Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 94

"What a little slick."

Wu Xinyi yawned. Of course, it was under the veil that others couldn\'t see. The farce at the gate of Liao\'s courtyard can no longer attract him. If she can, she hopes Li Luoyang can write two stories to relieve her greed.

"A mere Zhangjia is certainly not an opponent. I don\'t see it." Zhu Donghe seconded. They quietly went down the roof, just as they went up quietly, without lifting a tile or disturbing a melon crowd.

Of course, Li Luoyang still wants to go to the Yamen. He wants to see how Zhang Xiaohua performs. At the same time, he also wants to see Liu Ting\'s attitude on this matter.

In the courtroom, Liu Ting sat behind the table in the official clothes. Seven feet away from the table, Li Baoshan and Zhang Xiaohua were waiting anxiously. Outside the gate of the county government, there were people and melons brought by Li Baoshan.

"Get out of the way, get out of the way!"

Zhang Jiong roughly drove away the crowd, while Li Luoyang passed calmly. Some melons who already knew some of the situation waved to Li Luoyang and cheered Li Luoyang one after another. Few believed what Li family villagers said - are you kidding? A teenager has contact with green forest figures? You think Lvlin is a store opened by Li Luoyang, and his father is the shopkeeper?

"Thank you, thank you."

Li Luoyang looks more like an important figure protected by Zhang Jiong and other yamen servicemen. His style makes Zhang Jiong\'s straight file teeth look back. He secretly asks if you are arrogant for a while.

"Suspect Li Luoyang to ~"

After entering the lobby, Zhang Jiong explained the task with his voice, so he quickly stepped aside according to the rules and looked at the venue.

"I\'ve seen the magistrate."

Li Luoyang smiled and arched his hand to Liu Ting. Although Liu Ting was inconvenient to smile, he looked at Li Luoyang with soft eyes. After a slight jaw, Liu Ting raised the startled wood and knocked it gently, "the bitter Lord and the defendant are here, and they will be promoted."

There is no shouting of "power" or "corruption". Those are the pomp of film and television works. In fact, there are so many things managed by a county government. Who can be idle to that extent? Besides, it\'s just a preliminary trial. If it\'s not a dead person, it can even be regarded as a coordination meeting. We\'ll make it clear that the matter may be over.

"My Lord, Zhang Xiaohua, a civilian woman, sued Li Luoyang for conspiracy to kill my family."

Zhang Xiaohua is smart. When she comes, she takes the lead. She is afraid that she also knows that she needs to use more Kung Fu in the court. She doesn\'t know whether she rubbed her eyes hard before she came. At least she looks like a heartbroken person. Before Li Luoyang spoke, Li Baoshan also followed up and bowed to the county magistrate, "my Lord, Li village zhengbaoshan can testify for Zhang Xiaohua. The man who murdered Li Pingwu was invited by Li Luoyang."

"Li Luoyang, do you have something to say?"

Compared with the two sides in the court in the film and television works, there is no such brilliance in the real yamen trial. However, the two sides put forward their own statements and list the evidence, and finally the county magistrate sentenced them. If one party refuses to accept the result, it can also appeal, but the first thing is that you need someone, money and background.

If there are no three personnel, then honestly follow the adult\'s judgment, otherwise it must be you who suffer.

"My Lord, the grass people certainly have something to say." Li Luoyang also saluted Liu Ting first. He had to be polite. Then he turned around and glared at Zhang Xiaohua and Li Baoshan, "this is slander!"


"How dare you deny it?"

Zhang Xiaohua and Li Baoshan reacted very differently, but they didn\'t find Liu Ting frowning. He just asked Li Luoyang to speak, but they didn\'t let Zhang Xiaohua and Li Baoshan speak. They undoubtedly disrespected him. What Chinese people pay attention to is mutual respect, especially in officialdom. Although Liu Ting\'s official rank is not high, these places are still very important.

Facing the roar of Zhang Xiaohua and Li Baoshan, Li Luoyang did not give in, but did not refute. He just observed Liu Ting\'s reaction with the rest of his eyes.

"You little bitch without father and mother, you can\'t learn well without discipline. You have close contacts with those green forest people. Who doesn\'t know Li Jiacun? Your brother killed my son at the beginning, and now you kill my husband. Your family are all villains and will be punished!"

"Li Luoyang, I didn\'t mean you. You used to be a bit of a character, but you haven\'t learned well since you left our village. I heard that you still write strange books in the county and city. If you don\'t study hard to serve the emperor and the court, you know that you can get into the eyes of money. Are you right about your dead father?"

Because neither Li Luoyang nor Liu Ting spoke, Zhang Xiaohua and Li Baoshan were very happy. They didn\'t find that Liu Ting\'s face after the table was getting worse and worse. Moreover, even if they saw it, they would think Liu Ting\'s anger was directed at Li Luoyang.

"Shut up!"

When Liu Ting\'s roar made Zhang Xiaohua and Li Baoshan\'s spittle stars fall to the ground. They could not hide their faces and looked at Liu Ting, who was staring at them with a black face.

"Are you deaf? Didn\'t you hear me tell him to speak?"

"Sir, I\'ll wait." Li Baoshan felt a little wronged. He heard this sentence, but just now it was Li Luoyang who stopped talking. He didn\'t mean to rob Li Luoyang\'s lines.

"What are you waiting for? Even if Li Luoyang has finished, have you given me a chance to speak? Have you heard me tell you to speak? I have no respect for elders. If you are not nianer, you should beat your board!"

"Please calm down, my Lord. It\'s my mistake. Please calm down." Li Baoshan swallowed a mouthful of saliva and quickly bent down and bowed to apologize. Zhang Xiaohua originally refused. She was used to being domineering in Anning County, but Li Baoshan didn\'t dare to let her play at this time and couldn\'t help winking at her.

"Hum, if you commit it again, you will be forgiven. Li Luoyang, are you finished?"

"My Lord, since coming to Anning County, the grass people have always abided by the law and discipline. They study hard in the county and never delay their studies. Hu Jiaoyu and all teaching assistants can testify for the grass people. It\'s slander for the grass people to communicate with the green forest people. I hope you can see it clearly."

"Well, OK." Liu Ting stroked his long beard under his jaw and turned to Li Baoshan, who was still dull and nervous, "what else do you have to say?"

"My Lord, Li Luoyang is very cunning. Please don\'t listen to him."

"Yes, when the villain killed my husband, the civilian wife heard him say that Li Luoyang hired him because of those land deeds." Zhang Xiaohua nodded with Lin Baoshan, but she leaked her mouth in a hurry. Originally, she didn\'t want to mention the land disputes between Li Pingwu and Li Luoyang. Unfortunately, she didn\'t control her mouth for a while.

"Title deed?" Liu Ting did not miss this important detail. There is no love or hate for no reason in the world.