Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 959

"Dong Dong!" a huge sound of smashing the door came from the nearby house. Li Luoyang looked at Li Guo with a smile: "brother, go to the boiler in the blacksmith\'s workshop and I\'ve made room for you." Li Luoyang had already prepared in advance, cleaned the remaining ash in the boiler and stacked the wood at the boiler mouth.

Long time, what old fellow did not hesitate to do, Li led to the cast iron house, and there was nothing in the dark cast iron room. He was so dark that he could not see five fingers. He could see that there were still some remaining rubbish left behind by the lights in the house behind him, and the cold cast iron stove had not been used for a long time. Since Li Luoyang bought the old fellow Smith and built the weapons of Liangshan\'s Pok\'s people, the stove has never been used.

After all, the forged weapons in the southern city of Liangshan are forbidden, and all the iron smash are prohibited. This is what li himself had made before, in order to limit the possibility of people who could mix into the city, and to find weapons again. But Li had never thought that the plans he made would be difficult to carry out. The old fellow Smith was the best example, if not the old fellow Smith was bribed. The people in Liangshanpo really don\'t have weapons to use.

"Li, Captain, please go in," said the old fellow, pointing to the stove and adding firewood. This is the hiding place for Li Luoyang to prepare for Li.

Li nodded and then went into the crowded boiler bottom. The dust was everywhere. He could not see the situation outside. Even Lee passed the old fellow\'s face. The old blacksmith also put some dark wood on the bottom of the stove, as Li Luoyang ordered, so that Li\'s old fellow\'s hide was more perfect.

The old fellow Smith slowly returned to the living room where Li Luoyang was sitting, nodded to Li Luoyang, and sat down beside him, smoking as if nothing had happened, and at the moment there was a conversation between several soldiers outside the door: "you all have a look, there is blood!" apparently soldiers found blood on the ground outside the door, which was left by Shi Xiu when he fought with the six men. It\'s not that Li Luoyang didn\'t find the blood, but that he had no spare time to clean up at that time.

The blood of the old fellow in the blacksmith\'s house was also cleaned up by a lot of time. As for the smell of the house, it had been covered up in the thick smoke of the old blacksmith.

"Inform Lord Huang Wen and Huang Wu."

"Lord Huang Wen is organizing a siege. When he leaves the siege, there will be no one to lead. Let\'s inform Lord Huang Wu. He\'s nearby."

"Well, you watch here and I\'ll go."

"Why should you go? I should go for this credit."

"Go away, I found it. Naturally, I\'ll inform Lord Huang Wu. You two keep a good watch here."

It seems that the soldiers began to compete for this credit, but finally the three decided to share the possible rewards equally. Only then did they arrange one person to inform Huang Wu, and the other two stayed in place to guard.

Through the complex countryside, the soldiers finally found Huang Wu in a civilian house: "Lord Huang Wu, Lord Huang Wu."

Huang Wu, who was walking from the searched house, asked with a frown: "what\'s so flustered? Have you found the people in Liangshanpo!" in Huang Wu\'s opinion, at this time, I\'m afraid there is no news that can make him excited and happy except this news.

"No, we didn\'t find any people in Liangshanpo, but we found a blood stain. There was a lot of blood on the ground."

Huang Wu immediately realized that it was probably the place where the missing team died before: "go! All follow me!" he quickly came to the blood spot, which was not far from the blacksmith house, and the blood was three houses away from the blacksmith house.

Huang Wu immediately kicked open the house nearest to the bloodstain. A man and a young man were curled up in the corner and looked at Huang Wu with fear: "Huang, Lord Huang Wu, what\'s the matter with you coming?" the old man\'s eyes even began to burst into tears. Who in Lingnan City doesn\'t know the temper and temperament of Huang Wen and Huang Wu, two brothers who kill without blinking an eye, The old man was afraid that he was involved in any case. Looking at Huang Wu\'s murderous face, he was naturally afraid.

"Old man! I ask you, did someone fight outside your house before?" Huang Wu looked at the old man and the children carefully to make sure they were not disguised by Liangshanpo.

"Lord Huang, Lord Huang Wu, I, I\'m old and my ears don\'t work well. I really don\'t know what happened outside, and I didn\'t hear anything outside." the old man didn\'t hear it. After all, the family had already fallen asleep when Shi Xiu fought with the six disciples.

"Oh? Bad ears?" Huang Wu grabbed the child\'s collar and mentioned it in the air: "do you have a good ear?" in order to get a clue, Huang Wu is unscrupulous. Even a child won\'t let go. Although he has a woman\'s feeling, he doesn\'t have a woman\'s compassion.

Looking at his grandson being held in the air by Huang Wu, the old man hurriedly hugged Huang Wu\'s legs: "Lord Huang Wu, my grandson is still young and is still a natural disabled person. He was born unable to speak. Please forgive him."

"Oh? Can\'t speak?" Huang Wu grabbed the child\'s face and forced him to open his mouth. He did find that the boy was born without a tongue: "hum, it\'s useless for a deaf and a mute to ask you!" Huang Wu threw the child directly to the ground. The old man quickly helped him up. He dared to be angry and speechless with tears. He could only stare at Huang Wu who turned and left.

When Huang Wu came out of the house closest to the bloodstain, he went straight to another house next to him. After kicking open the door, a man and a woman were nervously standing in the house waiting. It could be seen that they had heard the movement next to him and were waiting for Huang Wu to come to the door.

"Lord Huang Wu, I, we know what you want to ask? But, we swear to God, we really didn\'t see what happened outside or hear anything." the man began to explain before Huang Wu asked, and the woman nodded in agreement.

"Didn\'t find anything? Are you deaf and dumb?" Huang Wu showed his murderous intention. The man and woman obviously didn\'t have these defects. If there was a battle outside the door, they couldn\'t have heard nothing: "you think I\'m stupid?"

The man looked a little embarrassed. He whispered, "don\'t hide from Lord Huang Wu, I went to bed early and saw things in the inner room, so I didn\'t hear anything at all." the woman\'s face turned red in an instant.

"Fuck, go." Huang Wu turned and left, and then came to the last private house. In the past, Li Luoyang\'s blacksmith house was at this time. After checking this room, Huang Wu still had no harvest. Finally, he came to the door of the blacksmith house. At this time, he noticed that the door of the blacksmith house had already been opened, which saved him the trouble of kicking the door in.

After all, Li Luoyang had already noticed the sound made by the doors of the three houses before.