Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 945


What what happened to Lin Chong\'s face on the wooden plank door and his teeth? "Why is it so? Why do six people suddenly join us? Before any investigation or the execution of the six doors, all the six doors keep close at home. But just now, Huang Wen said they took over the responsibility for us in Ling Nan City. What happened?"

The people in Liangshanpo were fidgeting in the blacksmith\'s house. According to their plan, Zhang Qiong died, and the only person in charge became Li Guo. Li Guo naturally stood on their side, and they also arranged a reasonable evacuation route. They had done everything Li Guo could do. Li Guo even arranged his vice captain to escort them away, but I didn\'t expect that at this critical time, This happened.

Li Guo\'s responsibility was seized by six doors.

Li Luoyang frowned and slowly said with tea: "it\'s almost, it\'s almost. If we go to Xicheng gate earlier, it doesn\'t make any difference to us who the person in charge of Lingnan will be after we leave." Li Luoyang was also very upset at this time. If they went to Xicheng gate earlier, it wouldn\'t happen that they would be trapped in the blacksmith\'s house again.

Hearing Li Luoyang\'s words, monk Hua grabbed Li Kui\'s collar and said fiercely, "Damn it, it\'s your fault. Your boy had to go to some toilet when we left! We would have left if it weren\'t for your boy\'s toilet time!"

Li Kui reluctantly pushed monk Hua away: "I, I didn\'t expect this to happen. I thought that anyway, brother Li Guo covered us. We can leave anytime and anywhere. Who the fuck knows that the people of the six doors will suddenly appear!" Li Kui also blamed himself. Indeed, when everyone was ready to leave, he went to the toilet. It seemed like a small thing, But it did waste a lot of time. If there was a supplement to this period of time, Li Luoyang would have left smoothly with the people of Liangshanpo.

"You\'re still sophistry!" monk Hua rushed to Li Kui again. Wu Song took a long gun in both hands and stabbed it out quickly. The tip of the gun just stopped not far from the throat of monk Hua and Li Kui: "Now is the time to make trouble? If you two want to die, go out and fight in the street, then the six door forces and soldiers in Lingnan city will become your audience. I declare in advance that if you are caught or killed, we will never take revenge!"

With Wu Song\'s warning, they went to the corner of the room and stopped talking. The calmest Chaijin sat at the wooden table and looked at Li Luoyang: "brother Luoyang, what shall we do now?" This matter was formulated by Li Luoyang and the evacuation plan of Li Guo and Li Luoyang brothers. Now the evacuation plan obviously has flaws. The intervention of six doors has exceeded expectations. Chaijin naturally wants to know how Li Luoyang can deal with it next.

"We can\'t act rashly for the time being. At this time, the city gate is closed, and six people are arranged at the city gate. We rush into the city gate, and the consequences are unimaginable. I\'m waiting, waiting for Li Guo."

Li Luoyang knew that no one expected that things would develop like this. Li Guo, who has lost his command, will find a way to come to the blacksmith house to discuss with them.

"Why did the six doors suddenly intervene?" Wu Xinyi also sat beside Li Luoyang with a puzzled face. Looking at Li Luoyang with an iron face, Wu Xinyi didn\'t know why she suddenly felt a heartache. During this time, Li Luoyang was carrying too much, too much pressure that didn\'t belong to his age. Whether he was kidnapped by Liangshanpo or helped rescue Huarong, Li Luoyang was alone. Those Liangshanpo People are useless thugs. Everything depends on Li Luoyang.

Looking back on the first time I met Li Luoyang, the ugly Li Luoyang didn\'t attract Wu Xinyi\'s attention at all. Wu Xinyi didn\'t know why the Wu family asked her to protect a child. But with the deepening of contact, Wu Xinyi found that Li Luoyang was different, beyond the maturity of age, beyond the talent of the times, stable and capable mind, and every move was transparent Showing her domineering and regal momentum, Wu Xinyi found that Li Luoyang was different and slowly began to observe carefully. Now, she has begun to feel heartache for the pressure of Li Luoyang.

Li Luoyang lowered his head and said solemnly: "Blame me for this incident. I didn\'t think about it clearly. I neglected it. That\'s the antagonistic relationship between the six doors and the barracks. Killing Zhang Qiong, the whole tribe of responsibility has been on Li. A whole south of the Five Ridges has become a Li has the final say during this period. Li Yue is a barracks. Six doors will not naturally see south of the Five Ridges\'s command. The power fell into the hands of a barracks man, so at this time they stood up to take back the responsibility of Lingnan city. They were originally the six doors of Lingnan city. They should have taken over the responsibility of Zhang Qiong. I was negligent. "

Looking at Li Luoyang\'s remorse, Wu Xinyi held Li Luoyang\'s hand tightly and whispered, "you\'ve done well. Don\'t put pressure on yourself."

"Yes, brother Luoyang, you have done very well. If it weren\'t for you, we would have been calculated by brother Li Guo at this time. Brother Huarong would also be executed in advance, and we would be in prison. You have done very well." Chaijin sighed helplessly. He knew that if Li Luoyang didn\'t exist, they wouldn\'t have a chance to save Hua Rong. The people in Liangshanpo saw Li Luoyang\'s efforts. At this time, they all felt some heartache when they looked at Li Luoyang\'s tired appearance. Li Luoyang almost didn\'t close his eyes these days. For his age, the pressure is really not small.

Li Luoyang smiled: "hehe, don\'t look like you owe me. Aren\'t we brothers? Since I promised Wu Yong\'s request, I will fulfill my promise, save Hua Rong and take you back to Liangshanpo safely. I believe you will help me if I encounter difficulties in the future."

"Of course!"


The people of Liangshanpo stood up one after another, patted their chest and shouted loudly. Looking at the heat and determination in their eyes, Li Luoyang smiled. He knew that his plan to win over Liangshanpo was a complete success. Now there was only how to take the people of Liangshanpo to leave Lingnan City safely.

Now the situation in Lingnan city is many times more complicated than before. Although the merchants\' Federation has not intervened and stopped its activities in Lingnan City, the government is much dimmer because of the lack of Zhang Qiong, but I didn\'t expect that six doors appeared, and they accepted the responsibility for this action, He led the originally headless government soldiers to carry out another platoon of them in Lingnan city.

Li Luoyang knows that the plan to leave Lingnan city is imminent.