Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 832

At this time, the quarrel in the prison yard had just ended. Li Guo and Zhang Qiong agreed to deal with the prison task first. But just when they were going to take people into the prison, there was a commotion in the prison channel. Then Li Guo and Zhang Qiong watched the dark crowd pouring out of the channel.

"Special! Kill!" Zhang Qiong rushed into the crowd with a long knife. He recognized at a glance that these guys were ordinary prisoners held by him. Unexpectedly, the people of Liangshanpo released these guys. Looking at the crowd rushing out of the passage, Zhang Qiong thought these guys were going to avenge him.

Li Guo grabbed Zhang Qiong: "these are just ordinary prisoners! There is no criminal record of local justice, and you will cause public resentment!" these prisoners have only committed some minor crimes, which is not enough to be executed. Li Guo is worried that Zhang Qiong\'s behavior will cause public anger and the people will be dissatisfied with the court\'s practice, and he is more worried about the complaints of the people, No longer support the imperial court and turn to Manichaeism. Manichaeism needs people who oppose the imperial court to join. Zhang Qiong\'s behavior will only promote this atmosphere.

Zhang Qiong turned her head and stared at Li Guo fiercely: "are you stupid? Those guys may be mixed in here. Are you going to let these people go? Maybe your decision will let Liangshanpo people go!" this is not that Zhang Qiong\'s IQ is online, but that he makes excuses for his behavior.

But Zhang Qiong\'s words inadvertently reminded Li Guo. Li Guo immediately said to the soldiers and Zhang Qiong\'s people: "everyone seal the door and don\'t let any of them out. If they rush through the Customs by force, there will be no amnesty!" Li Guo was worried that Zhang Qiong\'s words were Liangshanpo\'s plan. After all, so many people ran out in disheveled hair and couldn\'t see their looks, Li Guo was also worried that the people of Liangshanpo would mix with these mortals, so he decided to trap everyone in the courtyard and check them one by one.

When dozens of prisoners rushed out of the passage, they were surprised to find that there were so many soldiers in the courtyard, but things had developed to this point. They didn\'t want to give up. Especially after seeing Zhang Qiong kill the prisoners, dozens of prisoners began to riot. People with long guns rushed to the crowd immediately, and there was an immediate battle between the soldiers and prisoners.

At this time, Li Guo walked to the passage alone. His purpose was very simple. He went to the prison to observe. If he did not find the people in Liangshanpo, it showed that there was his goal among the prisoners. If the people in Liangshanpo were still in prison, he would order the soldiers to release the prisoners immediately, so as to avoid losing physical strength and strength and public anger.

As soon as Li Guo entered the entrance, he saw several soldiers in guard uniforms running towards him. The first soldier panted and lowered his head and said to Li Guo, "the people in Liangshanpo are killed! Get out quickly!" the first soldier passed by Li Guo and left the entrance smoothly. This is Li Kui.

Then monk Hua carrying Hua Rong passed by Li and said, "find someone to save him. He was hurt by the people in Liangshanpo!" according to Li Luoyang\'s instructions, no one looked up at Li Guo around him and rushed out of the channel with their heads down. After all, Lin Chong still had the brand left by the government on his face. Anyone can see Lin Chong\'s identity at a glance.

Taking advantage of the chaotic situation, Li Kui, the first to come out, began to get into the crowd, and soon got into the crowd of soldiers. The flower monk with Hua Rong ran out directly to the gate, looking like looking for help for his injured companion on his shoulder.

Lin Chong quietly sneaked into the crowd. Chaijin and Wu Song also came to the soldiers respectively. They left directly from the gate with a few arrows. At this time, no one knew that Li Luoyang, who finally left, was caught by Li Guo.

In the prison passage, Li Luoyang was going to leave in disguise like Lin Chong and others, but he didn\'t expect that when passing by Li Guo, he was caught by Li Guo\'s collar and thrown into prison. Li Luoyang, who was lying on the ground, walked to Li Luoyang and said with a murderous face: "My soldiers will only fall on the battlefield and won\'t run away! I didn\'t expect you to disguise as my people, but you are still negligent. My people won\'t be a deserter like you just now."

Seeing his men escape from the passage, Li Guo didn\'t react at first. Suddenly he realized something, so he stopped Li Luoyang, the last one to leave.

Lying on the ground, Li Luoyang frowned and dared not look up, because that would expose his identity. Since he came to Lingnan, Li Luoyang has been hiding his identity. He is worried that after the east window incident, the imperial court will issue a wanted warrant for him. At that time, he may even implicate his mother and Li Guo in the military camp. Therefore, Li Luoyang is very clear that this task is not only to Keep your life and hide your identity. Under no circumstances can you be seen, let alone the captain of the military camp team.

Li Luoyang whispered, "it\'s not good for you to leave me alone."

"One is enough! They have left, but they have no ability to leave Lingnan city. Since you are with them, you must know your foothold. I just have to ask you." Li Guo is well aware of the current situation. Although those Liangshanpo people have successfully left the prison, they can\'t leave Lingnan city. They are likely to hide somewhere in Lingnan City, and the people left by him must know their foothold. As long as they find the foothold, Li Guo can catch all the Liangshanpo people.

Looking at Li Luoyang, who squatted on the ground with his head down and didn\'t answer, Li Guo was on alert at any time with an iron bar. He knew that whether Lin Chong or anyone else, he had to deal with it carefully. When Zhang Qiong finished dealing with things outside, he could support him, but at this time, Li Guo needed to determine the identity of the other party.

"Look up!"

Li Luoyang didn\'t answer. He touched the dagger behind him, ready to find the time to assassinate.

Li Guo saw that Li Luoyang\'s hand moved slowly, so he opened a little distance: "I advise you not to act rashly, I warn you again, raise your head!"

Li Luoyang didn\'t expect that the guy in front of him was so cautious. He just touched the dagger behind him, and the other party was aware of it. He opened a certain distance, making him lose the power of instant attack. Facing the other party\'s warning, Li Luoyang was at a loss.

The iron bar slowly reached Li Luoyang\'s jaw. Li Luoyang\'s face was blue and his heart beat like a clock. With the lifting of the iron bar, Li Luoyang also slowly raised his head. When he saw the man at the other end of the iron bar, Li Luoyang was stunned.

Li Luoyang was stunned at this time. Naturally, there was Li Guo with an iron bar.

The two brothers looked at each other, and time seemed to be still. They wiped their eyes at the same time, shook their heads, and looked at each other. They still fell into silence. After a long time, they said in unison, "shit!"