gourd. He also wants to know why Huang Wen, who should go to the Fengyue building at this time, suddenly found himself, so Li Guo took Huang Wen to the government hall.

"I don\'t know why Lord Huang Wen came to me so late?"

Huang Wen said slowly with a smile: "Captain Li Guo, we are all smart people, and I won\'t beat around the bush. Your soldiers really have a deep relationship with you. We use your token to dispatch them again and again, and they all refuse or refuse. I\'m afraid it\'s not good. The imperial court doesn\'t want to see an irreconcilable contradiction between us, let alone soldiers who only obey orders in the military camp. After all, the talisman is in our hands, According to the rules of the imperial court, soldiers should obey the order of the token. Do you think your soldiers have violated some rules? "

Facing Huang Wen\'s dismissal as soon as he came up, Li Guo calmly smiled and said: "Brother Huang Wen, I don\'t know why you said that. I gave you all the power and the token. In order not to interfere with your plan, I came back here and didn\'t go out. I didn\'t pay attention to the outside things. The soldiers didn\'t listen to the command of the token and cared about me? Do you think I let them do this?"

"This is not..."

"Isn\'t that right? They don\'t obey orders. Go and respond to the imperial court and tell me it\'s useful? I\'m neither the captain of the barracks nor the person in charge of this operation. I\'m not even a participant. How can I help you?" Li Guo spread out his hands and said he was helpless. He gave all the six doors, power and tokens. What do you want him to do? Li Guo has done everything he should do. Even if the people in the imperial court are here, they can\'t find a reason to blame Li Guo.

Obviously, Huang Wen\'s downfall did not play a role.