Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 919

At this time, Li Luoyang has returned to the blacksmith\'s house with the people from Liangshanpo. Monk Hua and Li Kui sounded the secret signal on the wooden door. After entering the blacksmith\'s house, they came to Li Luoyang. Li Luoyang looked at the two wet people: "how? Zhang Qiong\'s body has been handled?"

Li Kui smiled and rolled up his sleeves: "hahaha, we\'ve all handled it. We didn\'t find big stones everywhere. I and the monk jumped into the river with Zhang Qiong\'s body and tied the body to the stones at the bottom of the river to ensure that the guy\'s body won\'t float in a short time."

As long as Zhang Qiong\'s body is not found during this period, when Li Luoyang and Liang shanpo leave, and when Li Guo\'s crisis is relieved, it will not help that Zhang Qiong\'s body reappears. The longer the body appears, the longer it can be explained to Li Guo to the court. Therefore, Li Luoyang specially ordered them to sink the body to the bottom of the river anyway.

"OK." Li Luoyang turned to look at the crowd and said seriously, "now we only have to leave Lingnan city. When we went out to kill Zhang Qiong, my brother has come to the blacksmith\'s house and told Wu Xinyi the plan for our evacuation. Now let Xinyi tell you."

Wu Xinyi sat beside Li Luoyang and said slowly, "brother Li Guo has left Ye Yu at the west gate of Lingnan city. Ye Yu will meet us there. Li Guo has given her the token and she will take us away." Wu Xinyi put the package at her feet on the table.

"These are the soldiers\' clothes prepared by Ye Yu and Li Guo for us. After we change them, we leave our weapons here. Then we disguise as a military camp to look for our soldiers and move to the west gate. Ye Yu will meet us there."

Li Luoyang smiled and said to the crowd, "do you remember? Now go and change into the clothes and trousers of the soldiers in the barracks and get to the Xicheng gate before dawn."


The party immediately returned to the inner room with the soldiers\' clothes, leaving only Li Luoyang and Wu Xinyi. After they left, Li Luoyang put a thick stack of silver tickets in front of Wu Xinyi: "these are the silver tickets I promised you before."

Wu Xinyi is not polite. After all, she also wants to expand the Wu family after the money. The Wu family has been living in seclusion in Baiyun Mountain and living a self-sufficient life. Although there is no problem with food and clothing, it is also a problem for them who lack money to expand the family. At this time, Li Luoyang gives her a lot of money. I believe it can bring great benefits to the Wu family.

"I\'ll take it. It\'s not only the salary to protect you this time, but also the reward for the novel I wrote for you." Wu Xinyi had been writing novels before and didn\'t receive a penny. This is also an excuse for Wu Xinyi.

Looking at the smile on Wu Xinyi\'s face, Li Luoyang said slowly, "you should protect me. I remember correctly. It\'s Wu Tian\'s order. As for novels, you didn\'t make money. In addition, you want to write, you like to write, and I didn\'t force it. Why should I pay you? Take it and give yourself so many excuses. What\'s polite between you and me?"

"Men and women are different. Don\'t you know? I take your money and I\'m not related to you. I have to have a story. If it comes out, others will laugh at me."

"No relatives? You\'re playing my wife now."

Wu Xinyi stared at Li Luoyang and then grabbed the meat on Li Luoyang\'s arm: "remember, just play!"

Li Luoyang endured the pain, bit his teeth and said fiercely, "let go. If you don\'t let go, I will perform the affairs between husband and wife. Believe it or not, I will do you today!"

Wu Xinyi increased the strength of her fingers. The meat on Li Luoyang\'s arm had turned red: "dare you."

Li Luoyang immediately got up and rushed to Wu Xinyi. Wu Xinyi didn\'t expect Li Luoyang to be so bold. She dared to attack herself, even ignoring so many people in the inner room. Wu Xinyi kicked Li Luoyang in the abdomen, kicked Li Luoyang off, and then began to fight back.

Li Luoyang had to curl up in the corner with his head and desperately cry for help. Lin Chong and others who changed their clothes rushed out of the inner room with weapons in their hands. They were not used to standing aside and watching the play until they saw Wu Xinyi beating Li Luoyang violently.

After a while, Wu Xinyi was also tired. After stopping, she went to the inner room alone with the last barracks soldier\'s clothes. Li Luoyang squatted in the corner with a bruised nose and face, looked up at Lin Chong and others: "why don\'t you help me!"

"Luoyang brothers, it\'s hard for honest officials to stop housework. Besides, we don\'t dare offend Miss Xinyi at all." Lin Chong and others are really afraid of Wu Xinyi. The girl knows the secret of Liangshanpo. If the route of the natural danger road of Liangshanpo is leaked, Liangshan will not have a stable life in the future. Compared with Li Luoyang, although he is smart, at least so far, Li Luoyang doesn\'t know the route to Liangshan yet. For the people of Liangshan Park, Wu Xinyi is naturally more terrible than Li Luoyang.

"Ungrateful guy." Li Luoyang sat at the wooden table and rubbed his pain. During this time, his martial arts didn\'t improve much, but his ability to fight has improved significantly.

Bao Zheng was the only one who didn\'t change his clothes. He came to Li Luoyang. Li Luoyang asked suspiciously, "Bao Zheng, why don\'t you change your clothes? I promised to take you out of Lingnan city. What are you hesitating about?"

Bao Zheng said without any scruples: "Mr. Li, Bao Zheng has thought about it. I\'m here to separate from you. Bao Zheng\'s current identity is just a small fugitive and he doesn\'t bear the name of any felony. At this time, Lingnan city won\'t care about me. Zhang Qiong is dead and I\'m safe, so I don\'t want to leave with Liang Shanbo."

Li Kui immediately opened his eyes and said, "you guy, what do you mean, look down on our Liangshanpo people?"

"Brother Li Kui misunderstood. I respect your behavior of acting for heaven, but I\'m just an ordinary people. I definitely won\'t join Liangshan and walk with you. Naturally, it will increase the trouble for you and me. Since I\'m safe now, childe Li has completed his promise to me. Bao Zheng will remember this human feeling all his life."

"Are you sure you won\'t leave with us?" Li Luoyang was still a little disappointed. He had thought of a way to keep Bao Zheng by his side. At least if there was a smart and trustworthy person around him, Li Luoyang would be much easier.

"No, I feel sorry for what childe Li said. Now the imperial court is fatuous and incompetent, and treacherous officials are in charge. As a child in the middle of the country, I must find a way to reverse it. Even if it\'s a drop in the bucket, at least I\'ve tried to change it. I want to go back and get fame, so that I can have a chance to enter the imperial court. When I have an official position, I must have a clean air, refuse to allow personal affairs, and return it to the people impartially The prosperous imperial court. "

Looking at Bao Zheng\'s firm eyes, Li Luoyang smiled without hesitation: "don\'t worry, I unconditionally believe you will do it." others don\'t know. Don\'t Li Luoyang know what kind of official Bao Zheng will be in the future?