Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 957

Li Guo pushed open the door, jumped and disappeared on the roof shrouded in the night.

At this time, Huang Wu is quickly investigating the missing team: "the team leader has shown me! What is your own team number? Which team is missing!" before the search, Huang Wu and Huang Wen not only assigned the search scope to all teams, but also gave each team leader a team number in order to distinguish their responsibilities.

After mutual counting, a soldier came to Huang Wu: "Lord Huang Wu, seven missing team members."

Huang Wen immediately took out the map of Lingnan City, which clearly marked which group was responsible for which search area. In a short moment, Huang Wen smiled and said to Huang Wu, "it\'s a residential area in the southwest. It\'s not large, but there are many residential houses. It\'s obviously an ideal hiding place."

"What are you waiting for? Take everyone to the southwest immediately!"

Huang Wu walked into the crowd. Not long after he came back, most of the government soldiers he brought back were still lying on the ground and resting. Huang Wu stepped on one soldier\'s head and the other on the soldier\'s stomach. He said with disgust on his face: "get up, get up! When you find the target, cheer up for me!"

The soldiers stood up with great efforts. The soldiers who entered the canteen happened to return to the team. The burning incense on one side was not time yet. The soldiers were relieved.

Huang Wu looked at the messy government soldiers and shouted: "I tell you, we have found the approximate location of the thieves in Liangshanpo. Next, we may face a fierce battle. You\'d better cheer up for me. If I find someone messing with me inside, I\'ll take his head on the spot."


There were few answers, and they were all followers of Huang Wen and Huang Wu\'s six doors. The government soldiers looked at me and you one after another. When they heard that they were really going to fight head-on with Liangshanpo, the soldiers began to shrink back. Frankly, without the support of Zhang Qiong, these soldiers were just ordinary people with long guns, It\'s really difficult for them to fight and kill the enemy.

Looking at the government soldiers who were demoralized and chose to retreat before they started, Huang Wen was not polite. He pulled an unlucky soldier closest to him in front of him and cut him without saying a word. Looking at a soldier\'s head falling to the ground and hot blood splashing on the soldiers\' faces, the government soldiers immediately panicked and began to retreat.

Huang Wen smiled, licked the blood on the blade and said slowly: "I now give you two choices. First, follow us to kill the thieves in Liangshan and get rid of them. The imperial court will naturally reward us for our contributions. I promise Huang Wen that the gold and silver will belong to you at that time. Second, I will kill you now. I will not only kill you, but also kill your family! You choose immediately."

The reward of gold and silver is not worth a cent for the six gates of Lingnan city. What they want is the merit of catching the thieves in Liangshan. With such merit, Chen Sheng will take the lead in the competition with Mo Yuntian. This is why Huang Wen and Huang Wu take the team themselves. As long as Chen Sheng works in the headquarters, the position of the person in charge of the six gates of Lingnan city will be theirs.

For the useless gold and silver of the six gates, in the eyes of the government soldiers, it is a treasure. They also know that if they really kill the thieves in Liangshanpo, according to the head reward, only a Lin Chong is enough to make them natural and happy for a while, not to mention many other heavily paid thieves. Faced with such temptation and confusion, many soldiers have made choices one after another Standing in front of Huang Wen, his eyes were much firmer than his previous fear.

In fact, they also know that they have no choice at all. They can either gamble with Huang Wen and Huang Wu, and if they win, they will have no worries about food and clothing in the future, or they can die here directly and involve their families. Even fools know how to choose.

No one chose to die here. All the soldiers stood in front of Huang Wen and waited for orders. Looking at the soldiers\' choices and a little morale, Huang Wu smiled and said, "these guys don\'t give them any color. They really don\'t know who they are."

"Brother, this is not the time to say this. We should make good arrangements. Although we know their approximate location, after all, the southwest minwu township is complicated and the roads cross. They can easily break through our encirclement. The encirclement formed by these government soldiers has no power to hinder them."

"You\'re right. It\'s crazy to want them to surround the thieves in Liangshan. What\'s your idea?"

"I\'ve figured out the way, but I don\'t know if he wants to?"


"Barracks soldiers."

"You mean..."

"Compared with the government soldiers, there is no doubt about their strength. We now hold Li Guo\'s token and can naturally order them. But I\'m afraid those soldiers always hate us for robbing their captain\'s power, so they won\'t have the power to help us. In this way, you can arrange some trustworthy people to gather the soldiers in the barracks with the token and tell them that they have found Liangshanpo People\'s position, let them quickly come to support, if they don\'t obey the order, immediately record the matter, and when the court blames it, we can also have a statement. "

Huang Wu smiled: "I see. If they help us, our chances of winning are much higher. If they don\'t help us, we will also have a scapegoat."


Huang Wu immediately called two attendants. After whispering a few words, he handed the token to one of them. They immediately ran outside the gate.

Huang Wen smiled and said to Huang Wu: "As for the soldiers in front of us, I think they can become cannon fodder. We will let them look for them door to door later. So many people believe that they can find the whole southwest folk house in a short time. Once the people in Liangshanpo appear, they will naturally die first. We will take our soldiers to the theatre and wait for them to consume the strength of Liangshan thieves. Let\'s go As long as the support comes, we will lead the team to fight out. If the support does not come, we will sit and see what the people in Liangshanpo do next. "

"You boy, it\'s a good move to sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight. In this way, it not only consumes those guys\' physical strength, but also preserves our strength."

"Think for yourself in everything. These guys are useless waste. It\'s useless to keep them. They might as well make a contribution to our killing of Liangshan thieves and get some comfort money after death. Without us, they would only be dissolved by the imperial court without a penny. These guys should thank us."

Some people say that the most poisonous is the woman\'s heart, but in fact, the most poisonous is the pseudo woman, such as Huang Wen and Huang Wu. In order to achieve their goal, the government soldiers do not know that they have become cannon fodder roles at this time, and they are also thinking of the reward after success.