Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 904

Yang Yanwen got up and took uncle yang to the door. After aunt Hong closed the door, uncle Yang whispered to Yang Yanwen, "Miss, you\'re too risky. Aunt Hong almost wanted to kill you three times. The first time was outside the overflow building. I believe the thugs in the door were ready for the debate between you and her for Xiaoqing at that time."

Looking back on the dozens of killers who had just entered the Yihua building, Yang Yanwen also felt cold in her back. She knew that if the contradiction with aunt Hong intensified further at that time, it was estimated that those killers would rush out to attack herself and uncle Yang at the first time.

Uncle Yang continued: "the second time is the momentum that you and she didn\'t give in just now. If there was no appearance of that woman, neither of you would give each other steps. Aunt Hong would surely kill you."

Yang Yanwen nodded and then uncle Yang said, "the third time is just now. When the woman appeared just now, I felt the killing intention on Aunt Hong. Maybe she didn\'t expect that the woman would show up on her own initiative and subconsciously thought that I, an outsider, would divulge the news from the headquarters of the merchant Federation."

"Yes, I have investigated the merchant Federation for so many years. I can hardly find the relationship between other people and the merchant Federation except a red aunt. I didn\'t expect that the people from their headquarters came back to Lingnan this time. Miss, do you think it has something to do with Hua Rong?"

Yang Yanwen shook her head and whispered: "It shouldn\'t be possible. I\'ve never heard of any contact between the merchants\' Federation and Liangshanpo. Moreover, they have been hidden in the dark. If they participate in Huarong, they may expose their hearts and plans. Therefore, I don\'t think the people from the headquarters are for Huarong. Maybe they have other plans. Uncle Yang, if you can retreat this time, you\'d better let dad be careful when you go back, The headquarters of the Federation of businessmen will send people to Lingnan. Something will happen in Lingnan. If not, it\'s the best. If so, we must be fully prepared. "

Uncle Yang nodded hard, then turned his head and looked at the closed door: "Miss, do you say they will agree to our conditions?"

"It\'s hard to say. Didn\'t you listen to Aunt Hong\'s words just now? The condition for agreeing to us is to lose faith in Zhang Yue. They have just begun to cooperate. Losing faith in Zhang Yue may be counterproductive, and the hard established cooperative relationship may break. It depends on whether they are intoxicated or Zhang Yue."

Yang Yanwen helplessly looked at more than a dozen people in black in the lobby on the first floor of Yihua building: "if they agree, everything will be fine. If they don\'t agree, I believe I can\'t get out of the gate of Yihua building with you today."

Uncle Yang nodded and whispered, "I understand that they won\'t let us go. Killing us can not only keep the secret that they helped Zhang Yue kill Zhang Qiong and frame Liangshanpo, but also get an intoxicating secret recipe. The only thing to bear is the anger from the master, but even though the master has excellent martial arts, it is obviously impossible to deal with the merchant Federation alone."

"Listen to Uncle Yang, nine times out of ten we will die here this time?"

Uncle Yang looked at Yang Yanwen firmly: "Miss, I will try my best to get you out of here."

The corners of Yang Yanwen\'s mouth rose slightly: "Uncle Yang, I appreciate your kindness, but I think the best choice is for you to leave alone. It shouldn\'t be difficult to leave here with your martial arts. But if you take me, it\'s estimated that we will all die here. After you leave, go back and inform dad immediately and ask him not to avenge me for the time being. Everything will be discussed after Li Luoyang starts cooperation with us. Remember."

"Miss! I can\'t leave you here alone."

"Uncle Yang, this is the best way. Instead of two people dying here, it\'s better to escape one by one. Someone must go back to the black father to report. I\'m more worried that my father will be impulsive and want to avenge me. Now I\'ll find the trouble of the merchant Federation. That\'s just an egg hitting a stone. There\'s no good end. If Li Luoyang\'s cooperation with us has begun, the Yang family will start selling immortals , the merchants\' Federation will certainly be hit hard. Almost all the customers in Lingnan city will become the guests of our Yang family. That\'s the biggest blow to them. "


"Well, uncle Yang, it\'s decided like this. Remember, tell Dad not to be impulsive and don\'t ruin big things because of me." Yang Yanwen has considered the retreat at this time. In her opinion, it is unlikely that the other party will agree to his request. As Yang Shugang said, as long as aunt Hong kills her, she can not only ensure the secret of blaming Liangshanpo, but also get the intoxicating secret recipe. Why not.

Looking at more than a dozen attendants in the lobby on the first floor, Yang Yanwen whispered to Uncle Yang: "Uncle Yang, now start looking for a suitable escape route. Obviously, the first floor can\'t. their people have surrounded the whole first floor. It seems that you have to leave from the second floor."

Uncle Yang shook his head and sighed. He knew that what Yang Yanwen had decided had never changed: "Miss, according to your plan, if aunt Hong really plans to do it, I will leave from her room window, which is the most direct and safe. As you saw just now, there are only two people in her room. Although we don\'t know how the people in the headquarters are good at martial arts, I\'m confident to leave under both of them, miss... There are only two people in each other. Why don\'t you let me Try to take you away. "

"As you said yourself, you don\'t know the strength of the people in the headquarters. If she is strong, your hesitation may lose your life. Forget it. Act according to my plan and leave alone."

Yang Yanwen firmly grasped the fence on the second floor with both hands and stared at the closed door on the first floor: "What I\'m most worried about now is that Zhang Yue will come back. At that time, our plan may fail. I\'ll take advantage of Zhang Yue\'s absence and ask them to promise our conditions first. When he comes back, it\'s estimated that Aunt Hong won\'t promise us in front of Zhang Yue. After all, they have just established a cooperative relationship. Aunt Hong needs consolidation, not dishonesty."

Uncle Yang whispered, "calculate the time, Zhang Yue should be almost there, but Zhang Qiong is not a fuel-efficient lamp."

"I hope Zhang Qiong can buy us more time before she dies. If Zhang Qiong can kill Zhang Yue, it will be interesting. What should the merchant Federation do then? If Zhang Qiong is abandoned and Zhang Yue is lost, aren\'t their chess pieces gone?"

Uncle Yang said reluctantly, "Miss, it\'s unlikely. Zhang Qiong\'s soldiers have fallen, leaving him alone. No matter how strong his martial arts are, he can\'t equal the more than a dozen businessmen\'s Federation, and they also know the array. I don\'t think Zhang Qiong has the physical strength to support it, let alone the chance to get close to Zhang Yue."

Yang Yanwen smiled and then said, "I just expect a miracle. Do I have to worry that the jade pendant will fall into his hand after killing Zhang Yue?"