Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 851

"Dong Dong Dong..." there was a knock at the door. Just by knocking at the door, Wu Xinyi and the people in Liangshanpo heard an obvious gap. Before, when the soldiers went to the neighbor\'s house, they were not so gentle. The knock sounded like a direct hit at the door. At the door of the blacksmith\'s house, the knock seemed a little gentle.

"Coming." the blacksmith got up and went to the door. After opening the door, he didn\'t even look at the soldiers outside the door. He returned to his wooden table and continued to drink tea. The soldiers with the team came to the wooden table alone with a smile, while the other soldiers stood motionless at the door.

"Dad." the soldier with the team sat next to the blacksmith with a smile on his face. The title was beyond everyone\'s expectation at the bottom of the bed. They didn\'t expect that this guy was actually the blacksmith\'s son.

The blacksmith lit a dry cigarette and looked at the soldiers with a serious face: "do you still know to come back? It\'s been more than a month. There are no people alive or dead. I thought your boy has gone to hell. What? Do you want to wait for me to starve to death here and come back to bury me?"

"Pooh, Pooh, Dad, we don\'t say such unlucky words."

"Unlucky? The government ordered that the blacksmith house could not sell any ironware for a short time. What do you think your father lives on?" when he first came to Lingnan, Li Luoyang learned from the mountain bandits that he could not carry any weapons into Lingnan City, and all blacksmiths in Lingnan city were not allowed to sell any ironware during this period, which was also to ensure the safety of Huarong incident, But I thought something had happened.

The soldier took out some silver from his arms and put it on the table: "Dad, didn\'t I say that? Lingnan city is not peaceful these days, and the government is forced to do so. Wait, wait a few days, and you will be able to open the door when things are handled. You always take the money first."

Don\'t say, this guy is still a little filial piety. After all, filial piety was the most basic quality in that era.

The blacksmith grabbed the broken silver on the table. Even though he couldn\'t see the small money at all, he still put the money in his arms as usual. In doing so, he didn\'t want his son to see the flaw: "how many days to wait? I heard something happened in the prison and Hua Rong was taken away. Is it true?"

The leading soldier looked at the blacksmith helplessly: "Dad, why are you still so curious? I said, it\'s a secret."

"Don\'t give me any secrets. Everyone in Lingnan city doesn\'t know that Huarong was saved by Liangshanpo. Why did you tell me to keep it a secret?" the blacksmith raised his cigarette pole and hit the soldier on the head.

The soldier smiled and said, "yes, my son knows he\'s wrong. Now that you know everything, what else do you ask?"

"Of course I want to know who came to Liangshanpo?" the blacksmith looked at the soldier curiously. At this time, his son knew his father better than anyone who knew who was coming to Liangshanpo. He even knew that there was another Wu Xinyi in the team to rescue Huarong. It is estimated that no one except him would know about these news. The reason for asking is that the blacksmith needs to maintain his usual attitude with his son, He was worried that his son would see the flaw and expose the position and identity of Liangshanpo people.

The blacksmith promised Wu Xinyi so readily, not only because of the ten thousand Liang silver notes, but also for his son. If the soldiers led by him found the existence of Liangshanpo people, the blacksmith knew that his son would be killed, so he agreed to Wu Xinyi\'s request. He only wanted to avoid the Liangshanpo people being found and get ten thousand Liang, And you can save your son\'s life. Why not.

The soldier looked at his companions outside the door, then covered his mouth and whispered, "Dad, don\'t inquire. It\'s not good for you to know more. Those people in Liangshanpo kill people without blinking. If you meet them and have no time to run, it\'s good for you to still inquire about their identity, so you\'re not afraid to get into trouble?" The soldiers who led the team knew that the Liangshan heroes who killed without blinking an eye in his mouth were in the inner room less than three meters away from him.

At this time, as soon as the soldier finished speaking, he got up and went to the inner room. The blacksmith was worried and asked, "what do you want to do?" his heart beat faster and prayed silently. He was really worried that his son would check here.

The soldier took off his clothes and pushed open the door of the inner room: "I haven\'t changed my clothes for a few days. My body stinks. I fought with those fugitives in prison and my whole body was wet with sweat."

The soldier stood by the bed, naked. Under the bed, Wu Xinyi turned her head to one side and blushed.

After changing his clothes, the soldier left the inner room. The blacksmith finally breathed a sigh of relief. However, as soon as the soldier sat down, he waved to his companions outside the door: "come in and check."

Before the soldiers entered the house, the blacksmith slapped the soldiers directly on the head: "inspection? Do you suspect that there are Liangshanpo people in my house?"

The soldier put his head in his hands and said helplessly, "Dad, it\'s all the rules. Let\'s go through the motions. I know you can\'t hide them here, but I also want to explain to my brothers and let them see."

The blacksmith stood up and looked at the soldier outside the door. "What? Do you want to see it?"

The soldiers laughed: "no, no, the captain\'s home naturally doesn\'t need to be checked."

The blacksmith turned and looked at his son, "you useless thing, not as smart as your brothers. If I hid those people, wouldn\'t I bother you? Why? You just want your father to kill my family? You\'ll be punished for hiding prisoners?"

"Son doesn\'t mean that. Don\'t be angry."

"Roll, roll, let you tell me the identity of those Liangshanpo people. If you don\'t tell me, you still suspect that I\'ve hidden prisoners. Your boy\'s brain is in water? If I hide Liangshanpo people, why do I need to ask you who they are?" the blacksmith\'s move is hard to get, so that the soldiers in charge have no doubt at all.

"Dad, calm down and I\'ll take them away." the soldier got up and prepared to go outside. The blacksmith took a deep breath and thought silently that he had saved his son\'s life at last.

The soldier just took two steps and stopped again. He turned and looked at the blacksmith: "Dad, stay at home these days. Don\'t open the door for anyone except me. I\'ll come back when things are over."

Looking at the worry in the soldier\'s eyes, the blacksmith raised his mouth slightly and said with heavy emotion: "when this thing is over, you don\'t be a soldier and come back to live a good life. My father met a large family and gave me a lot of deposit to work in his house. Enough money."

The soldier nodded hard: "I know, father."

The blacksmith has been worried about his son\'s safety during the prison robbery at Liangshanpo. Since he has 10000 Liang, he naturally doesn\'t want his son to work in such a dangerous job. This is also the concern of a father.