Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 906

"Please come in." yijixiang\'s time was just right. Aunt Hong opened the door. Yang Yanwen took a deep breath and walked into the room. She knew very well that it was like waiting for the other party to announce her destiny. Life or death was in the hands of others. Either the other party agreed, she retired after success, or she was in a different place after the other party refused.

Both Yang Yanwen and Yang Shu know that intoxicating wine has no meaning for them at this time. At most, it is only a witness to the brilliant history of the Yang family.

As soon as Yang Yanwen sat down, Huang Ying smiled and said, "Miss Yang, we already have the answer."

Yang Yanwen clenched her fists nervously. Although she maintained a calm smile on her face, sweat had fallen on her forehead: "I don\'t know the result of your discussion..."

Huang Ying raised her mouth slightly and said with a smile: "Miss Yang, you know that businessmen are based on good faith. If our merchant Federation wants to manage so many businessmen well, it naturally depends on good faith. You also know that we established a cooperative relationship with corundum Zhang Yue and promised him to help him become the son-in-law of the Yang family. Today, you come and give us the intoxicating secret recipe. Let\'s not help Zhang Yue get the jade pendant. This is not to break our faith with Zhang Yue Months? "

Hearing Huang Ying say so, Yang Yanwen is ready to die. Uncle Yang on the side is biting his teeth and staring at Huang Ying and aunt Hong. He nervously looks at the window behind Huang Ying and aunt Hong. That is his planned escape route, but he doesn\'t want to leave Yang Yawen here alone. He has already regarded Yang Yanwen as his daughter when he watched Yang Yanwen grow up But for the sake of the Yang family and Yang Zhen, uncle Yang knew he had to follow Yang Yanwen\'s previous plan.

Just when Yang Yanwen and Yang Shu were ready, Huang Ying\'s voice sounded again: "however, we are very willing to complete this cooperation with the Yang family. Everyone wants the secret recipe of intoxicating wine. To be honest, our merchant Federation also wants it, so I\'m in a dilemma. Do you have any conditions for us to make an appropriate decision?"

The stone in Yang Yanwen\'s heart has fallen to the ground. She knows that Huang Ying can say so, which means that things still have a turn for the better. As long as she can provide appropriate conditions, they will naturally choose to break their promise to Zhang Yue, but Yang Yanwen doesn\'t know what conditions she can come up with to satisfy them. The intoxicating secret recipe is that the Yang family relies on it most. Even this thing is given to them, she said I really don\'t know what else to take.

"I don\'t know what else you want? You also know that the biggest secret of my Yang family is already in your hands at this time. Do you want me to hand over the title deed of the Yang family\'s estate? If so, it\'s hard to obey." after thinking about it, only the Title Deed of Yang Zhen\'s estate is the most valuable thing for them.

"Don\'t worry, we won\'t take advantage of the fire. In fact, what we want is very simple..." Huang Ying stood up and said to Yang Yanwen with a smile: "if you can promise that the Yang family will not produce intoxicating wine from today on, I will promise your conditions and stop assisting Zhang Yue to find the jade pendant."

Yang Yanwen stared at Huang Ying in amazement. She didn\'t expect that the conditions proposed by the other party were so simple. When she handed over the secret recipe, she never thought that she would produce intoxicating wine in the future. Unexpectedly, the other party mistakenly thought that she was just sharing intoxicating wine with them.

Looking at Yang Yanwen\'s expression, aunt Hong whispered to Huang Ying, "Miss, it seems that the girl didn\'t expect us to put forward such a request. I can\'t accept it for a time."

Huang Ying smiled confidently: "of course, she is a smart person. She knows that we are cutting off Yang\'s wealth. Now it depends on her choice."

Yang Yanwen wanted to laugh wildly at this time. She wanted to laugh at the other party because she was too cute, but she understood that she had to show puzzled and unwilling emotions at this time, so as to explain how difficult the other party\'s conditions were: "Girl, you asked our Yang family to stop brewing intoxicating wine. Didn\'t that cut off our source of customers? Our Yang restaurant now points to some old customers who are intoxicated. Without intoxicating wine, they won\'t come. How can the restaurant maintain without guests?"

Yang Yanwen instantly realized the intention of the other party\'s action, but for her, these were originally things to be abandoned. At the moment of handing over the intoxicating wine, she didn\'t intend to continue to produce the intoxicating wine. At this time, Li Luoyang\'s cooperation is particularly important. If Li Luoyang doesn\'t come to lingnancheng to start cooperation with the Yang family, there will be no intoxicating Yang family However, she can persist for a period of time, but this period of time will not be too long. At this time, Yang Yanwen only hopes that before the closure of the Yang restaurant, Li Luoyang can come to Lingnan city as promised to start their cooperation. Only in this way can all the crises of the Yang family be completely resolved.

Yang Yanwen is also gambling. She is gambling on Li Luoyang\'s character. She gambles almost the whole fate of the Yang family on Li Luoyang. If Li Luoyang keeps the appointment, the Yang family will be saved. If Li Luoyang breaks her promise, the Yang family will go to the end bit by bit like Huang Ying\'s plan, and eventually become the object of acquisition by the business people\'s Federation.

"Miss Yang, the secret recipe for intoxication has been given to us. Even your regular customers will enjoy this wine in Fengyue building or Yihua building. Your competitiveness is almost zero. Are you still struggling with the last hope? Just let you stop producing intoxication, you can also study other new drinks before bankruptcy. As long as you can succeed, I believe The Yang family can still be saved. "

"Study new drinks? Compared with aunt Hong, it is clear that for so many years, my grandfather and my father have taken me everywhere for so many years to find new tastes and brew new wine. However, after so many years, we have achieved nothing. Will we succeed in a short time?"

At this time, Yang Yanwen\'s heart is secretly laughing, new wine? That\'s natural. As long as the cooperation starts, the wine in the Yang family is not new, but it will definitely surpass the existence of intoxication. The rumors and taste of immortality intoxication have already far exceeded intoxication.

Uncle Yang was also in a good mood. He didn\'t expect the crisis to be resolved. The other party\'s request was originally the condition they paid. When they handed over the intoxicating wine, the Yang family planned not to produce any more. It seems that the other party didn\'t understand enough.

Looking at Yang Yanwen\'s unwilling face, Huang Ying smiled: "well, we also give Miss Yang a time to think about incense. After all, it is related to the future of your Yang family. Whether to bet on the development of a new wine or let Zhang Yue get your Yang family\'s jade pendant and become your husband and Yang\'s son-in-law, the choice lies with you."

Huang Ying got up and looked at Aunt Hong. She said with a sly smile: "aunt Hong, accompany me to the kitchen and bring Miss Yang some drinks and snacks. Whether the cooperation is successful or not, Miss Yang is also our guest. We should treat her well."

Aunt Hong smiled, "yes."