Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 947

Facing the doubts of Chai Jin and Li Luoyang, Shi Xiu reluctantly said: "Don\'t forget, this is Lingnan. The person in charge of the water transport point is Zhou Ren. In the water transport points in other cities, it only needs to pay 50 Liang silver to get two days of rest and replenishment. According to Zhou Ren, the destination is not Lingnan, and 200 Liang silver needs to be paid for shore rest. In order to save money, many boatmans naturally choose it He made a lot of supplies to the local area to maintain the time to pass the Lingnan Cao point, so few ships are willing to stop in Lingnan for rest unless they meet a novice. "

Local officials\' self enrichment often makes the common people suffer. Zhou Ren is a typical example. They privately charge high parking fees. In other places, it only costs 52 for two days and one night. This is the price stipulated by the imperial court and the psychological price that businessmen are willing to accept. Under Zhou Ren\'s regulations, the parking fees have doubled, and only one day and one night are allowed The provisions of the regulations naturally aroused the resistance of businessmen, so many businessmen were willing to make a lot of supplies at the Cao point of the last station in order not to dock in Lingnan for rest.

After listening to Shi Xiu\'s introduction, Li Luoyang smiled helplessly: "really, we can only rely on luck. If we meet a novice and don\'t know Zhou Ren\'s charges, we may have the opportunity to sneak into the cargo ship and leave Lingnan, but the probability is small. What else can we do except luck."

Chaijin sat on one side and shook his head again and again: "water transportation is really a good way to leave Lingnan, but the two plans of brother Shi Xiu can\'t work. Unless there is a better and safer way, the road of water transportation can only be abandoned."

"That\'s not necessarily true. Maybe we have a third choice." Li Luoyang looked at the people with a smile: "brother Shi Xiu, how many meters is the shore from the cargo ship fleet?"

"Hundreds of meters away, brother Luoyang, you don\'t want us to swim there? The soldiers on the shore can easily see us, or you want to swim to the cargo ship in the dark? I advise you not to do so, because the cargo ship passing by during the day will pass through the water transport point when the water transport point is opened for one day. There are no ships going to other places on the river at night. One day is enough for us to go there Hundreds of ships left the water transport point in Lingnan, so there were no cargo ships on the river at night. "

When the sun rises and sets, the water transport point will be opened, and the ships will leave smoothly through Lingnan without any stop. If Li Luoyang wants to swim to the ships on the river under the cover of night, it is impossible, because no cargo ship will pass through the water transport point at night.

"I didn\'t say swim."


"I\'m going to dive."

The crowd took a breath, Chaijin swallowed his saliva and whispered, "brother Luoyang, to tell you the truth, we can\'t compare with the Ruan brothers in water. Even if the Ruan brothers are here, it\'s difficult to sneak hundreds of meters in the fast flowing river, not to mention us?"

The Ruan brothers are naturally the best water-saving people in Liangshan. Even when they come, they can\'t guarantee that they can successfully sneak so far. It\'s not that they don\'t have this ability, but that the rapidity of the river will make the sneakers use greater strength to fight the river. In this way, the oxygen consumption will naturally increase. Chaijin doesn\'t think anyone here can successfully sneak so long.

Li Luoyang looked at the crowd with a serious face: "I want to ask you, how many breaths do you need to sneak this distance?"

"At least five breaths."

"How about I give you more than ten?"

"Brother Luoyang, what do you mean? Breathe ten breaths underwater? Don\'t be kidding, I don\'t have gills." monk Hua shook his hands desperately. In his opinion, Li Luoyang may have hallucinations because of too much pressure, or he may be crazy.

The crowd looked at Li Luoyang puzzled, including Wu Xinyi holding Li Luoyang\'s hand. Wu Xinyi even touched Li Luoyang\'s pulse to make sure that Li Luoyang was not abnormal.

With a smile on his face, Li Luoyang whispered, "answer me. If I can make you breathe more than ten mouthfuls of air in the water, can I sneak smoothly to a cargo ship 100 meters away?"

"That\'s nature."

"OK, there are two days left. I need to avoid the six doors and let you look for something. First, mutton tripe, pig tripe and ox tripe, second, reed stem, and third, hemp rope."

"Brother Luoyang, what are you doing with these things? These things can give us underwater breathing?" Chaijin looked at Li Luoyang puzzled.

Li Luoyang smiled and said: "Mutton tripe, pig tripe and Ox Tripe have good sealing performance. So far, these things are the only things that can be sealed. I need to thoroughly clean these things and add some herbs to make them more flexible. In this way, I can hold more air. If all the broken holes are closed with hemp rope, I can get an air bag filled with air, and then insert the hollow reed rod into the small mouth left in advance , you can get the air in the air bag by breathing through the reed rod. "

The crowd stared at Li Luoyang, Chaijin bit his lips and said slowly, "but, but that thing will float."

"Hold the stone, sink to the bottom of the river and walk on the riverbed."

"You\'re a fucking god man. You can think of such a way?" Lin Chong couldn\'t help cursing. He didn\'t expect Li Luoyang to sprout such an idea. After a simple combination, these things that usually look insignificant have become another practical thing.

In this era, there is no tool to compress oxygen, and the air in the sheep belly can not meet the requirements of underwater breathing, but at least it can provide a few breathable air, which is enough for a group of people to sneak into the cargo ship. As long as they reach the vicinity of the cargo ship, they have countless ways to climb onto the cargo ship.

Chai Jin said excitedly at this time: "brother Luoyang, since we have a way to get close to those cargo ships, why don\'t we find a way to find the ship to Luoyang? In this way, I will save a lot of trouble."

"If you have the confidence to go to Zhou Ren and steal the cargo ship certificate, I will naturally be happy to take the cargo ship to Luoyang and return directly." Li Luoyang is also willing to save trouble. Isn\'t it easy to return directly to Luoyang City.

Lin Chong patted Chaijin on the shoulder, then smiled and said, "brother, I\'ll go with you. Luoyang brothers have worked for us for so long. We might as well let him relax and take a boat to Luoyang City and send Luoyang brothers back directly."

"No problem, I\'m sure we can\'t steal anything." Chai Jin laughed, and so did others in Liangshanpo. Taking a boat to Luoyang City can not only avoid many troubles on the road, but also make Li Luoyang easily reach his destination. This is the only thing they can do for Li Luoyang.

Li Luoyang smiled and saluted Lin Chong and Chai behind him: "please bother you two."