Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 909

In the Yang family\'s backyard and in Yang Zhen\'s bedroom, Yang Zhen clenched his fists and flushed his face. He laughed wildly and said to Yang Yanwen and uncle Yang who had just returned: "good! Ha ha, ha ha, good! I didn\'t expect Yan Wen to be inferior to the tribe in front of the headquarters of the merchant Federation. It\'s really a tiger father without a dog."

Uncle Yang, who had just returned, told Yang Zhen the story in detail. When he heard uncle Yang say that Aunt Hong wanted to kill Yang Yanwen three times, Yang Zhen pinched a sweat for his daughter. Fortunately, they all resolved. Finally, when he heard the other party\'s request, Yang Zhen almost laughed and vomited, Where did he want to get the person in charge of lingnancheng merchants\' Federation and a person from the headquarters? He was teased by Yang Yanwen.

"Dad, it\'s not over yet. I\'ll discuss it with Uncle Yang on the way back. Uncle Yang will leave our house during this time."

Yang Zhen looked at Uncle Yang suspiciously: "why?" since uncle Yang came to the Yang family, he has never been far away. Even if Yang Zhen went out with Yang Yanwen, uncle Yang also stuck to the Yang family. He didn\'t understand why Uncle Yang left the Yang family for a period of time.

"Sir, it\'s like this. Miss Li is worried that her cooperation with Childe Li Luoyang will be retaliated by the merchant Federation in the future, so she wants me to go back to the green forest to select trustworthy people for training and improve the strength of our Yang family, so as to avoid something happening at that time. We can\'t protect the lives of our partners or report to the Yang family."

After listening to Uncle Yang\'s words, Yang Zhen nodded again and again: "Yan Wen\'s worries are all reasonable. Lao Yang, you have the key to the vault. How much money do you need to take it yourself? The secret training of manpower can\'t be carried out in Lingnan city. In this way, you can buy a manor nearby. There is your future place. I will often take Yan Wen to see you."

For Yang Zhen and Yang Yanwen, uncle Yang is a person who can be trusted completely, so uncle Yang has all the big and small things of the Yang family, even the key to the Yang family\'s vault.

"Master, when I settle down, I will come back and report our position to you. It\'s just that during the period when I\'m no longer here, master and miss, you should take care of yourself." Uncle Yang\'s eyes are a little wet. No wonder, after all, he has never been separated from Yang Zhen and Yang Yawen and went out alone.

Yang Zhen patted uncle Yang on the shoulder and said with a smile, "Lao Yang, you\'ve worked hard these days. Go and have a rest first. The sooner it happens, the better."

"Well." Uncle Yang turned and walked to his bedroom. Yang Yanwen smiled and said to Yang Zhen, "Dad, I\'m going to have a rest, too."

"Wait." Yang Zhen came to the door and looked around. The Houjiang gate closed.

Looking at her father\'s mysterious appearance, Yang Yanwen whispered, "father, what\'s the matter?"

"Yan Wen, your good husband is serious."

"What, what a good husband, you mean Li Luoyang?" Yang Yanwen immediately reacted. Yang Zhen wanted to tell him about Li Luoyang.

Yang Zhen sat at the wooden table, smiled and said to Yang Yanwen, "after you left with Uncle Yang just now, a guest came to my father\'s bedroom. He told me something about Li Luoyang. Do you want to hear it?"

"Of course!" Yang Yanwen said without hesitation. She immediately rushed behind Yang Zhen and put her hands on Yang Zhen\'s shoulders.

Yang Zhen raised his mouth slightly. He beat his shoulder with his fist and said slowly, "Oh, this man is old and his shoulder hurts."

Yang Yanwen gave Yang Zhen a white look, and then began to massage Yang Zhen\'s shoulders.

"Comfortable, come on, this way."

Yang Yanwen slapped Yang Zhen on the back and said angrily, "Dad, do you say it or not? You\'re happy with your daughter!"

"Look, I\'m worried about you. If he appears in front of you, don\'t you even recognize your father?"

"You... Don\'t say it, don\'t say it." Yang Yanwen got up and went outside the door. Yang Zhen smiled and said, "after you and uncle Yang left, the person who came to me was Lin Chong."

As soon as she said this, Yang Yanwen was stunned and stood at the door like being hit by five thunders: "you, you mean Lin Chong of Liangshanpo? He, he brought the news of Li Luoyang? Why did he know Li Luoyang? How did he know the news of Li Luoyang? Did he..."

"If Lin Chong hadn\'t told me these news, I really don\'t believe it. Your wishful husband is talented and intelligent. He is the leader of the rescue of Huarong in Liangshanpo. He is the candidate personally selected by Wu Yong, the military division of Liangshanpo."

"No!" Yang Yanwen\'s eyes widened to the limit. She never thought that Li Luoyang would have something to do with Liangshanpo\'s action in Lingnan city.

"I really appreciate this boy more and more. I have made such achievements at a young age. In the future, you must be among the dragon and Phoenix. Your choice is right. Marrying Li Luoyang as a father is in favor of both hands."

"Daddy! What are you talking about? By the way, why did Lin Chong find here?"

"It\'s not Li Luoyang yet. He found your uncle Yang\'s trace. He was worried that uncle Yang\'s gang would be bad for them, so he sent Lin Chong to follow uncle Yang and finally came here."

"Follow uncle Yang? Didn\'t we ask Uncle yang to follow Zhang Qiong? Are they following Zhang Qiong, too? That\'s when we found uncle Yang."

"Yes, I didn\'t think of it."

"Why should they follow Zhang Qiong? At this time, they should avoid Zhang Qiong and the soldiers in the barracks and find a way to leave Lingnan city. Why should they appear near Zhang Qiong?" Yang Yanwen dragged her jaw and began to think about it. But after thinking for a long time, she didn\'t know why Li Luoyang and Liang Shanbo did this.

Yang Yanwen looked up at Yang Zhen and asked seriously, "Dad, did Lin Chong tell you how Li Luoyang plans to leave Lingnan city?"

"No, why? You\'re worried that your ideal husband is trapped here and wants to help him?"

Yang Yanwen said slowly, "now the gate of Lingnan city is closed, and people are looking for them everywhere. If I stay here for more than one day, he will be more dangerous. If I can know his plan to leave Lingnan City, I can find a way to help him secretly. In this way, I will have a much greater chance of success."

Looking at Yang Yanwen\'s worried appearance, Yang Zhen reluctantly said, "my daughter, don\'t worry. I believe Li Luoyang has his own plan. Besides, Lin Chong didn\'t tell me how they want to leave Lingnan city. It\'s no use worrying here. I can warn you that you\'d better not act rashly. If you make a fool of yourself, you may hurt him."

Yang Yanwen took a deep breath and nodded: "Dad, my daughter knows, but I didn\'t expect him to be involved in such a thing. Is he also from Liangshanpo?"

"That\'s not true. Lin Chong said that Wu Yong arranged Wu Song and monk Hua to kidnap Li Luoyang and let him participate in and direct the rescue operation."

Yang Yanwen stared at Yang Zhen with a big mouth: "kidnapping... It seems that Li Luoyang is also forced and helpless. I really want to hear what happened to him when I have a chance."