Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 961

It\'s easy to get into the bottom of the stove, but it\'s difficult to get out. It\'s hard for Li Guo to get out of the dark stove. His night clothes all over his body are deeper. His originally clean face is also dark at this time. In addition to his white teeth and eyes, Li Guo is completely integrated into the darkness. If he walks in a dark place, You can only see a row of teeth and a pair of eyes floating in the air.

Back at the wooden table, Li Luoyang was turned upside down with laughter. Pointing to Li Guo with a dark face, Li Luoyang laughed wildly: "brother, you go out in this dress. It is estimated that you have passed in front of the patrol soldiers. They can\'t see it. The disguise is excellent."

"Go away, are you kidding me? Huang Wu didn\'t plan to take people to the inner room at all, but you let me hide at the bottom of the stove? Why do you do this?" Li Guo hid at the bottom of the stove and clearly heard the dialogue between Li Luoyang and Huang Wu. He also found that Huang Wu was cheated by Li Luoyang without taking people into the house to look for them carefully, Didn\'t you drill the bottom of the furnace for nothing.

Li Luoyang sat back at the wooden table with tears in his eyes. He wiped his eyes and then whispered, "I did this just in case. If he really brought someone in to look for you and saw you in the inner room, it would be troublesome. Why did you show up here? Besides, brother, you don\'t know how dangerous it was just now."

"Danger? Huang Wu has been playing around by you. What\'s the danger?"

"Huang Wu gave me a ingot of gold when he left. It seemed to reward me, but it was actually testing whether I was really blind. If there were any flaws at this time, we would all be finished. Fortunately, I bet right. It was Huang Wu, not Huang Wen, who led the team here to investigate. I believe Ye Yu told you? I met Huang Wen face to face. If he came, he would surely find out My identity is false. "

Huang Wen, who was on his way to the west gate, met soldiers disguised in Liangshanpo on the road. He planned to use Li Guo\'s token to arrange these soldiers to go to other places. However, the actions of these soldiers attracted Huang Wen\'s attention. When Huang Wen checked them, Li Luoyang appeared in time and didn\'t give Huang Wen and Li Guo any face. Both sides let go of some unpleasant things, Li Luoyang believes that if Huang Wen leads the team this time, he will certainly be recognized. At that time, all the lies will be in vain.

After listening to Li Luoyang\'s words, Li Guo was terrified: "your boy is really gambling. If Huang Wen appeared here just now, we are all finished. When things have come to this point, you still have the courage to gamble." Li Guo didn\'t expect Li Luoyang to dare to do so and put himself and his life on a gambling, He is gambling whether Huang Wen or Huang Wu leads the team. The outcome is good. Fortunately, it is Huang Wu.

Li Luoyang\'s mouth rose slightly and said slowly, "in fact, it\'s not gambling, but I think it\'s Huang Wu who will lead the team."

"You can be so sure? Why?"

"It\'s actually very simple. Huang Wen and Huang Wu are two brothers. One is good at martial arts and the other is good at scheming. Huang Wen is smarter than Huang Wu and can better serve as a military division. At this time, Huang Wen must have arranged to surround the southwest area of Lingnan city. Therefore, as a military division, he will certainly stabilize the overall situation outside the encirclement circle, so as to ensure that the encirclement circle will gradually shrink and trap us, Huang Wu\'s martial arts are excellent. If he meets the people of Liangshanpo in the encirclement, Huang Wu is easier to lead the team against him, so he will be arranged by Huang Wen to investigate with the soldiers in the encirclement. "

With tea in his hand, Li Luoyang continued with a smile: "Therefore, when soldiers find blood outside the door, no matter whether they choose to inform Huang Wen or Huang Wu, Huang Wu will lead the team here. Huang Wen continues to narrow the encirclement. Only in this way can the southwest region be investigated as soon as possible. Huang Wen is a smart man, so he won\'t be foolish enough to leave the encirclement. If he leads the team to the scene, he will certainly worry about Liang Liang in the encirclement at this time Shanpo people attack the encirclement. The encirclement without him is easy to be torn. At that time, Liangshanpo people can easily go to other areas of Lingnan city to continue hiding. In this way, this encirclement will be meaningless. "

After listening to Li Luoyang\'s words, the old fellow Smith was already terrified. He didn\'t expect a simple gambling behavior. Li Luoyang actually did a good job in making calculations. He not only analyzed the situation at this time, but also saw the character of Huang Wen\'s two brothers.

Li Guo, who has long been used to Li Luoyang\'s tricks, was surprised as always: "I didn\'t expect that your boy is still so good at using tricks. You\'ve only been in contact with him a few times, so you can find out the two brothers Huang Wen and Huang Wu." Li Guo doesn\'t know whether he can do this if he changes to Li Luoyang. He has worked hard to catch up with his brother, but Li Luoyang\'s back is always ahead of him. For this, Li Guo has no envy, but is happy from his heart.

"When I came into contact with Huang Wen before, I found that he was a man with great success but careful mind, so I had this judgment. The gambling I just said was gambling on whether I understood correctly. Now it seems that, as I think, the two brothers\' character is too obvious. That\'s why we can be safe this time."

Looking at Li Guo\'s thoughtful appearance, Li Luoyang smiled and said: "Brother, you have made great progress. Don\'t have too much pressure. If you want to understand a person, you need to observe carefully. Many details can judge what this person\'s character belongs to. There are all kinds of people in the military camp. You can see countless details of different personalities. As long as you are good at observation, you can also understand others and master their behavior habits, and you can arrange calculations from them These will be the measures to help you. "

Li nodded and whispered: "Well, I see. I wasn\'t good at guessing people\'s hearts before, but now I know that if I want to succeed, I must have these. At least I need to master this measurement to see who I can trust. At the beginning, I really should let you go to the military camp. I believe that with your ability, you must soon become a person admired by all people. At that time, we also have the ability to save people Mother. "

"Forget it, I can\'t stay. The military camp is not suitable for me." Li Luoyang smiled and handed the handkerchief to Li Guo. Li Guo wiped the black ash on his face and said slowly: "I understand that you need to secretly establish your power outside. I don\'t know how much this power has grown up so far?"

Li Luoyang looked at the old blacksmith, and the old fellow Smith got up and went into the inner room. These words, Li Luoyang, would not speak to others, even if the old fellow could be trusted.

Old fellow Smith is after all the father of Shi Xiu, who is also a member of the Liangshan park. Before he put his position in the table, Li Luoyang always kept in mind that he had no trust in the world except Lin Luo Shui and Li. But now it seems that there is more than one person. That is Wu Xinyi.